2- Old Man

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Ethan's POV

"Tuesday!" I yell in sync with Grayson, as I reach over to turn off our alarm.
Ahh Tuesday, my favourite day. Why, I hear you say- well....
IT'S DOLAN TWIN TUESDAY! We get to upload today! I'm so excited! Today's video is amazing- I just know all of our fans will just love it- it's called 'our banned videos'! I just can't wait to surprise our fans by retweeting and liking their tweets. Oh- and rhe DMs too!

I jump out of bed, and drag Grayson to the bathroom, where we both brush out teeth together.
"Did you end up finishing editing yesterday?" Gray asks, his mouth full of toothpaste.
"Huh?" I ask. Since when was I editing the video- it's Grayson's turn.
"Didn't you finish editing?" He asks again, toothpaste flying out of his mouth.
"Gray- what are you talking about?!" I yell, spitting out my toothpaste into the sink.
"I told you to finish editing yesterday because I was tired- didn't you do it?" He respond, pouring mouthwash into a cup.
"Um no?!" I say.
"Why?" He asks, before putting the mouthwash into his mouth.
"Maybe because I was ASLEEP GRAY! I went to bed at like 8, and you said you were going to edit." I shout, getting kind of annoyed now.
Grayson spat out his mouthwash, all over the wall. " OH MY GOSH ETHAN! I never saved the file before I gave it to you, I told you to save it. Urgh why did you have to be asleep for? You're going to have to start all over again now!" He replies, wiping his face on the towel behind him.
I walk out of the bathroom door. "I'M going to have to start again? Uh uh. No way Grayson. YOU are going to do it. It's not my fault you having the memory of a freaking goldfish- even Fijmin has a better memory than you." I say, walking towards the kitchen, as he trails behind.
Ahhh pancakes. I love them so much. I don't know what I would do without them. As Gray and I are eating, we both scroll through Twitter and Instagram, liking random posts, and responding to DMs. I look through my feed and like a couple random posts. I then go to the #TuesdaySelfie tag and scroll through it, liking as many as I can. Damn this fandom is hot.

"E, look at this DM" gray says, showing me his phone. It's from a girl called Laura, thanking us for helping her through a rough time. This is why I love my job.

I turn back to my phone, and refresh my feed. A post comes up from someone called Cassie. Her username is @EthansLane. She has posted a Tuesday Selfie. Damn, she's good looking- and that's a lot coming from me- I've just scrolled through about a 1000 other girls. I like her post and smile, admiring her beauty. She had deep dark brown eyes, brown wavy hair. I loved how she wasn't wearing any makeup- I dig that kind of look. I look at the comments below it, and I see a comment from her, telling me to check my DMs.

I obviously check my DMs- who wouldn't? I search for her name in my endless DMs of fans and find her. The number of unread messages from her is 364. Damn, that's almost one message everyday for a year. I scroll through them from the top and smile. She always wishes me good morning, and tells me about her day. Aww.
I see the most recent text, asking me to wish her luck for her biology test later today.
I reply, saying "Good luck! Maybe you'll get out of it somehow 😏btw you're really pretty ;)" 
I look her up on Facebook and find out she goes to Sycamore High School- which is about an hour away from me. I might just pay her a visit, and get her out of this biology exam.
I bring up whatsapp on my phone and text  Louise- my makeup artist-"Louise I'm on my way to yours- can you disguise me to look like an old man. I want to surprise a fan :))"
"Gray imma head out, catch you later, k?" I say.
"Alright, I'm going to jack's for the weekend, so I won't be home till Monday" he yells back.
"Alright, see ya Gray"
"See ya"

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