Chapter 14: Break ups and not so good make ups

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Millie's POV:

"What do you mean boyfriend?!" Finn seamed to be furious. "Yes Finn. When we broke up I needed someone to help me get my mind off of you. So I got a boyfriend. But don't worry, I'm going to talk to him tonight, and we'll get this all fixed so that we can be together." I tried to calm him.
"Ok" he smiled at me and I smiled back at him. He took old of my waist and pulled me closer to him. Then he closed the gap between us. God I've missed this feeling so much. He pulled away and smiled at me. I returned the gesture.
"Well, we better get looking for that boyfriend of yours, shouldn't we?" He asked. I smiled at him yet again and followed him to his car and began to text Eddie asking him to meet up with me.

Eddie's POV:
I had just gotten a text from Millie asking if we could meet up somewhere to talk. I was just about to text her too, asking if we could talk. I need to tell her that I need to brake up with her. So right now I'm hoping that she'll make it easier and brake up with me.
  We decided that we would meet up at the park down the street from her house. I drove there because it was too far to walk. When I got there I saw her sitting on a bench on her phone.
  I walked up to her and we greeted each other. "So listen Eddie, we need to talk" she said nervously. I could tell she was nervous because she wouldn't look at me and she kept messing with her fingers.
  "Yeah. We do need to talk" she looked back up to me, meeting my eyes. "Eddie, your a great guy and all but, I- I just- I don't think we should be together. I'm not completely over my ex and we recently reconnected and there's something still there. I'm really sorry Eddie." "No, no. It's fine I get it. I actually needed to tell you the same thing. I have feelings for someone else. I'm really sorry Millie, but I hope we can still be friends." She smiled and hugged me. I returned the gesture. "Of course we can Eddie." She began to walk away when she turned back around.
"And hey!" "Yeah?" "Is it Bella you have feelings for?" She asked smiling at me. I looked down and blushed. "I KNEW IT!" She said happily. "Text me and let me know what happens with you and her! I ship it Eddie!" I laughed as she began to walk away. She's crazy.  In just glad this all worked it self out.
  I walked back to my car and had just pulled up in my driveway. I walked inside the house and sat on the couch when I got a message. I looked at my phone to see who it was.

Bella: Heyyy! Wanna come over?

I smiled when I saw the message and began to write back.

Me: Sure. Be there in 15 :)

I sent the message and smiled. I got up from the couch and walked back out of the house and got in my car and started driving to Bella's house.

Bella's POV:
I was at home doing nothing and it was already 5:00. I decided that I would text Eddie and ask him to come over so we could hang out.

Me: Heyyy! Wanna come over?

I got an instant reply

Eddie: Sure. Be there in 15 :)

I was all of a suddenly feeling excited for Eddie to come over. Why? Because I miss him. I love him. But he doesn't feel the same way about me.
  I decided that instead of sitting around feeling bad about myself I should go upstairs and get ready. I did my hair that had been down all day long and was looking pretty happy by now. After I finished doing my hair, I brushed my teeth and applied a light coat of make up. Nothing much, just concealer, mascara, and some gloss.
  I went back downstairs and sat on the couch waiting for Eddie. And of course, right when I had gotten comfortable the damn doorbell rang. "God dammit" I yelled. I got up and opened the door. Eddie looked me up and down, then finally looked me in the eye. "Hello to you to, Edward" I said sarcastically. He laughed and said hi to me as we hugged. I missed hugging him. He pulled away too soon for my liking.
  For the next few hours we played bored games. It only lasted about 30 minutes playing monopoly though because damn Eddie kept being properties and I ended up being broke. So rather than just finish the game with no money I just quit. After monopoly we played 'Watch ya mouth'. Eddie hates this game because he sucks at reading my lips but I'm good at that so I always end up winning.
  At around 6:30 we went downstairs and were going to watch stranger things on Netflix. I was about to sit on my family's recliner when I felt Eddie push me out of the way, me falling on the couch. The very uncomfortable couch. Eddie just smirked at me and started laughing.
  He knows I sit on the damn recliner because the couches feel like a freaking rock. I got up and gave Eddie a stern look. "Eddie! What the hell?" I yelled at him. He just kept laughing and it was really starting to piss me off. "Get off. I wanna sit there!" I whined. "No" he simply said. "Yes!" I said in a stern voice. "No!" He said to me raising his voice. Damn you.
  "Your so damn stubborn!" I yelled at him. He hates it when he's called stubborn. Maybe he'll move now. "And your so demanding!" This little son of a gun! He knows I hate it when people call me demanding! I turned around and walked closer, looking him in the eye. "I'm demanding?" I asked. "I'm the demanding one?! Right yeah sure I am Edward!" I was growing upset now.
  "Yes Isabella! Yes you are!" He said getting up from the recliner. He's never used my full name. Crap. "Eddie, in not going to say I'm not demanding because I know that I can be! But at least I'm open minded unlike some people!" I crossed my arms as I saw Eddie's face turn red in anger. "I may be closed minded Isabella, but you know what?! I don't boss people around and walk all over them like they're a piece of crap!"
  Oh hell no he didn't! You son of a- "Yeah? Yeah Edward I walk all over people?! Who? Who have I ever looked down to?! Tell me who?!" "You see! There you go again with demanding something from everyone! When the hell are you gonna learn that people don't give you things because you told them too?!"
  "God, why the hell did I brake up with Jackson for you?!" I mumbled to myself. But it wasn't quiet enough. "What the hell did you just say?" I looked back up at Eddie. It looked as if he just saw a ghost. "Nothing. Just go" I said quietly as I turned around and started walking away. He started walking towards me and put a hand on my shoulder to turn me around. "Bella, what did you s-" I slapped his arm off of my shoulder. I didn't want to deal with him right now so I cut him off and ended up yelling at him. "NOTHING EDWARD! I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE IT AT THAT DAMMIT?!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me like his heart was snapped in half. I backed away regretting everything I had just said to him.      
"Eddie, just go. Please. Just go." I told him as I began to cry. He nodded his head and began to walk towards the door. And just like that, he was gone. The door closed and I immediately broke down. I fell to the ground and just began to sob. What the hell have I don't now?! I screwed everything up! Again dammit!

Eddie's POV:
I had just walked out of Bella's house feeling more broken than ever. I drove back home; tears in my eyes. I couldn't stop them. I didn't even try to. I dont know what to do now. If I would have just let her sit on the damn recliner, none of this would have happened. I need to fix this but I don't know how!

A/N: Well chetos! I didn't think that this chapter would be this intense when I started writing it! Again I'd like to thank BlueSea2124 for providing me with help and amazing ideas for this book. I really, really, really appreciate it! Hope you guys like the next chapter. It's gonna be a bit short though! Love ya!

TheDora xx

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