Chapter 16: The Aftermath

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Tom's POV

I woke up filling sore as if I overdid it or was hit by a truck. I rubbed the back of my head while adjusting my eyes to the area around me. I didn't know why but, my head was dizzy. As if I drank too much last night. Something in my mind asked me a question.

'What the fuck did I drink that I would end up in this place?'

As my eyes adjusted, I saw I was in a comfortable canopy bed with the curtains closed. The curtains were pretty thick because I couldn't see the area outside.

'Whoever owns this place must be rich to have a lot of privacy.'

As I looked around, I found a pair of red shorts at the end of the bed. I put them on before getting out of bed to find a bathroom. Before I completely got out of bed, I see a person in bed next to me. I notice they kept their head mostly covered so, I couldn't tell who they were. It wasn't like I cared but, shit their bed was so damn comfortable that I wanted to jump back in and sleep some more.

I decided to leave before they got up so that they didn't have to worry about me. Normally I would stay and make them breakfast but, something told me to leave before it got awkward. If anything, I need to clean up beforehand. I wasn't going home looking like a hot mess. It's bad enough that I have to find a way to hide any marks on me. I didn't want people asking about my love life anytime soon.

I found their private bathroom and walked in. I felt the warm tiles under my feet as if they had the tile set on warm. I did my usual routine and thank goodness I did. I felt better after going to the bathroom. I decided to look at myself in the mirror and who ever I did it with was a kinky motherfucker. I had hickeys, bruises, bite marks, and cut marks? I also felt that some of my skin felt grimy and a little sticky. My head started to hurt and I was smelling wood, cherry, and smoke as well as blood, pineapple, and sweat with sex. I knew I was in heat but, who did I sleep with?

I turned on the shower and fell in love with it. The water felt so good on my skin as if it was kissing it. I grabbed a washcloth earlier and used it to clean myself up. The soap smelled of wood that made me think of last night. I washed my hair with the shampoo to get anything else out. My body felt so good that I wanted to stay in for a few more minutes but, I had to leave. I dried myself before putting on my clothes I grabbed earlier. I walked out and found my visor on the nightstand next to me. I put it on while noticing not only was the curtains drawn back but, my lover for the night was gone.

'I guess they had to leave for work too. This just makes it easier.' I thought. I wanted to see the person's face and maybe give them a good bye kiss.

I as I was walking away, I notice a cellphone on the nightstand. I used it to call Matt since it was unlocked. I got an answer after the third ring.

"Hello sir!" Matt said.

"Sir? It's me, Tom." I answered back. Matt never said sir to anyone unless it was...I can't be.

"Tom, why do you have Read Leader's cell phone?" Matt questioned.

I hanged up and placed the phone back on to the nightstand. I was shocked at the fact that I was in his bedroom. But, why was I naked unless...

"We did not fuck!" I had a look of shock and disgust. I had to get out of here. I walked out of the door to people talking. I crouched down and looked over to the Red Leader himself and his two commanders talking. One, of them looked up to where I was at and Red Leader or Tord looked up in my direction. He wasn't wearing a shirt and looked like he got up.

"Oh fuck!" I said quietly. I slipped back into the room to hide until I found a way to leave this place.

Tord's POV

I woke up to some movement in the bed. Normally, I would wake up at 5 am daily. But, when I have the day off, I sleep in a little later. I had planned to have a few days off because I needed it and I was going to be punishing someone. I notice my body felt a little gross but, that didn't faze me. What did was that the other side of my bed was a mess. As if someone slept it and didn't make it up afterwards. The smell got to me too. the smell of pineapple. That sweet smell was on me as I sniffed myself. It was as if I smelt like the pineapple upside down cake I tasted whenever I was at the Blue Rebel Leader's house in America.

I looked over to see my bathroom door lit up and the sound of a shower on. Whoever I was here was taking a shower. I looked over to see a visor...Wait...I smiled. I remembered last night, and it was wild. I finally had the one person I wanted calling me master last night while I was railing him hard.

"Thomas" I purred as I rubbed the pineapple scented side of the bed. I wanted to go into that shower and have some fun when I got a phone call from my commanders.

I got out of bed and grabbed the sweatpants on the floor to put on. I met them downstairs to chat about whatever.

"Sir, why did you take a few days off?" Paul asked. I rarely took days off unless it was serious.

"I need a few days off to myself sometimes." I replied sternly. It shouldn't matter why I did it. If I wanted a day off, I made sure of it.

"But what about the business? Do you want us to fill in?" Pat asked. I patted Pat's shoulder for asking the right question.

"Yes." I replied. I trusted them more than I trusted anyone.

"Who's that coming out of your room?" Paul asked.

"No one important for you to worry about. Anyways, I want you guys to get to work, okay?" I said. He came out of the room at the wrong time.

"Yes sir!" They both left quickly.

I walked up stairs to try and find my beloved. 


I had to break up this story into a few stories because it was getting too long so, you're going to see a lot of POVs for a minute here. 

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