Chapter 19

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It didn't take long to make it up to the Rahway junction. We slid into the Southbound platforms and began to board some extra military men. I watched them from my bed, through the window. How they bustled about the platform. Peyton had gone to use the bathroom. A whistle blew, and the platform quickly emptied. The doors banged shut and the horn blared. The train began off in the opposite direction this time and we entered the mainline to D.C.

"We'll be there in about two hours," Peyton said walking back into the dorm.

"Splendid, and then to holding cells I'm guessing?"

"What crawled up your ass?"

"... Sorry, I'm just still thinking," I sighed.

"Right," he said taking a seat next to me on the bed. "They aren't putting you guys in holding cells, they're putting you in safehouses."

"That's even worse, the last safehouse I saw from your organization was a barn," I rose a brow.

"Right – we're going to be in a city, not in the middle of nowhere. I've been to them before, you're maybe a block away from the courthouse. It's not bad, they're four-star hotel rooms," he said. I just shook my head. "It'll be ok," he finally said.

The train banked the curve through Metropark and our view was briefly blocked by an opposing train. There was a knock on the door and we both looked up.

"Lieutenant?" Peyton looked up and I back up a bit.

The knocking on the door continued and Peyton stood up. He was walking to the door when bullets rang out. I jumped to the edge of the bed and Peyton dove for the floor. He unhooked he holster and the door swung open. "We're going to have to help him, you know that right," Vilar said. Before I could reply or stop him, my red swirls fired up. Furs with machineguns flooded the room and an energy blast flew from my maw, making them jump back. Peyton went wide eyed and it stopped. The sound of more fists on doors could be heard and Nikita and Donna were screaming. They had trapped the other furs in their dorms, and they were planning on taking us hostage.

"Shall I continue," Vilar asked.

"No... I've got this," I said, a devilish smirk dancing over my lips. I looked at the fur upfront, who lowered his gun a bit, raising a smug brow. Peyton looked at the both of us, confusion sprawled over his face. I gestured for him to come over to me when some grabbed him and bulled him back. Peyton tried to fight but they overpowered him quickly, the fur fired a bullet at me when I so much as moved forwards an inch – a signal saying, "Wait your turn." The fur upfront gave a hand gesture and the other furs exited the compartment, putting Peyton in restraints as they did, the sound of fists on doors continuing. The train gave a jolt and a sway as we swung over into the express line. The fur dropped his gun and put up his fists. He made sure to show off his ever so bulging bicep as a threat.

Run for It (Sequel to 'A Crush or a Friend')Where stories live. Discover now