Chapter Thirty Two

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Also, a reminder that Alpha Rylan is now available for purchase on Amazon in its published copy!!!

Word Count: 2070


"Have you forgiven me?"

Ignoring him, I continue on my walk through the stacks, my eyes scanning for exactly what I'm looking for. I'm not sure what it is yet, but hopefully I will know when I see it. Cal follows behind me, right on my heels. If I had a little bit less self restraint, I may have turned around and slapped him.

"I'm busy right now Cal," I mutter irritably. In all honest, he's the last person I want to see or talk to right now.

"Come on," he says, grabbing my arm. I flinch away from his grasp. "Faye."

I whirl around, holding the spot where he had grabbed. It burns slightly, which is most probably from my searing anger toward him. Perhaps it's unjustified and a little petty, but for whatever reason, my mind repulses the sight of him.

"Are you really going to touch me right now?" I question, my eyebrows furrowing. He holds his hands up defensively, showing he isn't about to try touch me again.

"You know for a fact that what happened in that dream wasn't my fault," he says.

I'm almost positive what he did in that dream was no fault but my own. No, it's the fault of who is controlling my mind. Yet still, when I look into those eyes, no matter how sincere they may seem, I shiver. It's a cold, creeping shiver that travels through my bloodstream. I will shake it off eventually. I hope.

"I just need some space right now," I tell him, lowering my voice slightly. I may be the Alpha, but it doesn't mean I'm any less afraid of the Librarian here. "There's so much on my mind."

"Like what?"

I ignore him for a moment, continuing to look at the titles printed along the spines of all these books. None of them hint at exactly what I need. It's such a frustrating feeling, since I need this desperately. Cal continues to follow me.

"You really are annoying, aren't you?" I sigh, pausing to examine a dark green covered book, pulling it out to flip its pages open.

"I'm just trying to help," he muses, glancing over my shoulder. "What are you looking for?"

"None of your business."

"Faye," he stays sternly.

I sigh through my nose. "I'm looking for a book. On potions."

So far, no matter how much I dig around this place, there is a severe lack of legitimate potions. When I think I found the one I'm looking for, it's just apart of some kind of folklore. It's gotten to the point where I'm either going to pull my hair out, or Cal's. Somehow the latter seems more appealing.

"That doesn't sound so good," he notices, "what do you need a potion for?"

"I need something that will get someone drunk," I say distractedly, sliding the useless green book back into its place, moving on down the stack.

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