Chapter 8: The Report

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Before Matt told his tale of the report and how he knew. He had to ask Tom this one question.

"If you took suppressants, why did you morph that day and why didn't you tell us?"

"I was supposed to go tomorrow but, with Power Edd and all, it was hard to get back to the mansion in time to get the treatment. Worse is when Edd helped me morph back in the most painful way. I was mad that I lost hair and felt like crap afterwards. My hair grew back quickly and I took a train back to the mansion to get treated. Everyone was there like clockwork. Even Tamara who came through a mirror." 

Tom took another gulp of water. 

"I didn't tell you guys why because I was scared. I didn't want you guys to be afraid with the thought of me morphing at random or other things. You know how hard it is to worry about people looking at me because of my eyes? It's rare to find friends who don't care about that. It would've been harder to explain why I did have these eyes."

"That would explain why you shoved popcorn into your mouth that day while trying to explain how you got those eyes."

"Anyways, tell me about the file of me and my siblings."

"Oh right!" Matt said while getting comfortable. Tom did the same.

"While I was working on blueprints in Tord's study, I had noticed a file on his bookshelf. It was off to the side as if it was to be hidden only to the untrained eye. I had grabbed it while thinking it was his secret formulas so that I could improve the mechanics of the blueprints. Instead, I saw your name on it. I was curious as to why he had a file on you in his study. He normally kept files of all his workers in his office. It had good weight to it and was almost full. It was well...Interesting. I do have to say this."

"Go on."

"I think Tord knows about you being a monster and your abilities. It was due to your younger brother."

"Damn it Tim." Tom grumbled. He knew his younger siblings would find a way to get caught.

"Anyways," Matt continues. "The report talked about a young man who was flying from America to either the UK or Norway. He was mistaken for a flying craft and was shot at. It was then the pilots realize they were trying to shoot a living person down. The man then did something to their plane before getting hit and falling out of the sky. He landed twenty feet from the crash site. Surprisingly enough, he survived and was rushed to the nearest hospital. 

There, he went into surgery to fix any damage done. When they looked at his eyes, they noticed he was wearing contacts and took them out. It was then they got the shock of a lifetime when they looked at the man's eyes. The scleras were black and his irises were magenta. They called Red Leader who wanted the man locked to his bed until he got there. When he did, he wanted a lot of samples done. It was the man's eyes that reminded him of you. So, he compared his DNA to yours and found out you was his blood relative. 

It was then, he started to research your family through the man. The guy's name was Timothy Ridgewood who was 26-27 years old, 5' 9'', and had long brown hair in a loose pony tail. By the time, Red Leader could get back to him, he saw two women in his room. One was about the same height with long brown hair and was considered cute by Red leader. The woman next to her was short at 5' 7'' with short brown hair in pony tail. She looked like the female version of you. Some of the notes got perverted so, I skipped those. I almost got to the monster part when I heard footsteps. I put the folder back before the door open to Paul looking at me. I left with this photo." He handed a photo of him and his siblings to Tom.

"I think your younger brother was trying to find you. I fear what Tord will do to him..."

"Nothing really. If my sisters were there, they already took Tim away. He is probably back in America and now at the mercy of both the Red Army and Blue Rebels. I worry because, it's almost time for our treatment."

"Well, mine."


"I'll be gone for a week so, I'll need you to take of my place for me. Before you ask, it's a medical trip which I'm allowed. I might be in America or I might be in the UK. If you need me, call me so that I can get back quickly."

"Why America?"

"My older sister found a lab that can produce an improved version of the suppressant so that we don't have to make a lot of trips back home. I'll be given a few bottles to keep me under control." He felt a little hot but tried not to show it.

"Anyways, it's getting late, do you want to stay over here or go back home? I got a blankets and a cozy couch."

"Why not. I don't have to go to work tomorrow so, I can take you to work and go shopping."

"Lucky son of a bitch." Tom punches lightly in the arm with one hand while taking his plate in the other. He dropped off the plates in the kitchen before going to his room. He went upstairs to change as well as grab some night clothes and a few extra blankets. Instead of Matt sleeping alone, they decided to have a sleepover until they both fell asleep on the couch.


On the outskirts of the Red Kingdom lies a mansion so simple but impressive that it was obvious who it was for. The maids and butlers wore red and black as their leader did. It was in this study stood a tall man who was getting ready for bed himself. He was drinking water while looking over the designs. He noticed something off about the room. He looked over to the file on the shelf and grabbed for it. He flipped through the papers until he found what was off about the room. The file was missing a photo of Tom and his siblings.

"Who could've-"A deep, husky accented male voice start to come out only to be replaced by a chuckle.

"So, Matthew." He started, using the full name of his perpetrator." How much did you find out about your dear friend Thomas? Did you find enough to spark your curiosity about the mysterious man who keeps to himself? Did he finally tell you about him being a monster? Did he forget to tell you that he's off his suppressants and is about to go into heat soon?"

The man tossed the file on to the desk next to a photo of Tom and Matt in the elevator with Tom blushing at Matt. His metal hand touching the photo before continuing.

"Did he forget to tell you that he needs a mate soon?"


This is what happens when your friend sings The Bad Touch in the elevator and you have no choice but to hold back a laugh. I mean seriously, anyone would laugh at a guy who would. Yup ,going to post the song on here. Heh. 

He's An Asshole (TomTord)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon