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I know this isn't necessary but I feel bad not doing this so....

I want to thank all of my readers for everything you guys have done! Without all of you this book would not be possible! Thank you to diya077 for all of the support! I want to also thank Xandriap16, without her I wouldn't even have wrote his book! She's the one who made me write it, so thank you! She also made my first cover so thank you for that as well. I want to thank Dont_Foget_About_Me because she helped me come up with the characters of Bella and Eddie when I first started this book! I would like to thank my best friend supreme-boi because she also made one of the covers for this book. I believe it was the second one, so thank you for that. I would also like to thank Beverly_Marsh18 for promoting this book! It really means the world to me so thank you! Last but most certainly not the least I would like to thank BlueSea2124! Without you, many of these chapters would not have been made and even if they were they wouldn't be this amazing! Thank you so much for helping me write this book and for also making my current cover! It really means a lot to me!

Love you guys a lot and we are gonna have even more fun with my new book Coaches Daughter! 💙💙

TheDora xx

Accidentally In Love                                 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora