Chapter 15: The Park

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Bella's POV:

I woke up this morning. Tear stains on my cheeks and my eyes puffy and red. I didn't really want to do anything today but I needed to get my mind off of Eddie. I decided to get out of bed and dressed to have a walk at the park. I took a quick shower and put on some jeans, a tank top and my white converse. I brushed my teeth, put my hair up in a bun and went downstairs. I grabbed my purse from the house and left. I began my walk to the park, not really caring that I didn't put any make up on.
I decided that instead of going to the park that I would go eat some breakfast at the diner down the street. I ate there and ended up staying there for a couple of hours, just talking to the waiter.
She was fun to talk to. Even if I've only known her for a couple of hours. She was a good listener.
It was 5 and me and the waiter, Zoey, were talking the whole time. They were closing the diner now so I said my good bye's to Zoey and walked off. I got her number so I though that I'd probably text her later. I figured that I'd go to the park since I didn't go this morning, as planned.
I was walking to the park, nothing on my mind. Only one person. The person I couldn't seem to get out of my head. Ever. They were always there. Good or bad. I miss them. But I don't know how to make it up. I had gotten to the park, and I didn't even know. I was just letting my feet carry me.
I looked up to find the nearest bench to sit at. There was a boy sitting there. He looked awfully familiar. He stayed looking down, as did I. "Hi" he said. I gasped. I knew that voice from anywhere. It was him. The one I always had on my mind. The one I couldn't get out of my mind. The one that was the first and last thing on my mind. The reason I'm here right now.
(A/N: Is it Jackson? Or is it Edster?)

Eddie's POV:

I hadn't been doing anything all day. I was just laying in bed, watching Stranger Things of course, and thinking. I couldn't even enjoy the show. I couldn't just watch it in piece.

Why? There was this one person on my mind. I couldn't get her out of my head. She was always there. Always. I could never do anything, think if anyone, without her being on my mind. I need her in my life, and I don't know how to fix things right now.

I stayed like this all day. Doing nothing. Just laying in bed. By the time 5 rolled around I couldn't handle it anymore. I needed to get things off of my mind, so I got out of bed and dressed and left my house. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I was just letting my feet take me wherever. I ended up getting to the park by 5:15. I found the nearest bench and just sat there. Thinking about everything.
I started to hear someone walking towards me. I looked over to who it was. She had her head down and she looked as if she was thinking about something. Like she'd been thinking about something long and hard.
She looked up to find a bench and I quickly turned around. It was Bella. I felt her coming closer to me. I was just looking down. She took a seat next to me and didn't say anything. I decided to just make up my mind so I spoke up. "Hi" I said, still looking down at the ground.

Bella's POV:
I couldn't look at him I said hi back but I stayed looking down. He did too. "Listen I'm really sorry about everything I said yesterday. I- I didn't mean any of it. I was just in a crappy mood because you called me stubborn and you had every right to call me that because I am. I'm just- I ... I'm really sorry Bella." He said all of that still looking down.
I was looking at the ground. Tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I didn't let them though. "I'm sorry Eddie. About.. everything. I can be demanding and I'm sorry. It's a habit and a bad one. I'm sorry that I called you stubborn, because your not. I just did it to get under your skin and I had no reason to say that."
He stood up, as did I. "Can I ask you a question" he asked. Both of us still looking down. We haven't looked at each other at all. Not once. "Sure" I said quietly. We walked for a while before he asked anything. Then he stopped walking. I followed his actions.
We just stood there next to each other. Not saying anything, just standing there in the dark of the night. "Why did you break up with him?" He asked nearly audible.
"Because he wasn't the one. I love someone else" I said in a whisper.

"Why did you break up with her?" I questioned him as I turned to look at him for the first time tonight. He returned the look but I could see and somehow feel hurt and hope in his eyes. I was giving him the same look, hoping for the answer I wanted.


Eddie's POV:
We looked at each other for the first time tonight and my heart broke in half when she said she loved someone else. That's saying a lot considering Bella is afraid of love. It hurt to know that I'm most likely not the one. She asked me the same question I asked her. Both of us giving each other the same look.i didn't know how to respond to her. I needed her to know that I love her, but what if I'm not the one she loves. That will ruin everything between us. I though about whether or not I should tell her. I thought of what would be best. So I was going to give her the answer.


A/N: well how about that guys?! Lot of stuff going on and I had so much fun writing this chapter. Thank you all so much for reading and I can't wait to post the next chapter! Love ya.

TheDora xx

Accidentally In Love                                 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz