Chapter 9: Missing Out

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Dedicated to BlueSea2124. Thank you so much for the amazing idea!

Eddie's POV:
Today is Saturday and I've been thinking about asking Bella if she wants to come over to my house today and we could hang out. Maybe even go get pizza or something to eat later on today. Besides she said last night that she loved me! I doubt she'll turn me down if I ask her.
*start conversation*
Me: BELLA!!!!!!
Bella: EDDIE!!!!!
Bella: Wa sup!
Me: wanna come over and hang out wit me?
Bella: Be there in 15 :)
Me: K :)
*End conversation*
Crap! Now I have to clean my room in less than 15 minutes. It was mostly just clothes so I threw all of it into my hamper and then shoved it into my closet. I cleaned up all of the board games on the floor from the last time me and Bella hung out here at my house. Ok everything is good!
Bella's POV:
I had just woken up and was laying on the couch eating some cereal and watching TV. My all time favorite show: Forensic Files. Best. Damn. Show. Ever. The episode had just gone to commercial when my phone rang signaling I had gotten a text message. It was Eddie. I should have known. He's the only person that is bored enough to text me at 9 in the damn morning."
Eddie: BELLA!!!!!!
Me: EDDIE!!!!!
Eddie: Hi
Me: Wa sup!
Eddie: wanna come over and hang out wit me?
Me: Be there in 15 :)
Eddie: K :)
Well, I guess I'm going with Eddie now. I swear I just saw him yesterday when we went to the movies, but I don't mind going with him again today. We always kind of do that. Where we spend a day with each other and have nothing to do the next, so we spend another day together. It's just normal. I'm just scared about one thing. I kinda told Eddie that I love him yesterday. Just in case ya forgot. And I'm scared that he's asking me to go over so we could talk about that. This is why I don't mess with words. You can say what you want. But it's a two way street. Once you say what you want, it'll come back around and eventually bite you in the ass. And it sucks. Real bad. Because you don't know what the hell is gonna happen. And after all of it, you really wish that you would've just kept your goddamn mouth shut. But anyway I went to go and start trying ready. I had picked out some ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top, the usual. I was to lazy to do my hair so I just brushed it out and put on a hat. I brushed my teeth then slipped on my black vans as I walked out the door. I got in my car and put on MY kind of music. Everyone in this damn world thinks my music taste sucks. Except Eddie. Not just because he's my best friend. But because our music library's are basically identical. Like twins. I swear. I pulled up to his house and got out of my car. Usually when I go over to Eddie's, the door is unlocked for me to just walk in without having to knock. I know that it sounds rude. Like I'm just barging into someone's house and being like 'Hey what's up' but I'm not, I swear. We're just really close friends to the point where if we run into each other houses and go tackle each other on the couch, it's completely normal. I walk into his house and don't see him anywhere. "Eddie?" I called out. "I'm up here" he said from the top of the stairs. I walked towards the stairs and then went up and into his room. "Hey friend!" He said in the most dorky face and tone in this world. I started laughing uncontrollably which caused him to laugh. After about a good 5 minuets of rolling around on the floor laughing we finally were able to stop. "So whatcha wanna do?" He asked me. "I don't really know honestly." I replied. "Let's just go downstairs and watch Netflix on the couch until we can think of something to do, ya?" I asked giving him an option of what to do for now. "Sure" he smiled and helped me up. We walked downstairs and sat on the couch. "What do you wanna watch?" he asked getting the control and looking back at me. I smirked and he did too. We could read each other's minds because we know each other so well. As if on cue we said at the same time "Cars!" And then squealed like little middle school girls. Our all time favorite movie, after Ferris Buller of course, is Disney's movie Cars. Lightning McQueen is like our freaking idol. I swear. For the rest of the day we watched Disney movies, ate junk food, and played some bored games. Right now we had just finished up our game of 'Clue'. I won. Plum ended up killing Mustard with a dagger in the office. Phsyco. Ima right? "What do you wanna do now?" Eddie asked in what sounded like a very bored tone. "Let's watch another movie" I said. "Ok whatcha wanna watch?" Eddie hates chick-flicks. I like chick-flicks. You can put the dots together from there. I smirked at him and he gave a confused look. "Cars again?" He asked. I laughed. "No you dork. Let's watch 'The Intern'!" I said. I loved his reaction! It was priceless! "What?! The intern? No I hate chick-flicks and you know that!" He practically yelled. "I'm leaving" I teased. "Fine! Fine! We'll watch your stupid Intern movie!" He said in a fake mad tone. We both kept straight faces and just looked at each other and then he finally started laughing. "Ima go downstairs to get some popcorn" I told him as I was getting up and walking out of the door. "Share with me" he pleaded. "No" I said plainly. "Your a horrible person" he told me, while holding his heart as if he was hurt. We both went down to go get popcorn from the cabinet. And that's what sucks about popcorn here at Eddie's house. They always keep the damn bags of popcorn on the very top shelf as if everyone in this damn world is taller than 5'7. And me being 5'2, well, you can imagine how that is a problem. I jumped several times to only have Eddie laugh at me while I attempted to get the popcorn bag. "Stupid freaking shelf don't you know I'm not that tall?" I muttered getting