Chapter 13: Ellsworld and Youth before the Pain

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Matt's POV

I didn't realize how similar Tom and his sister were. They both played an instrument, they both loved blue. Heck, they even wore checkered vans! She lived in Norway like her brother does with Tori who looks like a hot female version of Tord. The difference though is that Tamara caught her cancer before Tom did and got it treated quickly. 

I met the female version of myself and man! Is she a cutie! Even though she only had to deal with losing her eye, she was still beautiful. I want a woman like her one day. I talked to the girls about their dresses and everything. I looked over to Tom who looked at his ankle. We forgot he was still on house arrest. He had this sort of spooked look on his face. As if he knew that when he gets back, he is going to get punished for it. 

But, to him, this was worth it. His sister is worth it. 

We also got to talk to Ell who sometimes went by the name Ella. She was a female version of Edd and was wiser when it came to choices. She now runs the media for Tori as Director of Media and Arts. Even Ringo was fun to be around. He would hop into my lap and let me pet him. I had to get up in the morning so, Tamara took me back through my mirror. I was greeted by a call from Red Leader or Tord.

"Hello Red Leader, how are you?" I beamed. I knew this wasn't going to be pleasant.

"Matt, were is he?" His voice was calm and monotone but, I could detect anger in it.

"Are you talking about Tom?" I asked. I knew he was talking about Tom.

"I know you know where he is. I just want to know as well." Oh shit, he is irritated. I decided to tell him.

"He's with Tammy, he's ok, and he's sorry for leaving but, it was important." I could hear a growl on the other end. I decided to hold the phone away from my face.

"WHO IS TAMMY?!" He voice almost sounded like thunder. I was afraid to tell him the truth.

"She is a friend of his." I lied. He needs this one and he owes me for this.

"Have him come to my office tomorrow ASAP. I don't care what he wears, I want him here!" He growls.

"Ok sir." I replied. I felt sorry for Tom. He was losing everything to Tord. I can't let him lose his family.

The next morning, I hear someone in my room. I see Tom and almost freaked out.


"I knew this would happen but, it was worth. He wouldn't let me see my family anyways so..." He trailed off. Then he walked to my balcony door and open it before walking to the edge.

I saw him jump to his balcony from my balcony and return the same way after getting dressed in a purple omrbre t-shirt with black jeans, blue shoes, and a jean jacket.

When we arrived at the office, Paul and Pat quickly grabbed Tom and dragged him to Red Leader's office. If they have to come get him, it was serious. I went to work worried about Tom. I sent him to the shark without fighting for him. I decided to go check up on him when Pat told me he would be taken home. I left questioning what would happen to Tom.

Tom's POV

I was pissed at what the bastard did. He had Pat and Paul come get me like that over what I did yesterday. They kept close to me until we got into his office. Then, they tied my wrist left me and him alone in the office. I'm starting to question why he keeps tying my hands up. I forget he reads hentai. 

"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't put you in jail for what you did?" He looked at me like I committed an evil act.

"It was important." I replied. I wasn't going to tell him everything.

"How important that you disappear off the face of the earth!" He yelled. I flinched a little. I never seen him get this angry before. He grabbed me by the hair and threw me into a wall. I swear I was his punching bag at this rate.

He picked me up and threw me again. It was as if he was trying to do damage without leaving a mark. I groaned in pain after the fifth hit to the wall. He smiled and picked me up. He whispered into my ear.

"If you disobey me again, I will punish you for it."

He untied me and had Paul take me home. Paul show some sympathy to me but, not a lot. I was helped into the house before I dropped on to the floor. I decided to get my revenge against him.

The next day I went into Red Leaders office with my prank. It was a cup of very hot lemonade with burning hot pepper juice and pickle juice in it. I left a note cussing him out without signing it. I ran out the building when I did it  because I thought I heard him scream my full name. I grabbed a cab and had them take me to places I was not allowed to go. I made sure they couldn't track me when I did it. I had a jammer which turned the bracelet "off". 

I spent the whole day avoiding the guards who was looking for me. I felt like a young, rebellious me and I loved it. I went to the beach and bought a bag and swim trunks. I went swimming just for the hell of it. The water was so refreshing on my still hot skin that I went deeper. I missed doing this, I miss having fun. Why doesn't he let me have fun like this? Wait, I'm here to have fun! I'm still young, I should be having fun instead of being stuck in an office so much! I did fun things until it got dark.

I was thinking about a hotel room when I realized he could find me there. I decided to go to Matt's house in a disguise. Bad move, Matt let me in to see our boss sitting on Matt's couch, With the most pissed off look I have ever seen. Before I could run, I was tackled down by the guards who was behind me. Tord grabbed my hair and slammed my face into the floor before forcing me to look at him.

"Remember when I told you that if you disobeyed me again I would punish you? Well, that stunt you pulled really pissed me off." I could tell my punishment wasn't jail time. "We're going to my home for your punishment." I saw the one thing I never want to see from him ever.

His sadistic smile. 


Hold on to something because we're about to get into some dirty territory. It's gonna be fun writing the next chapter. I will warn you, it's going to be some kinky BDSM stuff. 

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