Chapter 11: The Ride to Tom's house and Tamara WTF

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Tord's POV

"Jeg elsker deg også Tord."

Did I hear that correctly? Wait, did he read my mind? Tom has been a mysterious man since I know him. In elementary school he had black eyes and sort of kept to himself. I wasn't with him in middle school so I didn't know how he would be until high school. I started to see him change at the last year of high school when he moved away and we didn't see him until that day at the coffee shop. Even then, he kept changing.

When we were with our friends, we we're rivals who called each other names. It was a game we played to keep them from getting any ideas about us. In private, on the other hand, it was different. I would sit on his bed while he played a song on Susan. We would watch movies other than Zombie Pirates from Hell and share a bowl of snacks together. I don't know why but, it was the calming to me. I remember Edd telling me that at one time we would be friends if he didn't exist. He doesn't realize that regardless of his existence, we were friends. But, I wanted something different. I wanted to fix this world so that I could protect that "world" we created.

That's why I had to do what I did. I didn't want them involved in my plans yet. I told Tom that I was leaving the house soon. His fake hate turned real hate towards me. He didn't want me to leave but, I had to. It was for him and my friends. I could've taken him with me but, I didn't want to. Not yet at least.

He angrily helped me packed and told me good riddance. I decided to do one mean thing for the road and backed into him. When I got to the airport, my plane was already ready for me to go. I used not only the money from my inheritance but, the money from my inventions to build the main Red Army base. I was getting ready to take over the world when I realize that I forgot my robot back at home. I decided to retrieve it but, was stopped by him. I didn't know why I did it but, I tried to kill him. Maybe because I didn't want him to be stuck with the fact that I was the bad guy now?

When he took me down, I saw the tears in his eyes and him yelling at me, I thought  I heard him say,


I saw him walk away from the mess I cause but, what can I do now? I lost my arm and ended up with damage to my eye. I have to wear glasses now whenever I take off my eye patch. I was mad at that, at him for not only destroying my eye but, putting a damper on my plans. I wanted to punish him, to hurt him, to make him regret doing that. But, I also wanted him to be mine.

I decided to keep tabs on my old friends so that I would know their every move. I had my spies specifically look at Thomas so that I can retrieve him later on. Once that little move was put into place, I decided to take over the world. I started with Norway to establish my kingdom. I then created chaos all over Europe to collapse the European Union and allow my army to take over each country. By the time I had Europe taken over, I used their funds to spread out. I stopped and took over the rest of the world. It was hard at first until I gain allies who wanted to help the cause. By then, I was ready to take over the United Kingdom and retrieve Tom. I didn't care if he wanted to go or not. He was going to stay in my kingdom until I die and that was that.

I looked over to him while he was asleep, he looked so cute while he slept. I turned on the radio and noticed a song was playing. I turned it up a little and it was calming. It didn't wake him up though so, that was good. I was driving the road to his place. It was a  beautiful sight to see.I wonder if this is what he sees going into work?

When we got to his place, I woke him up. He was right , I could feel the heat off of him. Tom groaned before getting up. I got out of the car and helped him get out as well. I helped him to his door when he grabbed his spare key from his hiding place. I knew Matt had his keys but, I didn't want to disturb him.

As soon as I got him into his house, I notice a human shaped lump on his couch. A female head was poking out of it and there was stuff on the table next to her as well as a blue hoodie on the top of the couch. I leaned over to whisper in Tom's ear.

"Who is that on your couch?"

He looked over at the couch and had a look on his face. As if he wasn't expecting her.

"Can you take me to the couch next to the stairs?"

He didn't answer my question. Why can't he answer something that simple?

"Who-"I tried to ask again before he cut me off.

"Can you please take me to there? I'll deal with the woman on the couch." It was as if he didn't want me to know about her. I wanted to say something but, he gave me a 'go away' look. I wanted to fight him then and there but, I helped him to the couch and left.

What was it about her that made him that way? Was he dating her? I hope not or else I'll take her out of the picture.

Tom's POV

He's finally gone. I didn't want him to know about Tamara this fast. Hell, I question why she's here and why she would expose herself like this. It's bad enough he knows about her but, it was a good idea that she sleeps with her hair down and piercings out. Otherwise, he would've known who she was.

I grabbed my visor off the table and put it on. I turned it on even though I didn't need to wear it while at home but, it's time she sees the truth.

"He's not here anymore." I shook her before I went to sit in the chair at her feet. I covered myself up with a blanket I grabbed off the couch.

She groaned before getting up to see me. When she did, her eyes widen.

"Thomas? I mean Tom?"

"Hello Tamara, how nice to see you." I said with a smile. 


Time to bring in some drama to this story before it gets a little spicy. I decided to make this chapter sort of sweet before it gets sour quick. 

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