annoyed. I finally got an idea and jumped on the counter and got the popcorn bag from there. "Do you want me to get yours?" I asked Eddie. "Please" I then grabbed another bag of popcorn and turned around, or at least was about to, when I felt myself falling off of the counter. Thankfully Eddie caught me. I was looking down the whole time because I was afraid I was gonna fall and when I looked up, I wished I hadn't. Me and Eddie had our chests pressed up against each other and the back of my body was basically pinned against the counter. I was basically squished between the counter and Eddie. We were close right now. Too close. I don't know what got into me but when I looked in Eddie's eyes, I don't really know how to explain it, I just, I felt something off. It was a good kind of off though. I had this really weird feeling in my stomach that I've never really gotten before. Ever. Not even with Jackson. I trailed my eyes down to his lips. I never really noticed how perfect my best friend was. Is that wrong to think considering I have a boyfriend? I don't know. Probably. But Jackson isn't the same as Eddie. His hair doesn't fall perfectly just like Eddie's. He has a gorgeous smile but not Eddie's pearly white smile that is just dazzling and could light up a room that's completely pitch black. When Jackson looks at me it doesn't feel like when Eddie looks at me: like he can read my mind. Like if he can just see right through me. He can read me and my facial expressions perfectly. Jackson is the complete opposite of the type of guy I would want. And now I see that the type of guy I want has been right in front of me the whole time. I pushed all my thoughts to the side as I saw Eddie trail his eyes down to my lips. He looked back at me in the eye and the next thing I knew, his lips where against mine. At first I didn't kiss back because I was shocked, but then I finally gave in. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt like fireworks were going throughout my body. I felt a weird tingly feeling in my stomach. He tasted like mint gum and all my hopes and dreams. I pulled on his baby hairs as his fingers ran through my hair. We both finally pulled away trying to catch our breath. "Wow" we both said at the same time trying to catch our breaths. Damn. Why am I dating Jackson again? I've been missing out on this my whole high school life with Eddie and he's been right in front of me the whole time. What do I do. I mean seriously. Imagine kissing your best guy friend and liking it, but then there's that little thought in the back of your mind saying 'HEY GENIUS YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND DAMMIT'. What the hell am I gonna do?
Eddie's POV:
I can't believe this. I just kissed my best friend. I just kissed my best friend dammit. And I liked it. What the hell am I gonna do. What if she hates me now? Dammit. I just couldn't help myself. I guess you can say that I've been crushing on Bella for a while now. A long while. Before her and Jackson where even a thing. And now to have her with him just kills me. That's really why I did what I did a while back. That's why I punched Jackson. He's gonna play Bella like crazy. He's just gonna have her running after him until she finally gets to him and then she's gonna find out he was really just playing with her heart and with her feelings. Bella doesn't deserve that. She deserves the best. I would never do that to Bella. And that's what she doesn't understand. I really love Bella. I really do. More than a friend. I would take a bullet for her dammit. She's my world. She's my life. She has my heart in her hands and she doesn't even know it. And when she complains to me about Jack here and there, it just eats at me. Like she's testing my patience. She's my heartbreak girl. "Bella I'm so so sorry I just, i don't know I-" I sighed. I couldn't find the words to tell her how sorry I was for doing that. "Hey, why are you apologizing?" She asked me sympathetically. "What do you mean why am I apologizing? I just kissed you. My best friend. And I liked it. You have a boyfriend and I basically just made you cheat on him." I said to her like if I was venting. "Eddie look at me" she told me as I was looking at the floor. I lifted my head up to meet her eyes. Her beautiful eyes that I've always loved. "You didn't make me do anything. You didn't make me kiss you back. You didn't make me like it. You didn't make me let you take my first kiss" I gasped at that and my eyes grew wide. "Yeah shut up I know. Don't judge me. But you know what? I wouldn't trade that first kiss for the world." "Bella I-" I was cut off by her lips meeting mine for the second time today. She had this effect on me that would just drive me crazy. It was like I melted under her touch. This kiss was just like the one we had previously shared. But this time, it was purposely. We both pulled away and had our foreheads pressed against each other's. "You know, you could've just told me to shut up. But I like your way better". I said. She laughed and hugged me. "Your craz- oh crap what time is it?!" She looked at her phone and back at me. "My parents are gonna kill me I have to go. I'm sorry." She went up on her toes and wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist and I leaned down since she's so short to have our lips meet once again. It was a short but sweet kiss. She pulled away and said bye as she rushed out the door. What the hell are we gonna freaking do?!
A/N: Thank you so so much to BlueSea2124 for your amazing ideas. You are the reason I was able to put this chapter out. All the credit for the ideas of this chapter go to you. Thank you so much!
Tell me what you guys think. I know that a lot went down and you probably hate me now, but the next chapter will come out soon. I promise. Love ya!
TheDora xx

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