Chapter 9: Pineapples and Heat or Pineapple Smelling Heat

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It was morning when Tom woke up. He looked over to see that it was six o clock on the cable box in front of him. Like clockwork, he gets up at that hour or sometimes off a minute or two. When he started moving, a sickness came over him. He was burning up and his body ached. What was worse is that he notice a smell of pineapple in the air. He sniffed himself to find out that the smell was coming from him.

"Oh fuck no..."

Tom ran up the stairs to grab his phone. He called Tord to tell him that he was sick and need to stay at home. In reality, he was going into heat. If he went into heat, he would start to morph with some controllability. He was in pain when Tord picked up the phone.

"Hello Tom. What seems to be the issue?"

"Sir, I...Ahh! Can't come into...Shit! Work. I don't....Urk! Feel so good." He almost threw up. It was painful to say the least and he wanted to call before he pushed Matt out the door. He needed to handle this on his own or by doctors.

"Thomas, how serious is it?"

"How...Ow! Serious?" Tom said in pain. He was dumbfounded by the question.

"I want you-"Tord was cut off by Tom.

"I need a week off either at my family's house or in America. This is a medical vacation." Tom panted the words, He wouldn't admit to it, but he doesn't want to Tord to see him like this. It was embarrassing to be in heat in front of the guy you hate. He knew if he hurt Tord, he would be put in jail for it.

"Come into the office Thomas."Tord said. He tone became a little deeper, more serious as if he was commanding him. Tom almost purred at the tone before realize who was on the other line. What is wrong with him that he would think of his rival like that?

"Fine, I'll get dressed."

"Just come into your night clothes. As soon as we're done, you can have the rest of the week off."

"Let me get Matt up."

"Let him sleep. I'll have a personal speed car come get you. How stretchable is your clothes?"

"They can stretch." Tom said before he heard a knock. It was Matt on the other end of the door. He was worried when Tom started to run towards his room. Also, he wanted to know why the place smelled like pineapple.

"Hey, are you ok? You looked like you're about to throw-"

Matt was cut off by the sound of Tom hurling into a trash can. Worse is that Tom's skin became darker in some areas. He was morphing and didn't want to spook Matt but, Matt came in anyways.

"Dude! Are you changing?!" Matt yelled. He didn't say morph because he knew Tom was on the phone with their boss.

"Yes! Can I have some privacy?!" Tom replied with the same tone.

"Didn't I tell you not to change because a car is coming for you?!" Tord replied angrily.

"Yes, Si...ROAAAAAARRRRR! Tom tried to stop it but, the sound came out.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Both Matt and Tord said in unison.

"It's N-Nothing..." By now, Tom's voice grew deeper.

"Go down stairs now, Thomas. The car is here to pick you up. We will deal with this when you get here." A click on the other end could be heard.

Tom and Matt ran down the stairs and to a sleek black car with the Red Army logo. Both men hopped into the car before the driver could open the door. Tom clenched his stomach but realize he was giving off a mating scent of pineapple as well as morphing slowly.

'I need that serum soon!'

"Are you gonna be ok buddy?" Matt asked. He was still in Tom's old night clothes with a pair of slippers. Tom was barefooted but, was ok with that. He really needed to get to get to Red Leader's office.

"I'm going to try to be ok. This is weird and painful to me. I should've left a week ago."

"Don't tell me you're in-"

"Yup and now I regret every period joke I told my sister..." Tom winced in pain as he said it. It was starting to get unbearable. By now, they should've taken Matt's car instead.

"We're here!" Matt said as he pushed Tom out the other end. The driver was there to catch him and man, was she strong. She helped him up while Matt did the same.

They didn't care who was watching as they dragged Tom through the building. The only thing they cared about was the weird smell of pineapple in the air. It was then they decided to sniff Tom to find out he was the culprit.

"Must be a new perfume he's trying out." Matt tried to cover up the reason why he smelt like pineapples. He had forgotten that Tom told him about having pineapple DNA. Once they got him to the office, Pat opened the door. He was expecting them to come. Once inside, the door locked behind them. It was so that no one else could come in. This was going to be a private affair after all. The two let him go as he was getting too hot to handle.

Before anyone could say anything, Tom was taking off his shirt. He had muscles but, not as many and plenty of scars from the past. What got everyone was how his skin was multicolored. He fell to his knees while holding himself steady to that he could get up afterwards. He felt someone beside him. He looked to see black combat boots kneeling next to him. He shivered when someone's hand touched his back. The hand explored the back of his body to the point of making him sit. Tom started to make purring and chirping noises as if he was calling out for a mate. He felt the hand slip down to his armpit to hold up his arm while he felt something cold and relieving on his arm. Before he had a chance to question the liquid, he felt something sharp pierce his skin. He started to feel sleepy when he felt something prick him again. The last thing he heard or thought he heard was,

'I want you too, min søte.'


Things are about to get interesting. I wish I could do the lenny face because the next chapter will get a little heated. (Should've threw the pun on this chapter instead.)

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