Chapter 20: Again?!

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Beware of this chapter for there will be characters making a return to this book. Characters you might have thought were gone for good. If you are not okay with this, I highly suggest to go somewhere where you are alone so if you do scream and yell like I do when I read this type of literature, people do not give you weird looks or think something is wrong with you. But anyway, enjoy. :D

Bella's POV:

I had gotten ready for bed and was staring at nothing in particular, holding my phone and waiting. I was the happiest person alive today, and no one would be able to ruin that, or at least that's what I thought.

I waited for about another good ten to fifteen minutes and my phone began to buzz signaling I had a call from someone. I picked up my phone seeing that it was Eddie and I answered the call.

"Hey baby, I'm  home now. Didn't want to leave you worried or anything," he chuckled.
"That's good, babe. Well I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed now, but I'll see you tomorrow."
"Okay gorgeous, I love you!" I don't know why but I was shocked I didn't respond for a while. I was so happy that we could finally tell each other this now. That I could call in mine and that I was his.
"I love you too. Goodnight"
Then I hung up. I went to sleep that night, feeling happier than I have in a long time. Finally things are going my way!

-------Time Skip to Next Morning------

I woke up early this morning, feeling the happiest that I have in a while. I got ready for school and left the house, getting in my car and beginning my route to school.

I had finally arrived to school and parked my car. I retrieved my books and my bag from the back of my car and began walking towards the entrance.

I made my way towards my locker to go get my books for first period, seeing it was about to start any minute now. I picked up my books and walked to Eddie's locker to go meet him. I stopped in my tracks before I could even get near it.

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