Chapter 20: I Love You Asshole

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Tom's POV

Boy was I right about this being a long day. Instead of Matt taking me to work, I was taken to work in a personal speed car. I had to hide the marks because they almost trailed up my neck. What's worse is Paul and Pat bugging me about Tord being happy lately. 

It was as if they knew I was the one in their leader's room. It didn't take them long to see that when I was in his office almost daily. If it wasn't business related, I was there to usually keep him company while he worked.

He would have me stay late on Fridays to 'work on something important'.  In reality, it was so that I can ride with him to his place. His employees would greet us and get the snacks ready depending on what their boss says. If it was a regular night, we would enjoy each others company until we fell asleep. If it was a wild night, we usually either fall asleep in each other's arms or watched a movie. 

It was hilariously awkward to for Maple, his personal maid, to bring us popcorn after we did it. But, she was okay with it as long as we covered up beforehand. 

It made me laugh when I see her coming in (pun intended) while he is doing the same. This has happened a few times to count. I had the lovely thought of taking pictures when that happens.

If I wasn't at his house, I was traveling with him. Tord was a ruler who kept appointments. Whenever we was in the US, I would have him travel to Boston to visit my siblings. I found out that I'm an uncle to two beautiful nephews. 

I also found out my brother found his mate and is graduating from college soon. While I was visiting, they would ask me about Tord. I decided to tell them the truth. 

I was in a "relationship" with the Red Leader. 

At first, they were shocked at the thought of me dating someone who was so ruthless. But, opened up to the idea of me finding someone who cares about me.

It never occurred to me that Tord wanted more out of this game. I thought he was ok with what we had until one night while we was in bed. My hair was longer than usual because Tamara's wedding was in a week. 

It wasn't surprising given the fact that her fiancée was only able to get a few days off and that was it. I looked up at Tord who had a concern look on his face that I didn't like. It was a wild night with a movie since none of us was really tired.

"Hey." I said. I didn't like that serious look on his face.

"Ummmm?" He replied. He looked at me with that look.

"What's wrong? You have that look on your face and I'm starting to get worried." I started to eat popcorn while he was thinking. It is bad when he starts thinking.

That's when he leaned in and asked me a question I will never forget.

"I'm tired of playing this game, I want this for real. Will you go out with me as my boyfriend?" 

Now, I wanted to leave. I was ready but not this ready.

"Can I have time?" I asked. 

I wanted to be sure. I wanted to yes but, something in me said not yet. As if I was to be given a sign. But, I have a feeling he was either going to be the one to go for or the one to drop. I went to bed quickly after getting that question.

It was quiet for a week. We stayed out of each others hair until Tamara came to get the people who was coming to her wedding. I had Edd pardon for the day to come as well as have Tord take a day or two off. Matt requested that day off and so did I.

When Tamara came to get us through the mirror, Tord found out about her. So, I told him a short version of my family with some parts taken out. I wasn't going to tell him the long version until we started dating.

The wedding was beautiful. Tamara and Tori looked lovely in their matching dresses. I sat in the second row with Tord. He was holding my hand in a place that wasn't noticeable but, my siblings seen it and said nothing. I wanted to cry when I saw the beauty in their relationship blossoming into a new level. I placed my head on to Tord's shoulder while the wedding went on.

At the reception, the brides and their bridal party stripped down into something comfortable. I stood by Tord, getting ready to give him my answer when I heard familiar voices behind me. I was shocked at what I saw. I wanted to tell Tord but, watched.

It was an older version of my sister and her partner watching their marriage with their three kids. As they were about to leave, I heard a deeper version of my voice talking to a deeper version of Tord's voice. 

I looked back to see an older version of me with long hair and a goatee talking with a taller male who looked like Tord but older. They each was holding a boy and girl while walking through a portal. The older me gave a wink with his actual eyes and a two finger salute showing a showing a red and blue wedding band before a metal hand pulled him through the portal.

That confirm my decision. I took Tord's left hand into my right hand squeezed it before asking a question.

"So, is that boyfriend position still open?" I regretted saying that because I was picked up by the man and kissed in front of everyone.

"Yes!" He said loudly. I was blushing from both the answer and embarrassment.

Everyone congratulated us on our next step in life. Even Edd and Matt smiled at the fact that we finally came together. I kissed him to seal the deal.

He maybe an asshole, but this asshole is now my boyfriend and I don't regret it. 


I'm going to add a filler chapter but, this is the end of this story. I hope it was a good story because,I hope to be working on another story soon. The filler chapter will at least explain every thing.

He's An Asshole (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now