Chapter 7: Friday Morning

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A/N: Hey guys so I just wanted to let you know they there will be a lot of POV changes in this chapter. So yeah :)
Eddie's POV:
I got up and out of my bed as I had just turned off my alarm. I hate mornings. I'm not a morning person at all. Just like... never mind. Why do I always think of her? With everything I've done since our fight. Everywhere I go. Everything I do. It all reminds me of what I want but can't have. What I lost and once had. Bella. I miss her so damn much. I remembered that I had to go pick up Jessica this morning so I tried as hard as possible to stop thinking about Bella but it just didn't work. The harder I tried the more I thought about her. I just decided that I would have to start doing everything with Bella on my mind. I had finished getting ready and was on my way out the door to go pick up my beautiful girlfriend. Jessica.
Jackson's POV:
"She thinks you love her?!" Jessica laughed over the phone as I was in my car to go pick up my "girlfriend". This was an awesome dare. I don't even feel bad about doing this to Bella. I actually feel pretty proud about it. "Yeah I know right! I love her!? That's hilarious!!" I said laughing over the phone with Jessica. You have to admit it is pretty funny!"Gotta go, beautiful. I have to pick up my fake girlfriend." I told Jessica. "Joy!" She said sarcastically and laughed. "Bye" I quickly said then hung up. I went to Bella's door and knocked. She opened up, we said our Hello's and then we were off to school.
Eddie's POV:
Me and Jess had just gotten to school. We were getting off of my car when she spoke up. "Babe look" she said, "Who's that with Jackson?" She asked. Who was with Jackson? He never said anything about having a girlfriend. The only person I could think of that he's been around that could be it was...... Oh crap!! WHY THE HELL IS HE DATING BELLA?!?! I pulled Jessica's hand, walking faster to catch up to them. I let go of Jessica's hand when we finally reached them. "Why the hell are you with Bella?!" I asked in a angry voice demanding an answer as I held him from the top of his shirt. He held his hands up in surrender. "Dude what the hell?" He said shocked of what I had just done. "I asked you a question you idiot!" I yelled. I pulled my fist back to punch him bum when I did I heard a girl whimper. I still had Jackson's shirt in my hand, grasping it harshly. He had no marks on his face and showed no sign of pain. I was confused. Who the hell did I punch?! I looked down, only to be met with Bella and her bloody jaw. Oh crap. "Bella holy crap are you ok? I am so so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen I just wanted to-" I was then cut off by a fist connecting with my jaw. I lied on the floor holding my jaw from the pain. I saw my hand covered in blood and then quickly got up. I walked up behind Jackson when he was there by Bella, paying no attention to me, pulled him by his shirt again and punched him several times. I then felt someone pull my arm back so I let go of Jackson letting him fall to the floor, then turned around to see who it was. It was none other than Bella. "EDDIE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!??!" she yelled at me. Crap. "Bella I did this for you!" I said to her raising my voice. "For me?!?! Really!? You expect me to believe that crap? Do you think I'm stupid or something?!" She yelled at me her jaw still bleeding. "You were about to punch Jackson but I took the hit for him! And when you finally did get the opportunity to punch him you did! Your such an ass!"She yelled at me, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Bella please just listen to me!" I yelled at her. She was obviously taken back my my tone but I could honestly care less. "I did that for you! I did that for Jackson! And I did that for me! I know Jackson better than you and if you think that he's honestly the one? Then I'm sorry but you obviously haven't seen the real Jackson! He gets girls from bets! That's what he does! He doesn't love them! He stays with a girl for as long as he has to and then brakes up with her! He doesn't like you Bella! Let alone love you! I did that to save you the tears and pain! I did that to keep me from having to see you so hurt over someone that I knew from the begging wasn't good enough for you! I did that so he, could learn a little lesson!" I yelled as tears were streaming down both mine and Bella's face. I had forgot about Jessica and Jackson because I was so caught up talking to Bella. "Yeah! You did it for the same reason you do everything else! For YOURSELF ! You do god damn everything for yourself Eddie! EVERYTHING! And then you go and find little ways here and there to fit in other people like you just did, so it doesn't sound so bad. But we all know it's only to benefit one person and one person only! YOU!" She yelled at me, while walking closer with every other word she said. I was just about to speak up when I saw Bella fall to the floor once again. She muttered something under her breath, to low for me to hear. Jessica had just slapped my best friend. OH HELL NO!! "JESSICA WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!?" I asked her angrily as I went to Bella's side to try and comfort her. I didn't care how pissed off I was at Bella. I still loved her. As a friend of course. "Babe, I was just-" "No don't give me that "Babe" crap," I said mimicking her voice, "it's over damn it. It's freaking over between you and me! You've done nothing but make my life a living hell. You make me feel like crap! Like I'm worthless! I only went with you because you freaking begged me too! I don't LIKE YOU LET ALONE LOVE YOU! SO JUST LEAVE ITS OVER! WE'RE OVER!" I yelled at her. She scoffed,did a super dramatic hair flip and took off. I had almost forgotten that Jackson was here when he cleared his throat and said "I'll take it from here Eddie" he said in a low voice. I started getting up and ready to leave when I felt Bella grab my arm, not letting me go."Actually Jack, you can get to class now if you want. I want to talk to Eddie real quick" she said slowly. He sighed and then said ok and left. I turned back around facing Bella. She had just got up and was dusting herself off. Her jaw looked horrible. I was definitely going to leave a mark.
"Can I ask you something?" She said in a low voice. She looked hurt,sad and confused. I wanted to lighten the mood a bit. Make her happier. "You just did" I said cracking a smile. She chuckled and lightly pushed my arm. "You know what I mean you dork" she said with a smile on her face. "Go ahead" I said smiling at her. "Why did you do that? Why did you get so mad when you saw me and Jackson?" She asked looking amused yet confused, if that makes any sense. "I told you already. I don't want to see you hurt. Your my best friend. I don't care if I'm pissed with you right now, I still care about you." I said to her giving her a small smile. She smiled and gave me a hug. I returned the gesture. "Thank you Eddie. You mean so much to me too." She said before pulling away. "Can things go back to the way they were before? They way they've always been?" She asked with hope clearly in her eyes. They had a sparkle in them. They always did. One of the many thing I loved about Bella. "I've been wanting that for a while now" I said and smiled at her. She smiled back at me and hugged me again. We pulled away, our arms still around each other. We were closer than ever. I got that same urge I did when we were in the janitors closet a couple of days ago. I trailed my eyes down to her her lips, then back up to her eyes. She was so beautiful. She always has been. She bit her lip and fully pulled away from our "hug".
"Sit with me at lunch?" She asked. "Yes. But first let's get you're jaw cleaned up." I said pointing at her jaw as it was getting worse by the minute. "Please!" She said desperately. We both laughed and made our way to the nurses office. I'm glad I have her back. I'm never going to let her get away ever again.
A/N: Little dramatic. I know. Let me know what you guys think! :)
Love ya!!

TheDora xx

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