Chapter 10: I knew it

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Eddie's POV:
After Bella left from my house I went back to the kitchen to go and put the popcorn bags away since we couldn't watch the movie because she had to leave. Once I finished up there, I went to my room to go pick up all of the board games and after I finished that I let myself collapse on my bed.
I had trouble sleeping that night. The only thing I could think of was Bella and our kiss. Or kisses. And the more I tried to stop thinking about it, the more I pondered about it there in the dark laying on my bed at like, 3 in the morning. I thought about how it felt, what she had told me, her reaction when I tried to apologized, and everything else you could think of. But the one thing that stuck out to me is when she said "...You didn't make me kiss you back, you didn't make me like it, you didn't make me let you take my first kiss...". That's what I found amazing. Is that, one: she admitted that she kissed me back. Two: she admitted that she liked it. And my favorite... three: I took her first kiss. That means that she's never even kissed her own boyfriend. Ever. Her first kiss was with her best friend. Once I had finally thought about everything possible that had to do with yesterday, I finally went to sleep. But that wasn't until around 5 in the morning.
I had woken up later that day at around 11 in the morning. I was happier than ever. I figured that I would get dressed and go downstairs to eat breakfast, and after I do that, I'll figure out the rest of my day. I put on a plaid shirt and some regular jeans with my black high top converse. I went downstairs and made myself some burnt egg, and toast. Don't judge me. I'm not the best cook ever. As you can probably already tell. I finished my 'breakfast' at around 12:30 and figured I would call Bella. The phone rang two times and on the third ring she picked up. "Hallo?" "Bella!!!!!" "What!!!!!" "You want ice cream?" "Yassss!" "Ok Ima bring ice cream then, ok?" "Yasss ice cream!" "Bye crazy" "bye dork" I hung up after our weird conversation. I grabbed my keys and was on my way to baskin robin's. Our favorite.
*skip car ride*
I pull up to the parking lot and get off my car, locking it in the process. I pull open the door and go up to the counter where you order. There was no one there so I was waiting until someone came by to take my order. I was looking around and this one couple in particular caught my eye. They were in the far back part of the ice cream shop but not far enough so you couldn't see them. I recognized the girl though. It was Jessica. She's probably playing with some poor guys heart again. I feel bad for the guy. Well, I did. And then he got up to throw away their trash and when he turned around I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Jackson. This couldn't be any good at all. Jackson and Jessica put together was never and I mean ever a good thing. He saw me and gave me a cocky ass look. The usual. He went back to where he was sitting and he sat right next to Jessica where I could see. And what I say next was something I wished I hadn't. He kissed Jessica and she kissed him back. It was a horrible sight to see. I knew it dammit. I knew he was gonna do this to Bella. I quickly got out my phone and snapped a picture. Once I put my phone away they pulled away and left the shop. And leaving me pissed about this whole thing. I was brought out of my thoughts when the employee asked me "What would you like to order sir?" "Um two small double scoop cookies and cream please" "right away." I waited by the cash register to get mine and Bella's ice cream, one thing on my mind. Jackson's been cheating on Bella this whole damn time. I knew it. I payed for the ice cream and was on my way to Bella's house; debating whether or not I should tell her.
Jackson's POV:
I was on a date with Jessica at baskin robbin's, the ice cream shop, today. Yes. I've been cheating on Bella this whole time. Big deal. Well, if you wanna even call it cheating. She's not even like my real girlfriend. I feel absolutely nothing for her. I'm only with her for that stupid bet. I mean yeah, she's hot, but she's not my kind. She's the kind of person that I would play. And that's exactly what I'm doing. Her little friend Eddie walked in when I was throwing away our trash. I took this as the perfect chance to give him a little scene. He could tell Bella that I'm cheating on her for all I care. The two weeks are up so I'm just waiting for the perfect time to break up with her. I go back to where me and Jess are sitting and gave her a kiss, knowing Eddie was looking. We then got up and left. I can't wait to see what's to come.

