Chapter 17: If I'm being honest

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Bella's POV:

All he had to do was say that. I love someone else too. Those words were the only thing on my mind right now. I knew I shouldn't have fallen. I couldn't help it though.
I turned away from him and began my walk back to the house. I walked out of the park and once I knew I was out of earshot, I let myself sob. I held back the tears until I knew that Eddie wouldn't be able to hear me. I cried until I got home, I cried once I got home, and basically for the rest of the night.
I couldn't understand. Was it damn Jessica again? He broke up with Millie! Who else could it be? Crap. Holy crap. I remember talking to Eddie when he said that Jack cheated on me.
He said "Bella, the thing is, is that I.... I like you. A lot. And I'm sorry. I know it's probably wrong but I can't stop myself from feeling that way. You're the most important thing in this world to me. And your with Jackson. Someone that I know isn't good for you. I knew this would happen. I knew it! But I wanted you to be happy, so I let you be with him and I didn't say anything! But Bella you seriously don't know how bad I wished and want you to be with me."
It's me. I'm the one. I can't believe it! I have to go back. I have to go make things right!

Eddie's POV:

She walked away from me. I was too scared to know if it was me that she loved or not. So I didn't go after her. I didn't chase her to tell her I love her. To tell her she's my everything. That she's the most important thing in this world to me. I just sat there again. Letting a couple of tears fall down my cheeks.
I sat there on the bench thinking long and hard about all of this. I finally just got up and left. Why wait? What's the point? I made my way back to the house.

Bella's POV:

I got my purse and ran out of the house. I ran to the park, faster than I ever have. I ran like I meant it. A smile on my face as I got to the park, only to disappear within seconds when I realized he left.
He's gone. Nowhere in view. I began to run again this time to his house though. It was about a 5 minute run and I could care less that I'm panting and sweating. I just needed to make things right
I got to his house and made my way up the porch. I rang the doorbell and waited for a few seconds until, Karen, Eddie's mom answered. She smiled and simply said "He's upstairs." I smiled and ran upstairs to his room. I knocked lightly on his door.
"Mom, I told you, I want to be alone right now." Eddie said in a stern voice. You could hear a mix of hurt, sadness, and anger in his voice and it broke my heart.
"Eddie, it's... it's me" I said looking down hoping he'd open up. I heard shuffling on the other side of the door.
The door opened only for me to be met with Eddie's red, puffy eyes.
"Hi" I greeted shyly, giving a small smile. He returned the smile, "Hey." We stared at each other for a while then I remembered why I came.
"Um.. can we uh, go somewhere to talk? Please?" I stuttered as I asked my question. "Um, yeah sure." He went back into his room to put on some shoes and walked back out.
We made our way downstairs and outside. "So, where did you want to go?" He asked sounding nervous. "I was thinking the park." I said looking at him. Both of us staring and smiling at each other again.
We finally got to the park. We walked in silence the whole way. It was a both awkward but nice silence. I stopped walking, Eddie following my actions. "Eddie I- I -" "Yeah?" He asked looking down at me.
"I- I love you" he looked at me, shocked and slightly relieved. "What?" He asked confused. "Bella, be honest with me. Don't tell me what I wanna hear. Tell me the truth."
"You want the truth? Then if I'm being honest, I'm in love with you Eddie. I have been for a while and-" I couldn't continue.
I was cut off by Eddie, slamming his lips against mine. This time was different than the others. I didn't have to worry about 'accidentally' cheating on Jackson. I didn't have to worry about Millie finding out. It was just me and Eddie.
His soft lips moved against mine, perfectly in sync. It was a slow, soft, and passionate kiss. It was meaningful compared to all the others.
He had one hand on the small of my back, pulling me closer to him. He deepened the kiss, but I didn't mind. He had other hand messing with my hair. My hands cupping his face.
He slowly pulled away. "I love you too. More than anything in this world." Before I could respond he kissed me again. The same as before, but somehow it still felt better.
This is exactly what I wanted, and I couldn't have asked for more.


A/N: So...... I got nothing. Hope you guys liked it :) love ya lots!

TheDora xx

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