Chapter 6

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The snakes' fangs sunk into my arm. "OW! HELP!" Its eyes flashed white and I felt myself paralyze. A course of red, yellow, blue and green swirls began to appear all over my body. My eyes turning a bright green and blue.

The next morning, I find myself on the same platform, Troy standing next to me. I had a coffee in my paw. I wore some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I sipped my coffee and the horn of the commuter train sounded and rolled in, cab car leading. The doors opened and Troy looked at me. "After you." I quietly stepped aboard. I hadn't confronted him about what Rowan had told me last night, though I had planned on confronting him about it on the train. We grabbed a seat and the train started off. "So, we're picking up Rowan's model?" "Yea... I should text him, let him know we're on our way," I replied pulling my phone out.

M: Hey dk if ur still ZzZz, but Troy n I are on the train and we're going to get your model, should be there roughly before noon.

~Last night~

"Doesn't ring a bell... ok, the guys are tailing me, I gotta go." "Excuse me sir," a voice said from behind Rowan. Rowan ignored it for a moment and pretended not to hear the voice. A paw grabbed his shirt and yanked him around. "OW! ... What... how are you...," Rowan said, his eyes growing large at the fur in front of him. "Wait what? Rowan? ... Rowan...," Baskin said. Rowan tapped his phone, ending the call. "We gotta go, now," the fur said. Rowan nodded, not being able to muster up a word. He couldn't believe his eyes. The fur lead him further into the crowd till they got to the loading dock.

There stood your typical Cadillac SUV. The fur opened the door and they jumped in. "Drive! Take us to the safe house!" The drivers paw hit the gas and they roared out of the loading bay area, swerved through traffic and into the right lane. Up ahead, the gates were going down for a lengthy rock train that was doing about forty miles per hour and decreasing for the station bypass limit. "Hang on," the driver smirked. Rowan looked between the driver and the fur. The driver shifted gears, slammed on the brake and turned the wheel sharp, making the SUV turn and slide under the gates. The driver shifted the gears again and floored it to the highway.

They arrived at the safe house, it was a small house in Lantana, just off of I-95. "Right so, um, you have some explaining to do," Rowan cheered sarcastically. "Not now... in the morning I'll explain everything," the fur yawned. "Take the bed in the back." Rowan, unsatisfied that he was going to have to wait for an explanation, walked to the back room without a word.

The next morning, the fur kept his word and explained to Rowan somethings. "So, I got Donna's family to a safe house in Harburg, Donna's here with me, she's safe at another refuge over in Wellington. I'm trying to get in touch with my parents but they're off doing God knows what, I can't find Nikita, I got your sisters and family to a safe house in Augusta, Maine, I got Blue's dad there too... but I can't find Blue." "So, wait, a gun touting fur, who didn't make it into the secret organization. with you is killing off everyone who did get in with you and everyone they love," Rowan checked. "Mhm... He managed to kill off three furs who made it." "What's his name?" "You wouldn't know him..." They both jumped when Rowan's phone began vibrating. "You brought your phone?!" "Sorry! I forgot I had it!" Rowan quickly slid it out of his pocket and read the notification. "Well, I found Blue," he said. "Where?" "He and this Troy Lackawanna guy are heading to Miami." The fur turned around, eyes coated in fear. "Lackawanna?" "Yea? He said he was my head assistant. I know any Lackawanna's, and I'm fairly certain I know of all who work directly for me." "Sh-shut up. You're right. You don't know him. I know him... that's the one who's been killing us off... Did Blue ever describe him to you?" "Last night, he said he was 'big and handsome and green hair'," Rowan replied.

Run for It (Sequel to 'A Crush or a Friend')Where stories live. Discover now