Chapter 7: Tom's Tale

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Matt was shocked at what Tom said. The fact that Tom was that monster made him question his friend's existence. Before he could say anything, he took a sip from his cup. It was his favorite drink but, how did Tom know how to make it? This was a thought in Matt's head before hearing Tom speak up.

"I was a barista at a coffee shop when I was young. I'll tell you during the story."

Matt decided to mess with Tom by looking at Tom and thinking something lewd. Tom face if not body turned completely red from embarrassment.

"MATT! REALLY?!" Tom yelled while watching his friend almost fall off the chair laughing.

"Don't blame me, blame my female co-workers. I had to blush and laugh at that too." He grabbed his cup and took a sip again, trying not to spill any on him. "Besides, you can't attack them without Tord hearing about it later."

"How much does Tord or even you know?"

"Not a lot. He has his suspicions but, that's it. It's what in your folder that is all the information he has on you."

"A folder huh? Well, I'll tell you a lot more. But, only you and maybe Edd later. Now, let me start my story."


"Remember when I told you my parents where a pineapple and a bowling ball? Well, I sort of lied. They were scientists who worked at a college lab doing experiments on each other in their spare time. My father actually had spliced his DNA with a pineapple and ended up with harden skin, a pineapple scent, and the ability to sweat pineapple juice. It also gave him the ability to go days without food, acid defense, and spikes. That's why Steve can injure someone if I'm in defense mode. 

My mother, on the other hand, turned herself into a monster of legend with harden skin, fangs claws and almost black eyes, etc. She had abilities no human knew of and could control it at will. It came with a price and that's how we exist. Being in heat was one of them. That's where my dad stepped in. He got her knocked up and married her to so that she had a mate. Plus, he was in love with her anyways.

Well, my older and taller sister was born. She shorter than my father but, taller than my mother. She was the perfect result of their self-experimentation. She was born "normal" but had my mother and father abilities as well as time travel. I and my twin sister was born a year later but, our birth was different. We like, our sister was born "normal" at first. But at the age of three, our eyes turned black. I was born with mind reading and telekinesis while she was able to shift through dimensions and bring people through them. Our baby brother was born last. Again, he was born "normal" but his scleras turned black with magenta irises when he gotten older. Our parents left when I was around four years old. We was taken care of by the nannies and the maids in the mansion our parents own. "

Matt's eyes widen (both his flesh eye and his cybernetic eye). He never knew Tom had money like that. It would explain why Tom didn't have to work much or why he could pay for his alcohol daily. Hell, it would also explain why he was able to afford to buy an apartment for himself and us afterwards. Tom looked at him before continuing.

"Around age five, I was put into regular preschool to avoid suspicion. For my birthday, I was given a mechanical pineapple and a bowling ball that talked to me as well as Tommie Bear. These were the last items I cherished from my parents and used them to cope with their disappearance. I started to believe they were my parents. I was so close to them that I would tell people they were my parents. Then the bear incident happened..."

He looked down while his face darkened. He blamed Matt for that and held a grudge against him until high school. It was when Matt was alone and Edd introduced them, that he realized Matt was young when he did it. Matt actually apologized to him for that and asked for forgiveness. Ever since then, they have been sort of friends.

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