Chapter 12

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I stopped the car in front of the park and Stephen got out. I handed him the paper with my cover info and said, "I'm a DJ tonight, here, channel four," I said handing him a spare earpiece. He nods and scans it over before handing the paper back and putting the earpiece in. He shut the door and walked off whilst I floored it back up the way to the hotel.

Later that night, Rowan and I quickly changed into some slick clothing, not, I was wearing black shorts, again, a green t-shirt and sunglasses. Rowan was using one of his general business suits and we headed down to the park.

"Are you ready to go up? You're on in ten minutes," "K." "Did you remember the earpiece sir," Vilar chimed. "Yea," I smirked and slipped it in.

Meanwhile, Channing, Louise and Johunta were in a nearby warehouse. "Make sure all cameras within a two-block radius come through these computers," Channing said. "Aye boss." "Um, Channing, we got a problem..." "What is it Johunta?" "I just sent out a radiation detector, massive amounts are coming from the park area." "Can you center the source?" "I can try. Give me a second ... and ... It's coming from the stage." "It might be the fireworks and such, go check it out," Channing said. Johunta nodded and left. Louise was staring down her computer screen like it was prey, her eyes bouncing from box to box, scoping through the crowds and vehicles of which were presented.

Johunta used the night and the surrounding shrubbery to hide himself as he navigated towards the stage. With the current DJ's closure, he said, "Grazie Naples!" Those words fading, the base drop arose and the crowd began shouting. Johunta found a service entrance and slid in. "Channing, I need you to try and pinpoint exactly where the radiation is coming from." "Right, give me a sec," Channing said trying to zoom in. "It's not showing properly, but it's coming from around the DJ booth." Johunta moved in and slid past some security. He could hear stomping from above. He was getting close to the booth.

The previous DJ ended and I walked onto the stage. "Hello-a Naples! Are-a you ready-a to party," I shouted into the microphone, testing out my Italian accent and hooking my laptop up to the mixing board. The crowd erupted in screams and I put my paw up. "It's-a simple-a babies. When the-a base-a drops, I-a want to see-a your hands!" I began the first build up and began to count down with my paw. "UNO! DUE! TRE! JUMP!" The speakers nearly exploded as the base dropped. Furs were bouncing and paws, hooves and claws were flying through the air. Golden confetti shot up from the stage and steam rocketed from the gantry above.

Johunta closed in on a crate, that as he drew closer, began to receive a headache. "I think I found it," he said with a grunt. "You ok," Channing asked. "No. I'm feeling..." His voice faded as the radiation knocked him unconscious. "Johunta... Johunta!" His earpiece went static and Channing became worried. "Um, boss, problem." "Bigger than Johunta being possibly dead?" "Yea, Troy and his men are closing in, two blocks from the south side," Louise said. "AW COME THE FUCK ON!" "Right, what do we do..." "Divert them, do something, we gotta buy time to get Johunta, Blue and Rowan all out along with the crowd," Channing said and began to get into his suit. "What're you doing?" "The suit is also radiation and shark proof. Suit, change to hazmat uniform," Channing replied and ran out. Louise sighed and said into her earpiece, "Rowan, Baskin, do either of you copy?"

Rowan was busy talking to some more people asking about my "career", his earpiece in his hove. "Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you- are you- are you- are you- are you- are you- are you- are you- are you ready to fucking drop like-," my words cut short as neon lights soared over the crowd. I didn't realize it but my earpiece began to slip out of my ear.

"Baskin... ROWAN! GAH! YOU IDIOTS! PUT YOUR EAR PIECES IN," she said, changing every traffic light and doing everything she could to stop the approaching convoy. Channing ran through the area and came up on where Johunta was knocked out. The radiation was very high, it even began to give Channing the headache. He cracked open the crate that he believed was emitting the radiation and before him, he pretty much saw Armageddon. Two minutes were on the timer and counting down, barrels of uranium and C4 were hitched up to the timer. "SHIT! LOUISE! FORGET TROY AND HIS MEN! THERE IS ENOUGH EXPLOSIVES TO TAKE OUT HALF THE CITY! GET EVERYONE OUT! NOW! NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW!" "ALRIGHT! Alright," Louise yelled back. Channing grabbed Johunta and ran out from under the stage.

