Bad luck

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'You're not getting into my car,' Steve said deadpan. It was still dark and the moon shone faintly in the dark as the day broke slowly. Chris had come over to his house so that they could go together.

'How else am I supposed to travel to Mexico? Fly?' He asked incredulously, throwing his hands up in the air.

'Do whatever you want. I don't care. All I know is that you aren't stepping a foot in my car,' he answered him while opening his car to get it.

'Fine then! Have it your way. I'll just tell the Chief that you said you were going solo and you said that I should back off,' he huffed.

'Oh really? Go and feed him with your lies then,' he said and shut the door, turning on his ignition.

Ugh... he was already on the bleeding suspension. He couldn't risk it any further. He sighed and honked at the childish gorilla who was deliberately taking slow steps away from his car. He turned round when he heard the car horn. Grinning like an idiot, he turned round and got into the car.

'I knew you'd come around, buddy,' he said slapping Steve lightly on his back while a playful smile danced on his lips. He got a death glare in return and the smile vanished into a serios aura.

'Hey remember what I told you last time about treating me with respect? Well if you don't, I'll do everything within my power to make sure that this mission never gets any lead,' he said with all the seriousness Chris could ever muster in his life.

'Are you threatening me?' Steve asked in amazement.

'Na, only fools threaten. I only gave you two options. You are to choose,' he shrugged turning to look at himself in the side mirrors.

Steve sighed. It was going to be a long ride. Slowly the golden sun rays kissed the earth, Chris turned on the radio and a song by the imagine dragons came up.

He sang off key and Steve groaned. He took out some ear plugs. How long again was it going to take to get to the dammed Mexico?


He glanced at her one more as she sobbed silently, sniffling at intervals wile rubbing her already red eyes.

He gripped the steering wheel tightly as his mouth set into a thin line. He was mad and angry af. What was he thinking?

He was mad at her because she was his daughter's best friend and he was mad at himself because he didn't know why he did it. How did it happen? He had aked himself that question a billion times now and he sighed.

'Have you tried calling her again?' He asked breaking the icy silence. She looked up at him with red teary eyes as she broke into a snare.

'Well, if she had picked, I'm pretty sure you'd have been the first to know since you'd be able to hear me,' she said with contempt and he gripped the steering wheel even more tighter, angry lines decorating his already angry face.

He stopped the car suddenly and she lounged forward, almost hitting her head on the dashboard but saves by the almighty seatbelt and her arm.

She looked at him angrily and was about to start hurling  a terrain of curses at him.

'Get out,' he said without glancing at her, still gripping the steering wheel.

'What?' She asked more surprised than angry.

'I said get out,' he said through gritted teeth, pointing at the door.

'No I won't,' she said with a determined proud chin as she crossed her both arms over her ample chest.

'I am going to say this for the last time and if you don't get out, I'll drag you out,' she let out a gasp, looking at him to see if he'd change his mind but he wasn't even glancing at her.

She got of the car tearfully as she grabbed her purse and phone and she was barely able to shut the car when he sped off. How dare he leave her here! On a lonely dark road with bushes at the side. She checked her phone for the time and it was 6:33am. 

She tried calling but in times like this when you need a signal, you find no signal. She stomped her feet on the ground chanting, 'I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry,' but then she busted out crying.

She sat down at the side of the road and cried,  thrashing her feet around and fisting her hands in her weaves. She was hysterical, screaming at the top of her voice, venting all the frustrations she was feeling. Her curses where vile enough to shame a sailor.

Then she stopped and dried her swollen red eyes. Slowly she stood up and adjusted the black crop top and jean she wore. She tightened the black jacket she wore around her, hoping to keep out the cold.

She took out her phone again and she began to search for signal but there was none. She only hoped a taxi came soon as she plopped back on the ground. And then she heard a sound.

A car was approaching, she stood up quickly and started waving frantically but as the car got nearer, she stopped and frowned her face.


Ariel isn't that Harry

I didn't nees a soothsayer to tell me to run as I did. I ran towards an ally with walls that cast thick shadows making it dark. At the far end where a group of guys who seemed to be excitedly chatting about something.

I backed away slowly not wanting to attract them to myself. But at that moment, I decided to slip and fall, landing on my Bahamas and causing the barrels close to me to clatter noisily around me and I winced. So much for stealth.

They all looked towards where I had fallen and with wicked grins on their faces, they made their way towards me.

'Hey chicos. Es una chica negra americana. Apuesto a que será dulce de tener.' One of them said licking his lips grossly.

They were all handsome chicos. Whatever that means. They all spotted dark hair and green eyes. They all looked sinister but with boyish looks and all. Delicate descriptions will come later on.

Why did I always get myself into horrible situations like this? First it was those three and now I'm faced with one two three four..

Six. They are six birdbrain

Thank you captain obvious. I rolled my eyes.

'Hey guys. Err.. nice to meet you,' I said shuffling backwards still as I tried to stand but failing miserably. I cursed under my breath.

It seemed that the universe was against me. They advanced further amd I scrambled up to my feet successfully this time. I turned to run and a strong arm held mine.

'Where do you think you're going, amor,' a hot breath fanned my neck and I gulped. I was doomed for the second time.


A/N: Hola Amigos. Sorry for the really short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it.

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