Chapter 21

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We quickly zoomed the last few miles to the base just outside of Washington D.C., in Alexandria. I throttled off and let the train coast, dropping speed slowly from 23mph as we entered the base's railway yard. "Can't wait to explain this to Sargent Major...," Peyton groaned. Staff flooded from the building next to the platform as I blew the horn. I applied the brake as we came to the end of the platform and flipped a switch, opening all the carriage doors. Peyton stood up, as did I and he was the first to climb down from the cab.

I climbed down and as I turned around, I was met with hand grabbing my cheeks and lips meeting mine. I was taken aback and froze quickly, before realizing it was Channing. I relaxed, and my arms wrapped around his neck deepening the kiss for a minute.

After a second, he pulled back and asked, "What happened?"

"We caught Troy," I smiled.

His eyes bugged. "You're kidding, you caught him? Holy shit!"

"That and we got the shit shot out of us at Earls Landing, a huge fight over in Metropark that lasted till Delaware, a tunnel exploding and stupid junctions," I added.

"Why is it that whenever you come in contact with a train, something happens to it to make it blow up or something," he sighed sarcastically.

"This is your fault! Before this, I was taking the train to work n back without no problems... well, there was the occasional attempts of mugging and power failures, BUT ATLEAST THEY DIDN'T EXPLODE!"

Channing erupted in laughter and from the corner of my eye, I could see some furs walking over. I turned, and it was Peyton and Timothy behind Rowan, Ross, Louise and a fur much larger than Timothy, in a dark green suit and cap. I pulled off Channing and rose my head. "I presume you're Baskin Desiro," his voice was low and gruff.

"Correct sir," I said, a little meekly.

"Well... I never thought that a civilian would catch one of the worlds most wanted criminals... but you proved me wrong," his face was austere.

"I mean... It wasn't only me but..."

He waved his paw, signaling me to silence. "For destruction of governmental property, being supernatural... and endangerment of some of my troops, I should have you arrested... but I have been told ... and proved, that everything aside from being supernatural is on the rail company. You and your friends will be reimbursed for today and on behalf of USSIDA, we thank you. Though – you can't go quite yet, we need t to talk to you and your friends about the events of the past few weeks."

I nodded, and they led us inside where the same thing that happened in Long Island happened, we were split up and sent to different rooms where we informed them on every little detail that happened. Everything was cleaned up and we met in the main foyer. There was a trial against Troy scheduled for next month now that we finally caught him. "Donna, Rowan, Nikita, where would you like to go?" They abruptly looked at each other, but Rowan was the first to speak out.

"West Palm Beach, Florida, I have a business transaction that I need to complete." A guard nodded, and Rowan, along with Ross, disappeared with him into an elevator.

"Vermont," Nikita said.

"My family," Donna replied. Two guards took the girls away, so it was only me, Louise, Peyton, Channing, Timothy and the fur who I presume is the head of them all were left.

"Can I go back to Reston," I asked.

"Actually Baskin. Because of your abilities, though they aren't considered illegal by any current documents or laws – bills, we can automatically assume that the rest of the world won't be happy to find out the United States has a citizen who is ... supernatural. We are willing to talk to the U.N. about it, and also offer a job. You were in the field with no training at all and managed to get everyone here... somewhat unharmed. It'd make the U.N. probably happier and sound that we are monitoring you closely, rather than having you followed around by a bunch of men every day. If you want to keep it a secret, after you have training, you'll be assigned to a special force, only they and us will know about it," Timothy replied.

I paused taking it all in. I looked at Channing, who had a blank expression, then to Peyton who had an encouraging smile. I looked back at Timothy.

"You don't have to make it now, but you have until the U.N. comes up with a decision about it," he said. I nodded and he, the head of them all turned and walked away. I stood there, in between Channing and Peyton. Taking this job meant I couldn't rave anymore, meant I couldn't live the life I wanted for so long... but it meant Channing... This is probably life telling me this is the next step in maturing right? I had already had my decision.

"Wait!" They both turned around, looking at me. "I'll do it..."

A few days later, Rowan arrives at the scene of where he had accidentally had the mother shot... He walked into the building and up to where the room was. It still had caution tape all over the door. He turned to the door across from it and knocked on it. A few mutters were shouted and after a moment of banging from inside the apartment, the door opened. An old chipmunk stood there, a big smile on her face. "Good evening sonny. What brings you here?"

"Yes... I'd like to know where the cub that used to live across the hall is? I need to talk to him," Rowan replied.

The old chipmunk paused, she looked like she was thinking. "... Erm. Oh! Oh? Oh! Oh – oh – oh – oh – oh! Levi! Poor cub... lost his mama. He's in the system now. Building's about two blocks over," she replied.

"Thank you. Have a good night ma'am," he said softly. The old chipmunk nodded, and Rowan quickly found his way over to an adoption center. He walked up to the front desk, where the fur behind the counter smiled.

"Hi! How can I help you today," she squealed?

"Yes, I'm looking for a bear cub, goes by the name Levi," he replied, twiddling his hooves.

The fur looked down at her computer screen and typed something in real fast. "Levi... Oh! Here he is. Levi, Panda, signed in a few weeks ago, mother's deceased and father's missing. You a family friend?"

"Um... you could say that. I'd like to adopt him," he replied.

"Aw! For his mama? That's so sweet."

"Sorta... I did something – by accident... and when he gets to the age where he asks where his real parents are... I wanna be the one to tell him."

Le end. :3

Run for It (Sequel to 'A Crush or a Friend')Where stories live. Discover now