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I  came through with a thudding headache and my eyes were closed against the dull pain. A steady dripping echoed all around him, but it seemed to come from one source.

A runny tap or a leak in the roof maybe

I opened my eyes again. There was a gnawing pain at the pit of my stomach that I had been trying to ignore. My lips were parched with thirst. The room was blurring and I saw in twos. I couldn't ignore it any further.

I had no idea of how long I had been kept here. They gave me food at the beginning but now I was left without food or water. I had no idea on what they were planning anymore.

I tried to move but something was restraining my arms. My legs too were immobilized. I was still tied tightly to the chair. I could hardly move. It rid me of any chance of escape. I had to think of another plan if I wanted to escape. But right now that horrible clawing pain was stopping me from thinking.

'Who's there?'

Hunger growled my stomach in response. I closed my eyes as I tried to steady my thoughts.

'It's all just a dream. Just a nightmare. None of this is true. None of this is true. Just a dream.' I tried to calm myself down.


'Mom? Is that you?' I croaked out

Baby, I'm here now

'Mom, how's this possible? Daddy said you were...' I was unable to complete the sentence as a huge lump formed in my throat.

Shhh baby don't cry. I won't leave you. You're safe now

'They took me, mom. They hurt me. They drilled holes through me, mom. I was beaten and bruised and tortured with no food or water. They left me to die.' And I sobbed and cried for I had truly suffered.

They'll pay for their sins baby. They'll pay for hurting my baby

'Where are you? How come I can't see you?' I asked trying to look around to catch a glimpse of her.

I'm here baby can't you see me

'I can't see you mom,' I said, my voice was laced with desperation.


'Mom!!' I screamed as her voice grew fainter, my voice coming out hoarse with pain.

Escape baby. I know you can do it. Have faith in yourself.  Do whatever it takes.

'I can't do it alone mom. Please don't go. Don't leave me again.' I cried

But I'm not your mama

I am your worst nightmare

I heard the voice which sounded so much like Harry cackle evilly and I knew it was over.

'D-dad ac-cident m-mom... save them,'

She woke up to find the beeping of heart monitors. She removed the oxygen mask and ripped off the needles from her arm.

'What are you doing miss? You have to stay in bed.' A nurse said as she frantically tried to put her back to bed.

'No my parents! I have to find them. Where are they?' She demanded.  She looked up to see my dad entering into the room with a sling on his arm and bandages on his head.

'Dad!' She screamed and ran to hug him. 'I'm so glad you're alive.'

'Me too baby.'

'How long have I been out?'

'For two weeks honey. I was starting to get scared.' She chuckled at him.

'Where's mom? I can't wait to see her.' She felt him stiffen at my words.

'Dad... Where's mom?' She asked again moving backwards. She saw a tear slip down his cheeks.

'Nooo.. she's not. She can't be. Daddddd!!!' She shook him hard.

'Where's mom? I want to see her. WHERE IS SHE!!!'

He tried to use his free hand to free himself from her deadly grip. Her dad was sobbing silently and she watched the tears flow freely down his cheeks.

'She's gone honey. She left us. She's dead.' He told her

'Nooooo....  she won't leave me she won't she's alive. Show me where you kept her!' She was way beyond hysterical. She started throwing things around.

Five nurses came to hold her back and administer the anaesthesia. She fought and clawed their faces. All she wanted was her mom, she didn't want to stay in bed. The sedative had begun to work slowly ebbing her strength away.

Her dad was too grieved to watch and he turned his face away as tears had their way. Her grief was too much. She kept on repeating the words as she slipped into unconsciousness.


She was dead

She wasn't coming back

She was dead

'She's dead,'

'She left me alone,'

'She's never coming back.' I laughed

'She tricked me yet again,' I said my voice coming out in whispers.

'She left me,' I said again and I looked up and saw my three abductors staring at me.

'She's nearly there, isn't she?' Harry asked.

'Yeah, she's nearly there. Good Job.' Nathan said. I narrowed my eyes at them.

'Where are you going?' I asked them as they decided to leave. They looked at me and gave me a creepy smile and they left without a word.

'Don't leave me here. Don't you dare leave me here again.' The door shut loudly.

I tried shuffling my chair to move closer to the door. After trying for about half an hour I got there.

'Let me out! Can you hear me? Let me out. I did nothing to deserve this. Just let me go,' I screamed my throat burning. When I kept quiet, the growling of my stomach responded to me reminding me of my state.

A sudden rush of adrenaline rushed through my veins. I banged my head on the door as I tried to wrench my arms free of the bonds. But I felt the narrow strips digging into my flesh. I cried out in pain and kept on hitting my head on the door as I tried to ignore the throbbing pain.

I saw my blood smeared on the door. Adrenaline was beginning to fade. The loss of blood was making me weak.

'I just want some food. I'm hungry.' I said as my voice was barely reduced to a whisper.

I closed my eyes as I welcomed the peaceful bliss if darkness.


A/N: Hi dearies. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Before I forget, this book has not been edited, so in case of grammatical errors, please feel free to correct me. I'd appreciate it.

By the way who else is curious about what happened after Ariel was kidnapped? I know I am but there there now. I won't tell you cause I don't know ;-)

P.s. Do try to vote. Don't remain a silent reader. Love you guys

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