Chapter 14

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 "BLUE! RELAX!" Nikita cowered as I sparked. 

 "Relax Baskin, she's not here to hurt you and your friends," Vilar said. Channing held me back. I didn't want to listen to Vilar or them, I wanted to get back at her for leaving me for dead. 

 "What is she doing here?" "I've come to warn you." "About what, how much of a traitor you've become?" 

 "No... I'll explain the snake thing in a moment-"

 "-So that was real?" 

 "Yea, ANYWAYS, you guys have to get state side now, Troy is furious, and he sent me to come kill you guys, but honestly I don't want to, and I want to keep my family safe... I need your help." 

"Ok, why, you left Blue for dead?" 

 "On purpose for two reasons. One, because Troy said so, and two because I knew the snake would go after him... and that he'd get his powers," she said. 

"How could you know?" 

 "Because in my spare time, my husband and I began studying reptiles and myths about them for fun, you have what's called the 'Spirits of Brazil', it's usually passed to other snakes or sometimes, their predators, or anyone who is capable of defeating them, I made it give it to you... indirectly because he wanted you dead first and you were the easiest to get a hold of," she said. "I know that's not much of a reason to trust me, but I will do whatever, but first we have to go, you can toss all my gadgets and stuff, so you know I'm not leading them on," she finished. There was a brief moment of silence before Donna said, 

"I think we should give her a shot." 


 "-Baskin, she's our friend. She also has a family. If your dad was taken and you had nowhere else to go, what would you do?" She stared me down. I grunted. 

 "Fine," I shook my head and walked down the plane, past her and into my dorm. 

 "I'm just gonna... excuse me," Rowan said and pushed past them. I slammed my door shut and sat on my bed, putting my face in my paws. 

"This can't be fucking happening." My door opened, and I looked up. 

 "I'm just here to talk," Rowan said. 


 "What was that," he asked. 


 "How you treated Nikita." 

 "Rowan, dude. You cannot stand there and tell me you can justify blowing someone up, kidnapping them and then trying to feed them to a snake. There is no way," I said. 

 "Actually... he can," Vilar said. 


 "What's Vilar telling you," Rowan paused. 


 "Maybe we can... ask? Ask Nikita why she did it?" "I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to talk to her about it. I want to get home, and pretend this never happened." 

 "You can't just ignore what's going on," Rowan said. 

 "Oh yea, and how come you're so calm? Huh? I could be in a python's stomach right now because of her." 

 "But... you're not. As of the past week. You've been in several explosions, several train scenes, gave a kid vodka, recreated speed, pretty much gave James Bond a new idea for a movie, and you're sitting here trying to turn it into a soap opera. Baskin, you're lucky you mean anything to me. Grow up. Stop acting like a five-year-old." With that cleared, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I laid back on the bed and stared at the wall. Thoughts were blasting my mind. I couldn't tell if I was mad at myself, for acting like a Child. Maybe I was mad at Rowan because he blasted me like that. I'd never seen him get so... angry. 

The door creaked open again. I didn't budge. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I was beyond livid. "Hey Baskin... I'm sure I'm the last person you want to talk to, but I need to talk to you, try and clean the bad blood I've caused," Nikita said quietly. 

"There is nothing you can say, just go away," I snapped. 

 "What if I told you I knew you'd get these powers?" "I'd say you're lying... wouldn't be new." 

"Actually, she's not lying," Vilar chimed. 

 "I'm guessing there is a little voice in your head that is telling you that I'm not lying, isn't there?"  

"How did... did Donna tell you," I grunted, sitting up and facing her. She merely shook her head. 

"I know because I've studied this all before." I rose a brow. She couldn't possibly be telling the truth. She's like a mini-superstar. "After I married, we bought a pet. It was a non-anthro Black Mamba. I became interested and started researching and studying why some reptiles were and anthro and why they weren't. Eventually it just grew to a full-blown study of snakes. I was studying the pythons and other vipers in South America, specifically Brazil. I started with mythology and found El espíritu de los cuatro poderes. Or, in English, the spirit of the four powers. It typically is a spirit that is transferred between snakes during birth and species between biting. If the mate of the current possessor is, like, a regular being, you'll get a color guard, or someone who has only one of the four swirls. This is obviously said to be a myth but as you know it's not." 

"Ok... so... how did you know that the snake that had these.... Powers was in Florida at the time? And if you knew about it, why didn't you just have it bite you?" 

"I knew because when the snake that possesses it is ready to mate, it gives off a worldwide vibe attracting snakes of all sorts to its location. I found a massive uproar of snake attacks and abnormal snake sightings in the Everglades area. When I arrived, I found species of snakes that I thought would never even touch the Floridian coast. I didn't have it bite me because I didn't need the powers, and I don't need them... When Troy had me kill you, in exchange for the life of my family, I knew that I had to get you the powers. While he would think you were dead, you'd come back so much more powerful... you could stop him... before he does hurt anyone else. Baskin, you should know, that no matter what I do, to me or to you, I do it because I care, and I'd never hut you unless I knew there was a loop hole... like now... I just wanted to explain myself, try and clean things. I don't expect you to trust me now or ever... but I am on your side," she said. I was looking down at my feet. I was trying to comprehend what she was talking about. She sighed, stood up and walked to the door. 

"I'm going to give you time..." With that, she walked out, closing the door gently behind her.

Woot woot, that's done, erm, sorry it's taken muah so long to upload, i've been phasin in n out of writers block and bleh. Should troy get arrested or killed :3????

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