Chapter 13: Fighting my feelings

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Eddie's POV:

I did it again.  I can't believe I did this again. I kissed Bella again. And I have a girlfriend. Millie. And she's amazing. She's a great girl, she really is. I feel so bad now. Now I know what your going to say- "why are you with Millie if your gonna go around kissing Bella all the time?" It's not that I want to kiss Bella. It just.... happens. I'll be looking at her and then it's like I loose control of myself and my actions and 3 seconds later I find myself kissing her. And I'm with Millie because I need to stop feeling the way I do about Bella. I'm with her so that I can get over Bella. Not fall for her more. And it's like I'm doing the complete opposite of my objective. Millie's a great girl and stuff, but the more time I'm around her, it's like the more I know that I want to be with Bella. And I know it's wrong but I can't help myself. Well, at least it was wrong. Now Bella broke up with Jackson. Why? I don't really know. But I plan on asking her. But it bothers me.

It bothers me to know that the girl that I want so bad finally broke up with her boyfriend and I'm with some other amazing girl. And the thing is that Bella knows how I feel so she's probably thinking that I'm such a jerk because I like her but I'm with Millie. I have to tell Millie to. I can't just, you know. Keep being her boyfriend when I feel this way towards someone else. I just feel bad because as I said before, Millie is an amazing girl.

I decided that I would leave this stuff for me to figure out tomorrow. I cleaned up then went up stairs and got ready for bed. I was finally in bed, about to go to sleep, but one thing was still on my mind: Bella.

Millie's POV:

I just left Eddie's house and I'm walking back home now. I really like his friend Bella, and I would definitely consider her one of my friends now. We think alike and that's why I think we get along so well. I think that her and Eddie have something though. They have a chemistry that is just adorable and I actually have no idea why their not together yet. I was about to walk up to my porch when I heard my phone ring, signaling I had gotten a text message. I took my phone out of my back pocket and looked to see who it was.

Finn: Hi Millie. It's been a while, I know. How are you? I wanted to know if we could please meet up somewhere tomorrow. Catch up, reconnect a little. I miss you Millie. I really really miss you. I'm sorry about everything. Please text back though. And please say yes to meeting me somewhere. We really need to talk.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I read the message and who it was from. FINN. FINN. FINN. It didn't matter how many times I'd read it. It still said Finn. Let me clear things up a bit. Finn is my ex-boyfriend. We were together for a long time and he was an amazing boyfriend. But then one day this new kid came to school named Noah. Me and Noah because good friends. We got real close. I think Finn thought that me and Noah had something going on that he didn't know about because he got mad at the both of us one day out of no where. We all said something that we shouldn't have. Especially Finn.

It ended in him finding out that me and Noah are just friends and I broke up with him. Why? Because he didn't trust me. About what I said or what I did. He didn't trust me enough to let me hang around Noah and know that there's nothing going on between us. To be honest though, I still think about Finn. I want him back because I miss him and want to give him another chance. And I think that's the same reason he reached out to me. I quickly respond.

Me: Hey Finn. Yes, it's been a while. I'm good, how bout you? Yes, I'll meet up with you just let me know when and where tomorrow :)

I sent the message and sat there in my room, wondering what I had just done. I'm going back to try and get back together with my ex and I have a boyfriend. I think I might as well just have this talk with Finn. And if everything goes well, I'll talk to Eddie and get this all sorted out.

I just feel bad because Eddie is such a great guy. I hope he understands. Who knows? Maybe he could get with Bella right?

I finally decided to get ready for bed and stop thinking about all this for now. All I know is that before my eyes closed I was wondering what could happen tomorrow with Finn.

****time skip to next morning****

I woke up this morning to my phone ringing. It showed one unread text from Finn.

Finn: Hey Mills! Meet me at the park down the street from your house at 12:30 :)

I checked the time. Crap. It was 12:00. I took a quick shower and got ready. I wore a tank top, jeans and my white converse. I started walking to the park and finally got there at 12:28 just on time.

I looked around and saw Finn sitting at one of the picnic tables. I approached him and sat on the other side of the table.

"Hey" I said as I sat down. "Hey Mills" he said happily. "I think we need to talk" he said "about us and everything that happened. I want to fix it Millie. I miss you and I still love you" in his time of talking he had got up and sat next to me. I didn't mind. But our faces were close now. Too close.

"Finn..." I couldn't get out my words I was just focused on him. Both of us leaning in until he pressed his lips to mine. I haven't had this feeling in a while. Since we broke up. The warm feeling of his lips and the feeling of sparks going off inside of me. We pulled away and looked at each other.

"Finn, I want you back too. And I still love you." He smiled and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss. "I just have to break up with my boyfriend first", I said as we pulled away. Finn looked shocked.

"Boyfriend?!" He practically yelled. "Yes Finn" I hesitated. "Boyfriend." Well, I can't wait to see how this goes with Eddie. Fun.


A/N: Hey guys, how are you liking this book so far? I was proud of it and now it's kinda like eh. I'd like to that BlueSea2124 though because she's been so fun to work, write, and come up with ideas with. Without her, most of this book would not be possible so thank you again Laura for these amazing ideas. Another great chapter! :)

TheDora xx

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