13- iPhone

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Cassie's POV

I woke up in Ethan's bed. At least I think it was Ethan's bed- because it looked very different to Grayson's. I turned over, and was surprised to see nobody next to me. The alarm clock on the bedside table said it was 7:30AM- damn, that medicine knocked me out bad. I turned over to the other side, and was extremely surprised to see Ethan sleeping on the sofa is his room. That's so sweet, he gave up his bed for me. As much as my fangirl self would LOVE to share a bed with Ethan- I know it just isn't right. I'm happy he respected me. But I do wish he took the bed.

I decide to quickly scroll through twitter. I see some more positive posts now after Ethan tweeted and told everyone to calm down.
//@eeteeweeeteeeee: wow! I really want to see that girl's face!//
//@graysonstoes: Ethan I'm so sorry! I'm happy if you're happy!//

I smiled at all of the tweets, then went to my notification tab.
//@dolanlover: hey Cassie- didn't you recently get a purple manicure?//
Oh no. It has 143 likes and 200 retweets. I don't want people thinking bad things. Me and Ethan are not together. I don't want this to impact my reputation, or his. Especially his. And Grayson's.
I shake the thought off- I'm sure millions of girls would have a purple manicure.

I then get up, out of bed. The doctor said I could remove my sling today- my arm was definitely a lot better. I removed it, and put the sling in the bin. I walked to the kitchen, and the smell of pancakes drifted towards me. As I walked on, I was greeted by a topless Grayson. Damn- that body looked even better in real life.

He must've felt my eyes on him, as he said "Morning Cassie". I blushed, and went to his side. He was just about to flip a pancake. He flipped it and he made it land on a plate. He handed me the plate, and I thanked him, before looking down and realising it was in the shape of a heart. I smiled at the sweet gesture and looked up and Grayson, who flashed a cute back. I sat down with him and we both began eating.

It was silent for a while until he started talking.
"Cassie, do you want to go out or anything- I think Ethan's going to some meeting today" he says.
I thought about it. Grayson was really fun- it would b great to hang out with him for a day. But I don't know if I want to be seen outside with him- in case any fans see us- I'm still not very comfortable with that. I do need to get over that.
"Sure! But I'm still not very comfortable with all the fans and stuff." I say.
"Great! You shouldn't worry about the fans- I'll look after you well. Should I take your plate?" He kindly asks, gesturing towards my plate.
"Aww, that would be lovely, thanks" I reply, smiling at him.
He takes my plate to the sink and turns back to me.
"You can wear one of my sweatshirts- you still don't even have clothes- we can go buy some today" he says, chucking me a sweatshirt. It smelt of aftershave.
I go to Ethan's room, and surprisingly, Ethan had already left.
I got dressed into Grayson's sweatshirt and then pick up the iPhone on the dresser.

I then head to the door where Grayson is waiting.
Today should be fun!

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