Chapter 18: Perfect (pt. 1)

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Recap on chapter 17,
Eddie's POV:
"I love you too. More than anything" then once again I pushed my lips against hers, feeling her soft lips against mine for the second time tonight. I wanted this feeling to last forever.
I had both my hands on her hips, going up and down her sides. She had her arms laced around my neck; her fingers messing with my hair.

Eddie's POV:
We slowly pulled away at the same time, letting the kiss linger. We didn't say anything. We didn't have to. We just stayed in the same position we were in: my hands on her hips, her arms around my neck, eyes closed, and foreheads pressed against each other.
I want this feeling to last forever. I never want this to end. "Bella?" I whispered to her. "Yeah?" "I love you so damn much. You know that right?" She giggled and simply replied with "Yes. I know."
We walked to the nearest bench, hand in hand. And sat down. My arm around Bella and her head on my shoulder. We stayed like this for the rest of the night. Just us. Together. Enjoying each other's presence. Finally.
After a while, it got pretty late so I decided that I should probably take Bella back home. I lightly rubbed her arm. "Bella?" I whispered in her ear. "Hm?" "It's getting late, do you wanna go home?" She moved around in my grip, so that her head was on my chest and her arms around me.
"Yeah, I guess so" she mumbled. We both got and and started walking back to Bella's house, hand in hand. It was a slow quiet walk. It was a nice quiet though, not the awkward quiet.
We finally got to her house and were on the porch, by her front door. She spun around to look at me, still holding my hand. I grabbed her other hand and bent down to kiss her. As I was leaning in she turned her head and I got her cheek. She giggled.
I gave her a small smile. "Your such a tease!" I joked with her. She laughed more. She ran her hands up my torso until they were around my neck so she could pull me closer. We were about to kiss but she stayed a few centimeters away. "I know." She cooed. Then she smiled into the kiss.
I kissed back. I could really get used to this. The feeling of her lips against mine was unexplainable. There's no words for it. We pulled away and said our goodbyes. I gave her once last peck on the lips, then headed back to my house. The biggest smile plastered on my face. I was the happiest person on the face of the earth.

Time skip to the next day

Eddie's POV:

Its 1:17 pm right now and I'm still in bed doing nothing! I've been contemplating asking Bella out today. Honestly, I don't know what I'm so afraid of. We both said how we felt about each other so nothing would be awkward.
I just feel like it might be to soon. Then again we literally just told each other that we love one another I decided to get out of bed and get dressed.
I put on a t-shirt, jeans, and my gray Vans. I sprayed some cologne on myself and did my hair. After brushing my teeth and looking somewhat decent, I left the house and walked to Bella's house.

----time skip to Bella's house----

I was in front of her house. I looked at the house and stood there. Thinking about everything that could go wrong. I took a deep breath and walked up to the porch. The only thing worse than rejection is not trying when you know you could have.
I walked up to the porch and was about to knock on the door, but I stopped myself. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how unprepared I was.
I ran off of her porch and made my way to the dollar store down the street from her house. I walked up and down the isles but couldn't not seem to find what I'd been looking for.
I found the nearest employee which was a guy who looked around my age. Brown hair and blue eyes. Looked like a nice guy.
"Excuse me, where do you guys have flowers?" I asked. "Right over here" he showed me to the isle where there was flowers. I quickly picked out a single rose. (Cheesy I know. )
"Who's the lucky girl?" He asked, a smile on his face like if it would be the most interesting answer in the world. "My best friend" I replied, a smile on my face.
He chuckled and looked down. He then started walking of "Good luck man!" He shouted. I smiled. "Thanks" I replied.
I quickly payed for the flower and walked back to Bella's house, deciding what to tell her when she answers the door.

Accidentally In Love                                 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora