Chapter 15

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By the next morning, specifically by the time I woke back up, we weren't too far from home. I slid out of bed, the events of last night still zooming about my head. I stretched and slid into the suit.  

"Morning Blue," Channing said quietly as I emerged from my bunk and into the main cabin. 

"Morning... Where's Nikita?" 

 "She's still asleep." 

 "Oh, ok," I sighed. 

 "We're a few minutes from LaGuardia airfield, from there we have an armored escort to Manhasset, Long Island where our H.Q. is, and they'll have you guys briefed, questioned and then escorted down to D.C. to be held until we can capture Troy... or atleast get rid of him," Channing stated. 

 "I thought your H.Q. was in D.C.?" 

 "That's what I thought until I was pulled off my train in New York for training, they then had me swear secrecy about the actual location. USSIDA is one of our countries top organizations, a lot of people would love to find out where we actually work," he replied walking into the hallway. I took a seat in one of the empty chairs. Rowan was sitting in the row across from me, he was working on a laptop, the USSIDA logo on the back of it. 

"What're you doing," I asked. He said nothing. He just paused. I rose a brow and he gestured for me to come over. I stood up and walked over. On the screen was... adoption requirements? "What're you doing looking at adoption stuff?" 

"I owe this to someone, I'll tell you about it later," he said, saving the tabs and closing the laptop. I glanced out his window and we were descending. Donna and Nikita walked out of the hall, looking very tired. 

"Right, everyone, we're about to get off, get your things and be ready," Channing said also coming out of the hallway. Donna gave a grunt, ran a paw through her hair and walked back into the hallway, Nikita, Rowan and myself following. I got back into my room and grabbed my stuff. There wasn't much to pack up, just some clothes and weaponry what I was too lazy to put back in the first place. I was closing the door behind me when I saw Nikita walking down the hallway. 

"Hey, can we talk," I said quietly. She looked at me, nodded and we went into my room. 

"What's up," she asked. 

"I wanted to apologize for my attitude last night... I wasn't ready to see you again I guess – and that is not to justify how I reacted to you. I just wanted to say sorry and I'll try to clean the bad blood with us too." She smiled and quickly took me into a hug. I froze, a little taken aback. After a moment, I hugged her back. The plane jolted, and we pulled back. We exited and joined the others who were in a line with their bags by the door. 

"Baskin and Nikita in the same room and the world didn't end? Or was Nikita sucking his dick," Rowan winked. Channing's cheeks flared red. 

I chuckled and said, "She was humming the whole time, no gagging, I think I might be bi!" 

"WHAT," Channing exclaimed. 

 "Oh, Blue, I wasn't humming, I wasn't even gagging, there's nothing to gag on," Nikita smirked. Donna began cracking down in laughter. Channing shook his head, laughing with her.

"Why are you laughing," I barked. 

"I know you enjoyed it back in high school." He looked utterly infuriated. I was holding onto Nikita, we were laughing so hard. 

"I'm laughing because I know she didn't suck your dick baby. It's a good seven inches." "WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW HIS ACTUAL SIZE," Ross exclaimed. 

 "YEA! DON'T PUT THAT IN MY BOYFRIENDS BRAIN," Rowan followed. Everything. Like. EVERYTHING. Froze. 

"Boyfriend," Johunta asked. Rowan went bug eyed and turned to Ross. 

 "Oh shit." 


 "ROWAN! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TELL THEM," Ross cried. Rowan blushed a bright red. 


 "We'll – we're. ROWAN! We'll talk about this later. I can't deal with yo' secretive ass right now," Donna fidgeted. 

 "Why not?" 

 "Cause mama still on her period baby-boo and if Rowan opens his mouth about this topic any further, I'm gonna go find a skillet and knock the shit out his beautiful, plump ass," she said. 

"Why do I relate," I laughed. 

 "Because we all know you a female at heart," Nikita winked. 

 "Baskin was ready to rip her limb from limb and now they're acting like they're back in high-school being all besties? I can't do this. This group is beyond bipolar," Louise turned to Channing. 

 "It only gets worse," Channing said. 

 "Bitch! Like you know? Your ass has been dead for the past six years, so I know, full well, that you are not used to my modern antics, because if you were, what happened in Italy, wouldn't have happened. But hey! Now you know my standards for the next few years before I turn thirty," I chirped. 

 "I – what – ok!" Channing threw his paws up in defeat and pinched his nose. The plane finally stopped, and Channing opened the door. Waiting outside were four cars. In front of them were a bunch of your typical secret service agents in a black and white suit with sunglasses on. 

"Agent Channing. We trust you and your crew have had a pleasant trip," one of the men asked. 

"Yea... sort of. We're all in one piece though so," he replied. They split us into groups of two and sat us in the back of the cars. I found myself in the third car with Johunta. Ross and Rowan were in the first one, Nikita and Louise were in the second and Channing and Donna were in the last one. We quickly left the airfield and out onto the busy streets. I sat back and looked out the window. "What's on your mind," Johunta asked.I looked at him with a brow raised. 

"You seem worried, or atleast stressed. You were literally screaming two seconds ago," he said. 

"I'm just worried about Troy. What if we can't stop him? I know Channing said this was one of the top organizations in America, but it's taken six years for you guys to even get this close to him? How do I trust that it won't take another six years, or forever? I don't want to have to hide in order to live to see tomorrow." 

 "You're right, we are super close to getting him, but now that we know motive, and targets and some of his tactics, we can catch him. I can promise it definitely will not take six years or forever. He too has to die at some point," Johunta replied. "Life acts in strange ways, we'll work it out. You'll be in and out of holding before you know it." I swallowed hard at this. His words, at the same time, were and weren't comforting. As I turned to look back out the window, I saw the fur in the front passenger seat pressing a button on his com in his ear. The rest of the ride there was quiet. We were all in our own mindsets. I was thinking about what they were going to ask me. What I was going to have to answer, what was I going to have to answer with? Did I do anything illegal while out of the country? What will they do when I have to explain to them the powers? How do I explain to them the powers without sounding like I'm insane? I really don't want to go to a mental hospital, I mean, I'm crazy, but not hospital crazy... We passed under a gantry and I looked up. We had entered a long bridge. I looked out the front windshield and before us was a massive office building on the water. We came to the end of the bridge and entered a roundabout, where the car stopped. Looks like I'll get my answers soon.

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