Chapter 11

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We land in Naples and file off the flight. I had changed into some 'average day' clothing, consisting of black cargo shorts and white t-shirt. We were faced with a lineup of cars, this time, they made me drool. "Rowan, Blue, you're in the Ferrari's, Johunta, Louise, on me." "OH SWEET BABY BAJEBUS I'M GON' QUIT MY JOB IF IT MEANS I CAN DRIVE MORE SWEET BABIES LIKE THIS!" "Blue, you're drooling," Rowan snickered as he climbed into an orange one. "CAN IT! I'M HAPPY!" I slid into the red one and I was ready to die. The new car scent was to die for. We started the engines and Rowan started off. Once more, the cars already were GPS set, except Rowan and I were going to the same place, Channing, Louise and Johunta were at a motel across the street.

We followed a highway that ran abruptly along the Riviera before it went headlong into the city. The buildings weren't as tall as the ones back in Reston and Tysons Corner, but they were gorgeous to look at. The architecture, the fauna, the balcony's. After a bit, Rowan pulled off and into a parking garage... next to an eye boggling hotel. We parked next to a bunch of other expensive looking cars. "Don't scratch them, don't scratch them, don't scratch them, I don't feel like getting a beat down in an Italian parking garage," I yelled at myself. I turned the car off and opened the trunk. I pulled out the several suitcases that sat in it and locked the car up. "You're really not used to this high-end stuff?" "Rowan, you know me. I've never owned a car... even though I've got a driver's license, I always take public transportation because it's cheap, and I live in a tiny condo. The most 'high end' thing I've ever done was probably ride first class down to Florida and take the Javelin Express from Gateshead to D.C. and even after that I took the metro out to Wiehle-Reston," I replied. "Meanwhile I own a multi-million-dollar company, live in a McMansion, got an impressive degree from M.I.T., and have like four 'upscale' cars. These Ferrari's are nothing," Rowan smirked. "Wait, wouldn't you be noticed, at all, even a slight bit here?" "Indeed, that's why Channing gave me some spray-on dye for my fur," he replied. "Well that's got that covered..." His "secret" phone, because Channing had Ross confiscate our actual phones and then set them on fire, I lost a bunch of good yiff, began vibrating. He slid it out as we began walking down towards the street. "Coolio, you're booked for tomorrow, you go on at ten-thirty," he chimed. "That's kind of early for a rave..." "Ten-thirty P.M.," he restated. "That makes more sense."

We quickly got down and to the hotel where we signed in under our cover names and were given our key cards. We weren't on the top floor, but we were close. They had relaxing Italian music playing throughout the hallways. Rowan's room was a few doors up from mine. I swear, each hotel I go to, the room is bigger than the last. I lock the door behind me and slip my earpiece in. "Channel four, call it," I say and then flip up. "Channel four secure," Channing said. "Rowan and I just checked in." "We know, we just got to the motel, your rooms and hallway all have video cameras... minus the restroom... any who, they're all wired to us and once Ross and Donna get to Rome, they'll be able to see the same things as well." "Cool, Rowan got the gig, I'm on at ten-thirty tomorrow night," I added quickly. "Excellent, operation: extract the mountain lion, is a go." "Mountain lion?" "Agent Stephen is a mountain lion with blue hair and baby blue eyes." "Sounds like my future husband," I smirk. "Mhm," Channing snickered. "As long as he's got a sexy body and doesn't mind that I'm not as rich as Mr. Multi-million up the hall, I'm down for a little fun." "He's straight." "We can change that." "How can you be so sure," Channing laughed. "I turned you Mr. Pussy licker."

"And why have fun with him when you can have it with me because I'm here, gay, ready and available," Channing commented. "So is the janitor downstairs looking up porn of girls with inflated titties but that doesn't mean I'm going to have sex with him."

Run for It (Sequel to 'A Crush or a Friend')Where stories live. Discover now