Chapter 11: Running back to you

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Bella's POV:

I couldn't believe that Eddie just did that. My best friend? Likes me? I mean don't get me wrong I like Eddie too. Maybe a little more than I probably should. I have a boyfriend. Well, kind of. I can't believe what he said about Jackson either. I know that Jack used to be that type of person that Eddie thinks he is, but I just don't want to believe that he is still that person. Why? Because I don't want to be hurt. I've been hurt so many times, and I just don't  want to believe that I might get hurt again. I have to go back to talk to Jack. So I can clear all of this stuff up. Him breaking up with me is one of the last things that I want.

Eddie's POV:

I shouldn't have told her anything. I'm such an idiot. Seriously Eddie? Telling your best friend that her boyfriend is cheating on her? That's real damn smooth Eddie. And then to top the whole thing off, I told her how I feel about her. That I like her. A lot. I wish things were less complicated. I wish I was with Bella. Together. Just me and her. No Jessica and no Jackson to go and ruin everything like they always do. Hell, they are pretty perfect for each other. I just hope that all of this turns out to be ok. Ever since yesterday I've been feeling pretty broken. For several reasons. But one in particular. I remember it super clear. It keeps messing with my mind. I keep replaying in my head over and over again. Does she? Or does she not? What does any of this mean? I'm so confused! She kissed me back and told me straight up to my face that she liked me! But then yesterday she can't even tell me she feels slightly the same way as I do when I told her that I like her!?!? Bella is my everything but she is extremely confusing at times.  I got out my notebook from my closet and a pen to write with. When I'm confused I write. Usually songs, but it just depends how I'm feeling. I let my feelings take over and jotted down some words for the next hour or two. In the end I ended up with something that I thought was pretty good!

You say what if I hurt you, what if I leave you, what if I find someone else and I don't need you

What if this goes south, What if I mess you up. You say what if I brake your heart in two then what

Well I hear you girl I feel you girl but not so fast, if you make your mind up I gotta ask

What if I was made for you and you were made for me what if this is it what if it's ment to be

What if I ain't one of them fools just playing some game

What if I pulled you close what if I leaned in, then the stars line up and it's our last first kiss

What if one of these days, girl, I go and change your name.

What if I loved all of these what ifs away.

It really explained how I felt. Bella is always saying that she is afraid of love, but why can't she just give me a chance? What if I'm good for her and she doesn't even know it because she won't give me a chance. I can help her. I would never let her go, I'd never let her get hurt by me or anyone else. I'd never hurt her. I love Bella. Even if I know that I probably shouldn't, I do. I can't help it. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing signaling I got a text from someone. Bella.

Bella: Just fixed everything with Jack. We are ok now. Thanks for telling me Eddie. Lub choo friend!

I was in shock. I re-read it over and over again not believing what I read. She's back with him. Why can't things go my way?! Never! Nothing never and I mean EVER goes my way! Why I'm I torturing myself feeling this way about her when she doesn't feel the same way about me. I now she doesn't. But I still feel this way. And I've tried to stop the feeling. I really have. But it's like the harder I try, the more I find myself falling for her. I hurts. A lot.

Bella's POV:

I was on my way to go talk to Jackson because I didn't want this to end between me and him> It's like half of me still wants him, but the other half wants Eddie next to me with his arm around me like he always has it. The feeling of me being in his arms and his lips against mine. It's not the same with Jackson but I can't just leave Jack because I have mutual feelings for Eddie. I stopped thinking about this once I had finally gotten to Jack's house and was on his porch. He opened the door and I had my phone ready with the picture of him and Jessica. "Hey Be-" "What the hell is this?!" I cut him of showing him the picture on my phone. I was planing on being calm but when I saw him, I couldn't help it. It just all came out. "Ok Bella listen. I know it looks bad but it's not what it looks like. I swear!" We talked it out and I finally decided to give him one more chance. We hugged and I left his house and drove back home. When I got there,I texted Eddie telling him that everything is good between me and Jackson now. I put my phone in my back pocket and went upstairs to my room to go take a shower since it was already seven. I got out of the shower, got dressed, and watched two episodes of stranger things. When it was over I looked back at my phone. Eddie still hadn't texted back but it said that he had read it. And that's when I remembered what Eddie told me yesterday. He likes me! I am such an idiot and a horrible friend!

A/N: Hey guys, I know it's been a while...... a long while. And I'm really sorry. Something happened and I just haven't gotten the chance to update as often as I would like to. My life's been pretty busy lately so just bare with me. Hoped you like this chapter, next on will be out soon hopefully

    TheDora xx

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