"ROWAN! ROWAN, ROWAN, ROWAN," Channing yelled running out and onto the backstage. "Woah... who are you," Rowan said, his eyes bouncing between the producers and Channing. "Fuck the covers, it's all blown. We gotta get everyone out of here, NOW! There's a device under the stage that will take out most of the city and Troy's men are in bound, take Johunta and get everyone out, I'm going to try to disarm it," Channing angrily whispered and handed Rowan, Johunta. "WAIT WHAT?!" "SH! DO IT!" With that Channing ran back downstairs and Rowan began looking left and right, not knowing at all what to do.

I began the next drop incline. "BITCHES ARE YOU-A READY?!" With those words echoing beyond the stage, the base dropped, fire exploded from the stage, steam rocketed from the overhead gantry, I was jumping and paws were bouncing all throughout the crowd. "STOP! GET OUT," Vilar yelled.

"QUICK! CALL IT OFF! CUT THE POWER," Channing yelled into the earpiece. "I'm trying! Troy's men are working against Donna and I!" "God dammit Blue, put your earpiece back in." "Let me see you shake 'dem titties, pop 'dat pussy do the ramp!" Neon lights soared throughout the crowd and steam shot from the gantry once more.

00:05... 00:04 ... 00:03

"EVACUATE THE CROWD," Ross shouted. Rowan quickly pulled the plug and the park went dark, the only sound was the sound of dimming shouts as the music stopped. I looked over at Rowan and was about to gesture 'What the hell', but I was sent flying in a fiery inferno as the stage erupted. Screams bellowed and I hit my head, everything going black, screams, screeching tires and sirens all I hear... until it faded.

"BASKIN! ... BASKIN!" I felt lips press against mine, my body numb and pain surging through me. My eyes shot open, Channing, in a tight hazmat suit, was kneeling down next to me, Rowan, covered in scorch marks and scrapes, holding an unconscious Johunta, Stephen and Louise along with some paramedics staring down at me. Above was a normal night sky, but the sound of sirens, cries, crackling fire and bending metal filled my ears. "Are you ok," Channing asked. His eyes, big, not moving from me. "Every...everything hurts," I said quietly. Channing pulled me up and held me close, causing me to grunt in pain. "I told you to get out," Vilar said softly. "Yea, yea," I sighed. "Give me a second," Vilar chimed. My blue swirls began up and an aura began around me. "Woah, what's happening to him," Stephen jumped. "Just give it a second, Rowan said. Stephen backed up a little and the aura disappeared after a moment and I felt a little better. "What. The. Fuck." "It's a long story," Channing said.

"What happened to you out there? We were screaming into our earpieces for you to stop. Why didn't you?" I blinked and felt in my ear. It was gone. "It's not there... just like my dream... it must've fallen out when I was jumping..." "You had another dream?" I nodded. "Every dream you have, I want you to run it by me, you understand," Channing snapped. I nodded again quietly. "Easy on him, this is only the second time his dreams have come true." Channing was about to reply when Louise, who was looking at her tablet, said, "Troy and his /men turned a block from, they're heading into a hotel..." "They did this," Channing grunted. "I will get them." "You don't have time for that, stick to the mission, we have to get Johunta, Stephen and your friends state side as soon as possible," I hear Ross's voice chorus through their echoing earpieces. Channing grunts in response and picks me up. "I can get up on my own, I got down there the same way I will get up, without you," I sassed, a headache brewing as I pushed myself to my feet. I looked around, the park was almost in total ash, the city was ok. I looked to Channing who said, "I might've exaggerated out of fear."

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