Eddie's POV:
I just got to Bella's and I walked up to her door step, opening the door for myself. "Bella, where you be?!" I yelled for her because she was nowhere to be seen when I walked in. "I'm in ma room!" She yelled back. I went upstairs to her room and greeted her. I gave her, her ice cream and we both ate it together while watching movies. The first movie that we watched was 'The Intern' because the last time we tried to watch it, well, it didn't go as planned. The movie finished and I finally had decided after pondering about it through the whole movie, that I would tell Bella about Jackson. She got up and took my trash and hers, to what I'm assuming was the trash can in the kitchen downstairs. "Bella wait I need to tell you something" I said following her downstairs. I had followed her all the way to the trash and and when she turned around, was when I figured out that I was probably standing to close to her. "What do you need to tell me?" She whispered barely audible. Her eyes going from mine to my lips. My eyes doing the same. I had the urge to kiss her so bad right now but I had to tell her about Jackson. The thing is though, is that it's kinda hard when you need to tell someone something like that and you want to kiss them. "I- uh- I just- I mean. Ugh I'll tell you later your torturing me." I finally gave in the urge and pressed my lips against her's. I pulled her closer, my hands resting on her hips. She kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling at my hair. I can't believe we are doing this again. We both know that it's wrong but, speaking for myself, I just can't help myself around Bella. We both pulled away at the same time. "You wanted to tell me that you wanted to kiss me?" She asked. I laughed "No you dork" "Then what did you need to tell me?" "It's um- it's about Jackson" she had a confused look on her face but stayed quiet to let me explain. "Bella, he's- he's cheating on you." She backed away from me and kept walking backwards like if I scared her. It really hurt me. She kept shaking her head 'no'. "Your lying" she said pointing at me. I pulled out my phone. "Bella if you don't believe me I have it on here" I unlocked my phone and went to the picture. Once I got it I tossed the phone at her and she looked at it. She covered her mouth and gasped. "Jessica?! Really?! Dammit. I knew I shouldn't have done this. This is always the way things end up." She gave me my phone back and was about to run up to her room when I stopped her. "Eddie let go of me!" "No I want to help you" "You wouldn't understand how this feels! When someone means something to you but you feel like they are treating you like crap. For someone to say or do something and then go behind your back!" " Bella I may not know what it feels like to get stabbed in the back. But you know what? I know what it feels like to have someone that means the world to you and you can't have them. I know what it feels like when that one person that means everything to you is with someone else but the person that there with isn't good for them and you know it. I know how that feels Bella and it sucks." "Yeah, Eddie!? And how would you know that?! Tell me to my face. I'm tired of secrets and lies from everybody!" " Because it's YOU Bella! Because it's you." "What?" I can't believe I just told her that. Well, now I have to tell her how I feel. "Bella, the thing is, is that I.... I like you. A lot. And I'm sorry. I know it's probably wrong but I can't stop myself from feeling that way. You're the most important thing in this world to me. And your with Jackson. Someone that I know isn't good for you. I knew this would happen. I knew it! But I wanted you to be happy, so I let you be with him and I didn't say anything! But Bella you seriously don't know how bad I wished and wanted you to be with me. So I may not know exactly what you feel, but I'm sure that it's pretty damn close. Because for these past couple of weeks, I've been feeling like crap because the one thing that I want in this world, was taken from me" "Eddie I-" she couldn't continue because she started crying. She came up to me and hugged me as tight as she could. I returned the gesture. We pulled away and that's when she basically kicked me out of her house, "You should probably go now. It's getting pretty late." She scratched the back of her neck, looking as if she was mentally arguing with herself whether to tell me that or not. But it didn't matter. It was too late. She had already said it. I said by and walked outside. I got in my car and broke down. "Dammit how could I be such an idiot to tell her that?! Now I've done it! I've lost her forever. " I decided to turn on the radio to try to get my mind off of things. But just my damn luck! As if on cue, this song came on. (The one attached on the top) But not just any song. Nope. It was a guy talking, and he's basically saying how he's always too late for the girl that he wants, because she's with another guy, and he's jealous. This day went so damn great! *note the sarcasm*

A/N: once again, a huge thanks to BlueSea2124 for helping me write this chapter. I feel like it turned out ok. Let me know what you guys think! Love ya!

TheDora xx

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