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3rd Person:

It's been years since Eddie and Bella had their argument. The two never spoke to each other again. Bella put her walls back up and never took them down again. For anybody. Not even herself.

Eddie fought for Bella as much as he could even though he knew it was probably useless. He called, texted, stopped by her house and her locker, but Bella wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

He was tired of it by now. He was just wasting his time. Bella broke him. Their relationship broke him. Eddie as a person was so broken the rest of his life went downhill from there.

For the entire senior year he went to parties and got drunk. If he wasn't drunk then he was high. And if he wasn't either one, he was both. And what's worse, he had lost all respect for women.

Every girl that laid eyes on him, he'd take advantage of. By the end of senior year, he'd probably slept with half the girls in the senior grade level. Bella not being one of them. It disgusted and disappointed her.

Eddie didn't realize it, but Bella missed him. She wanted him back more than anything, even if it was just as a friend. However, when Eddie changed and started doing all of the bad things he'd done, Bella slowly but surely lost interest in him.

She wanted nothing to do with someone who got drunk, high, and sometimes both at least once every week. She wanted nothing to do with a guy that slept with every woman he saw. And she most definitely wanted nothing to do with someone who had no respect for women, and would take advantage of them and didn't give a damn.

Bella went on with the rest of her junior and senior year. She passed the years without any friends and focusing on school. Every night she studied and managed to become and stay a straight A student rather than an A/B student.

She never had another boyfriend. After her senior year she later got accepted into the college of her choice, being Oregon Health and Sciences University to pursue a career in the medical field. She soon became a successful cardio thoracic surgeon and lived alone in one hell of a house with her dog, Sydney.

Bella never married, had another boyfriend, or ever went out. She lived her life alone in her little bubble. She trapped herself in her own walls and forced herself to never come out of them again, because the last time she did, her best friend shattered her heart, and threw the pieces on the floor, leaving her to pick them up and put the back together on her own. The bad thing about that was once she picked up the pieces, she was never able to put them back together. Ever. Because there was still one piece missing.

One piece she knew she'd never be able to get back.

As for Eddie, he suffered. A hell of a lot, too! Everyday he would think about Bella and how he screwed up. 'We could have had the world, but I had to go and be a jackass!' He would think.

He never had another girlfriend. He never got married. The closest Eddie ever got to that, was having a bunch of one night stands with girls he met at parties, or the club. And he couldn't care less about his activities.

Both lived in misery and sadness for the rest of their lives. When you have love that is that special, you only find it once, so grab it by the neck and don't let it go no matter what happens. They know that now. But it's too late.

They've lost the love of their lives forever; and they can never get them back. It doesn't matter how hard they try, they'll never get each other back. In fact, the two have realized, that the harder they try to get the other back, the more they fail, and the farther away they get from each other.

They thought their love would be a cliche story. Two best friends that are inseparable, both fall in love with one another and live happily freaking after. Then they realized the real world doesn't work that way.

The world doesn't revolve around you or your goddamn fantasies. And they know that now. They would eventually learn that. Everyone does at one point in time. Only some are lucky enough to learn it the easy way, while unfortunately others learn it the difficult way.

Eddie and Bella, they learned, however they learned the hard way. And sadly, they refused to live the right way because of the way they learned that. They live in fear, hurt, pain, disappointment and complete and utter brokenness. They lived broken hearted and with the feeling of betrayal.

Love isn't like a love song, and the world has to know that. Life isn't fair, deal with it. It doesn't matter how you put it, it all somehow, way shape or form, end up the same way.

You live and you learn, right? Yes. Indeed you do. But the quote doesn't finish. You finish it for yourself. You decide what you end up doing with your life whether that be to keep living and learning more, or to stop living because life kicked you in the ass, and you didn't like it very much.

Eddie and Bella. Bella and Eddie. Both too stubborn for their own good finished the quote for themselves as:

"You live and you learn. Then you stop living"

Why? Because love isn't like a love song. Life isn't fair. Life kicked them in the ass and they didn't like it. They didn't have to live a miserable life, but they did. And that's how they kept it.

They chose that life for themselves. No one else did. Only them.

They chose to live in fear, hurt, pain, disappointment and complete and utter brokenness. They chose to live broken hearted and with the feeling of betrayal, because they lived and they learned.

Everyone should live and learn. But use the end to your advantage. Don't stop living. Keep living. Live the life you should, in happiness, joy, laughter and complete and utter compassion. Don't live like Bella SN Eddie.

The quote is yours. Your life is yours.

But you decide how you want to live it.

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