Chapter 5: A New Visor and a Confession

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The one thing Tord noticed was that Tom was avoiding him. It was hard to get Tom's attention since he would walk quickly by his office and either took the stairs or make sure the elevator door closed quickly behind him. Even at the meetings, he stood by the door silently. He was the first one out the door when the meetings were over. This irritated Tord because of the fact that Tom wasn't saying anything to him and even finding ways to avoid him. He wanted to talk to Tom about his new visor. But how can he when the guy runs before you could say a word? It was time to use force for this one.

During the next meeting, Matt updated Tord on Edd's condition. They noticed Tom stood there without saying a word. His face didn't change at all. In fact, he was almost like a statue to the people in the office. Paul had to check on Tom every five minutes to see if he was still breathing or even awoke. It was when Matt finished his requests and reports, he was told to leave. Tom was about to follow when Paul and Pat stood in front of the door.

"Very funny, sir. I didn't know you were a comedian to pull a joke like this. Now, can you let me out of your office? I have work to do, like a good soldier."

"What's the matter Thomas?"

"It's Tom, sir."

"I will address you by that name when I want to. You have been quiet and avoiding me lately. I even have a new visor for you to put on. Shouldn't you be happy about that?"

"I have my glasses sir. Now, can I leave? I have paperwork to do and these meetings don't help with the workload."

"Not until your visor is on your head."

"I don't want the visor. I want to get back to work and away from you."

"I guess we have to do this the hard way."

With the snap of his fingers. Tom was on his knees while being held down by Paul and Pat. Tord forced the visor back on Tom's face. Tom kept struggling and fighting the men while the visor was being forced on. Tord wanted to punch him in the face to knock him out so that he could put the visor on.

Eventually, everything was connected. The only thing the visor needed was to be turned on. Instead, Tord quietly ordered the men to tie Tom's hands up. He gave the signal for both men to leave before he locked the door behind them. He wanted Tom to talk to him and stop avoiding him. He remained silent until Tom spoke up.

"Cut the bullcrap, Tord, and untie me!"

"You cut the bullcrap Tom! And I would like some respect! Call me by my title or sir, you got that?!" Tord growled.

"Cut the bullcrap, sir, and untie me!"

"What's the magic worlds?"

"Dra til helvete drittsekk." Tom spat out while trying to get up.

Instead, he was met with a swift boot to the gut. Tom fell to his knees and felt someone attempting to remove his vest. Before he could get up again, he felt the weight of a boot on his back. He knew when Tord acted like this, it was going to be a fight. He wasn't going to back down until he couldn't anymore and Tord knew this. They knew each other.

"Beg or apologize Tom," Tord said. He tried to hide the anger but some of it seeped through.

"No." Tom said sternly. He wasn't going to give in.

"Do it now." Tord pushed his foot down harder on Tom's back. Tom started to push back.

"Fuck you Red Leader." This made Tord dig his heel into a sensitive spot on Tom's back while he pushed down harder. Tom groaned in pain while Tord did it. Tom knew why Tord did it. If all else this would make the exchange a little faster.

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