Chapter Fourteen

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This banner is so beautiful and unique. hoeberries made this for me, thank you so much! (:

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Word Count: 1769


"I thought that perhaps you would give me a few more moments to stretch my legs," T muses, glaring past the cell door I hold open.

If he seriously thinks I'm about to let a prisoner roam around, he's insane.

"You cell has plenty of room," I mutter, waving my hand to motion him in. Cal isn't here to assist me if T decides to retaliate, however, I would be happy to donate to his wound fund if he keeps being stubborn. I want answers, but I won't feel safe about discussing them until he is locked tightly in his cell with no room to escape.

Unless of course, he decides to use whatever voodoo magic that tricked me last time. The exact magic he isn't telling me about.

He walks toward the cell, much to my relief, before he pauses, hand holding one of the cell bars to stop me from closing the door. I growl a warning at him, but he only smiles, ignoring my impatience.

"I thought you would be more open minded, considering how willing I am to be open with you," he comments mischievously, to watch I only frown at.

"Fine," he mutters in defeat, once he realises there's no point answering.

He meanders into his cell as nonchalantly as possible, much to my disgust. I make sure to slam the door closed behind him as hard as I can, keeping eye contact with him as I turn the key in my lock. He follows my movements with his gaze as I tuck the key into my palm and place it behind my back.

"She was murdered," he says suddenly.

I flinch. "What?"

"Your sister, she was murdered," T tells me, strolling forward to slide his arms through the cell. I take a few steps back in response, until my back hits the wall. There's no way I'm moving from this spot.

"How?" I ask softly.

He shrugs loosely, and taps his nose again. Oh boy, I could kill him. Time for me to use my own manipulation tool.

"What's the book for?"

There's only a slight flicker of surprise before he masks it expertly. Then, he smirks, almost as if he's impressed. Either that, or he is trying to hide his terror that I found out about his plan to get this book on the night of my ceremony with the Moon Goddess. Maybe I finally have something against him.

"That's a great question," he muses. "I apologise if I seem flustered, I'm just surprised you had the balls to follow me out there and listen in. You seem to be learning, Alpha."

I grimace at his vulgar term. "Would you like to answer my question?"

"At this point, I thought you would have known not to ask me questions. When have I ever been honest with you?" he asks, tapping his fingers against the bars of the cell. Of course, I should have known. As usual, he likes to play me as a fool, which is fine, because at some point, I'm going to get him back for it all.

"I'm meeting with the judge tomorrow," I add breezily, watching T for a reaction that doesn't come. "The trial is next week. Scared?"

He shrugs again. "No."

The way he says that brings shivers down my spine. He seems so sure of this, as if he isn't about to have his fate decided. I'm sure the jury will want him executed for being a Silent, and I surely won't be trying to get him out of it. Not anymore.

Alpha FayeWhere stories live. Discover now