Chapter 3: What am I doing?!

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Eddie's POV:
"I can't loose you, Eddie." she whispered. When I heard her say that it just gave me this weird tingling feeling in my stomach and I had no idea why; nor did I know what it was or meant! It was driving me crazy. I looked up at Bella to have her do the same. Her eyes were bloodshot because she had been crying. Because of me. That's what hurt the most. Not even when she slapped me across the face about 5 minutes ago hurt as much as knowing that I'm the reason she is crying. And let me tell you, it hurt like hell when she slapped me. I gave her a sympathetic yet hurt look, and from what I could tell she gave me the same one. But it showed more feeling. You could see all of her pain. Her sadness as to why someone like me would hurt someone like her this much. You could see confusion and anger written all over. But most of all....there was a small bit of forgiveness in her. That's what I liked abo- no, that's what I loved about Bella. No mater what you put her through she always forgave you. She always let you make it up even if you probably didn't deserve it. She believed in second chances and redo's. And I love that. I don't know what I was doing but something hit me right then and there and I slowly trailed my eyes down to her lips, back up to her eyes and back to her lips. I was just about to lean in but she stoped with "I'm sorry Eddie. I just- I mean... I really have to ...... just..... I gotta go." And just like that she was gone. Again. I've lost her. I've never lost her. But now I have. 2 times in one day!! How does that happen? Good question. But I sure as hell make it happen somehow when that's exactly what I don't want. Tears threatened to fall down my cheeks once again today but I pushed them back. And once I saw that door close, I broke down. Loud sobs left my lips as I couldn't control my emotions anymore. "Dammit, what am I doing?!" I asked myself. What was I doing? I'm pathetic! I'm sitting here in a damn janitors closet sobbing my eyes out!! I'm feeling pity for myself when I should be out there running after Bella trying to make it up to her for everything I've put her through today. And that's just what I did next. I got up like the man I am..... oh right Edward yeah cuz a man like your self sobs on the floor in a janitors closet. Totally!!
I ran out of the closet and through all of the people in the halls calling Bella's name. And just as I saw her I was stopped once again by the one and damn only JESSICA WINTERS. "Hey babe! Where are you going in such a hurry?" She asked while twirling her hair on her index finger. She was just about to take my hand and pull me somewhere else with her and probably her annoying friends but I quickly spoke up. "I'll talk to you later about this Jess, I just, I really have to go! Bye!" I said quickly not giving her time to respond before running off again. I kept on calling Bella's name but it looked as if the faster I ran to go and get her, the faster she walked to get away from me.
Bella's POV
He looked at me with that same look in his eye that I gave him. His eyes were red from crying. We were just looking at each other. Not saying anything. But then I saw as he trailed his eyes down to my lips. I couldn't believe this was happening. Was my best friend about to kiss me?! As much as I hate Jessica, he couldn't do this to her. Especially with me of all people. I know I should be excited about this and just let it happen but it brought my feelings out. "I'm sorry, Eddie. I just- I mean....... I really have to.........just.............. I gotta go." I said then quickly unlocked the door and ran out desperately looking for Jennifer. But just my luck!! She was nowhere to be seen. Just great!
I looked back as I heard someone calling my name. I was hoping that it was Jenn but my day just happened to be full of damn luck and it ended up being the person that I just ran away from. As I say him I picked up my pace and once again began to cry. Just as I was about to turn around to look where I was going, I bumped in to someone, causing myself to fall. "I am so sorry I just wasn't looking where I was going and......" I stopped as I looked up to see who it was. I remember I used to love his gorgeous chocolate eyes and his toned arms and biceps. I loved the way his hair could be in a quiff of look like he just got out of bed and it still looked perfect (This was completely unintentional, I swear). "Jackson... hey" I said and gave him a small smile. "Hey Bella, how've you and the Edster been" he said giving me his big pearly white smile. Which I had also become fond of. I chuckled then said "That's actually the reason I ran into you." "What do you mean?" He questioned. "We got in a bit of a fight and he tried to talk to me about it but I slapped him and stormed off." After I had said that all I heard was Jackson laughing uncontrollably. He finally got a hold of himself and then turned completely serious. "Eddie 12 o'clock!" He said somewhat shocked. Before I could ask what he was talking about I heard that gorgeous voice of the one and only Eddie. "Hey man what's up?!" He said happily to Jackson trying to give him a high five; his eyes still red. Jackson didn't return the gesture. "Actually Eddie me and Bella where just leaving. See you later bro." YES!! Thank you Jackson you are amazing! He didn't wait for Eddie to respond before he took my by my wrist practically dragging me out of the situation we were just in. "You owe me" he said as we walked towards his car already far from Eddie. "Big time!" I replied.
Eddie's POV:
WTF?!?! Why is she leaving with Jackson?!?! One of my best friends (After Bella of course). They never even talked to each other! He was never there for her! And she's leaving with him?!!? I'm overreacting about this. I don't need Bella. I've got Jessica. Jessica can make me feel the same way as Bella. Better even! You wanna play Bella ? Fine! Let's play.

A/N: SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!! I think I'm over excited considering I'm the author of this book! Lol. But anyways, let me know what you guys think :)

TheDora xx

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