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'So this is where you spend your time ey? In a pub,' He said with amusement glinting in his eyes as he watched her freeze for a second before turning and masking whatever reaction she had.

'What about you huh? Your daughter is in trouble and the only place you know to go to is a pub,' she sneered at him as he pulled at a stool next to her and sat down.

'Says the friend who apparently cares more than the father and is also in the same pub,' he said while ordering some shots of tequila.

She turned back to her drink deciding not to give him answer and he smiled slyly at his victory.

'So Meg right?' He asked trying to start a conversation and she hummed in reply playing with her shot glass.

'What about your boyfriend?' She turned to stare at him before going back to her shot glass.

'You know, the one who came with you to my house with you to threaten me,' he coaxed her more and she shot him a glare before speaking.

'Don't you have prostitutes to screw or something? Leave me alone,' she snapped at him. He downed the last shot of tequila before turning to give her an icy glare.

'As a matter of fact, I think I do,' he said with anger evident in his voice as he grabbed the nearest woman by his side and kissing her before turning to leave with the woman he had just grabbed.

'Please get me four more shots,' she said to the bartender.

Of all the nights he could visit the pub, he chose tonight. Couldn't a billionaire like him afford to have a bar in his home where he could drink without disturbance or creating a nusiance to other people?

She fumed as she sat down their downing the liquor. Her phone rang jolting her suddenly from her thoughts. She looked at the screen and sighed.

She stood up to leave while paying the bartender and flashing a flirty smile and telling him to keep the change.

She hurried outside away from the blastig music but before she got outside, the call had cut and she returned the call.

'Hey,' she spoke into the phone as the other person picked up. She swirled the hem of her milk coloured sweater as she sat on a bench close to the building.

'How are you?' A masculine voice answered from the phone.

'Fine, I guess,' she answered biting her lower lip.

'What's wrong?' He asked her.

'Nothing much. I just got fed up at home and school was a big stress today, so I decided to go out and grab a drink,' she answered.

'I can feel a but coming up,' he said and she laughed.

'Well, I kinda bumped into Ariel's dad and he ruined my already ruined evening with his presence,' she said as she let out a loud breath.

'God I hate that man! I hope he didn't try anything foolish?' He asked.

'Apart from being his annoying self, he didn't try something foolish like the last time,' she said.

'Good cause if he did, I would have slit his throat,' he said and her eyes widened.

'Jake!' She exclaimed before she she burst into laughter.

'Anyway I am quite sure I put him in his place this evening,' she said as heat rushed up her face.

'That's my girl. I don't even wanna know what you said or did but it serves him right,' he said, his voice laced with pride.

'Any news about Ariel?' He asked as his voice suddenly turned serious.

'No, not yet. Its still quite fruitless and frustrating,' she said as her voice wavered slightly.

'Don't worry, I am sure they'll find her soon,' he said and she nodded.

'You know I can't see you nodding right? If I didn't know you so well, I'd have thought you didn't hear me,' he said and she laughed.

'I miss you,' she said finally.

'I miss you more babe,' he said. 'I've got to go now, I'll call you back later. I love you,' he said.

'I love you more,' she said and hung up before moving to her car.

During this period that Ariel had gone missing, she had started dating Jace and he was the only one who comforted her.

She couldn't help but feel guilty. If she hadn't forced Ariel to that party, she wouldn't have been captured.

She only hoped wherever she was, that she was okay if not, she wasn't sure she would be able to live with the guilt that tore her heart each day.


I heard soft footsteps behind me and I stopped to listen but the footsteps had stopped too. I was afraid to look behind me. I started to work again and I head the sound of the footsteps again.

I walked quickly and I heard the footsteps increase in pace. Cold sweat broke out on my forehead. My hand felt for the gun inside my clothes and for a moment I felt safe.

I looked around the dark alleys filled with barrels and I knew that if I died here today, I'd just be another unfortunate victim.

I felt fear flood me and despair clutching at my chest. I broke out into a run.

I looked behind me and I saw the silhouette of a man in the darkness sprinting towards me. My heart had jumped inside my mouth as I tried to clear my thoughts.

I could hear him gaining on quickly and I felt for the gun trying to pry it free. I felt a hand grab my hand and turned me to face my assailant and my eyes widened in shock.

This could not possibe. I tried to wrench my arm free of him as my heart beat rapidly like it was going to burst free in a moment. And my eyes showed me imges I never wanted to see again.

'You,' I managed to whisper and he let out an evil grin, twisting his mouth in a snarl.

'You are supposed to be dead. I killed you! Why aren't you dead?' I asked him, my voice filled with contempt and hatred.

'Yes you killed me but it's your own turn to die,' he said with voice as cold as many winters and his eyes as red as blood.

I screamed as I felt his hands tighten against my neck. I struggled to pry his hands away but they didn't relent on choking me to death.

I gave up trying and started using my arms to release the gun from my clothes but it seemed stuck.

My vision was starting to cloud as I choked and darkness dotted my vision as I struggled to breath. My lungs screamed for air as they burned. I knew the end had come.

I had taken a life and my life was to be used as a price. I was paying for my sins. I felt my life essence ebb away. I was dying.

It was as if I was poured very chilled water on me as my hands clutched his, still trying my very best to free myself.

'Oh, Señor, ahuyenta todo espíritu maligno de nosotros,' I heard the voice of a woman say. (Oh lord save us from evil spirits).

Was I in heaven? Was that the voice of an angel? Was I dead?

I cracked my eyes open as I saw a woman standing in front of me with her expression filled with disgust as she did the sign of the cross.

I scrambled up from her door post as heat flushed my cheeks. It was just a bad dream. I had slept on her doorstep when I got tired of roaming about in the night.

She mumbled some curses in Spanish. I took that as my cue to leave.

As I wondered round the streets with drenched clothes, I noticed that most of the people were tanned and they looked different from the people she was used to seeing in California.

Where was she?


A/N: Sorry for the really short chapter. I hope to update soon. I have been having some problems with my phone lately.

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