Chapter 6: Truth or Dare

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Jessica's POV:


I was with Jackson, Braden, and Jacob on a Saturday night. The way I usually was. We were sitting on the couch in the living room at Jackson's house. Me and him have something. I can tell he is definitely head over heels for me! I mean who wouldn't be? Just look at me! I have flawless skin, My make-up is perfect all the time, I wear only the best of the best designer clothing, and I'm the most popular girl in school! Who wouldn't want a chance with me?! I as pulled out of my thoughts, very rudely may I add, when Jacob randomly yelled "Let's play truth or dare!" Everyone agreed except for me. I finally gave in, but only because Jackson spent 20 minutes trying to convince me which made me feel super special. "FINALLY!" Braden shouted when I said that I would agree to play. Why couldn't they play without me you ask? Well because I'm Jessica Winters! Everything revolves around ME! Get the picture?

" OK I'm gonna go first! Jackson, truth or dare?" Jacob asked Jackson with a smirk on his face. Don't ask me why because I don't know. All I know is that I wanted to slap that stupid smirk off of his face. "Dare!" Jackson said, sounding pretty confident. It was hot! "I dare you, to............ OH I KNOW!!! I dare you to get Bella Sandoval to go out with you!! And! And if you can get her to be your girlfriend I'll give you 150 bucks!" Jacob said very excitedly. He was so annoying! And seriously?!?! Bella Sandoval!?!?! She's so stupid! She doesn't even have friends. She's only got that Eddie guy! And don't even get me started on her sense of fashion! "DEAL!" Jackson said happily. Why was he so damn happy! It's freaking Bella Sandoval!! "You're lucky she's kinda hot dude" Jackson said in a sarcastic voice." DARE!" I randomly yelled. "OK. I dare you to do the same thing as Jackson but with Eddie Hernandez. And if you get him to be your boyfriend for over 3 weeks, I'll give you 200 bucks! Yeah?" Braden said with that same stupid smirk on his face, that Jacob had earlier when he was giving Jackson his dare. "Fine, whatever! I'll do it" I said annoyed. Who wants to date Eddie Hernandez?! I'm only doing this so Bella can get pissed because I know she hates me.


And that's just where I was right now. Face Timing my "boyfriend". He is really in love with me. It's a shame that I don't feel bad that I'm with him because of a dare, I don't feel anything, and in exactly two weeks I get to break up with him. All that matters to me right now though is that I have completed my original plan. Take Eddie away from Bella and make her mad! I take everything away from Bella. Everything and anything! She's gotten pissed because I take some of her stupid stuff that doesn't really mean that much. She hates me for doing that, but in the end it's not that big of a deal. This is a HUGE deal though! I took her best friend and made him my boyfriend! The only person she's ever had in her life. And I don't feel bad about it at all. In fact, I actually feel pretty good and proud about it! You better watch your back Bella.

A/N: Damn Jessica is a Biscuit! Whatcha guys think about her? All I know is that I can't wait to write more for you guys #Drama lol :) love you guys

TheDora xx

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