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Lisa POV

I gasped as Tsuneo began falling forwards towards me

I caught his head in my chest and blushed lowering him to the floor

"Tsuneo? TSUNEO!" I yelled shaking him

"He doesn't look good" Ruka looked worriedly

"Get some blackest! We need to get him to the couch! QUICK" Diana commanded

We all ended up carrying him to he couch (after much struggles) and laid a blanket and pillows around him

Zegro hugged me and growled

"How dare he touch you" Zegro growled

"He was unconscious, unconscious people can't decide to fall on a girls chest, it's been proven in a study from 1989 in my school...." I mumbled

I looked up and Zegro was gone

"Where is she now?" I groaned

"She ran to her room" Ozuna sighed

"Lord save us" Yuka sighed

I looked over at Tsuneo and felt the familiar feeling of pity

"Zegro stop pouring a gun at him" I sighed

"Zegro stop pouring a gun at him" I sighed

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(Just imagine she was blond)

Tsuneo opened his eyes and fell off the couch again and burst into a coughing fit

I ran over and pat his back as Ozuna ran over also

"Regulate your heartbeat she was only taunting you" I smiled

"Besides that ones fake, you can tell from the orange beam" Ozuna sighed hitting Zegro on the back of the head

Zegro hit Ozuna back but that only worsened the situation

Ozuna stumbled back pulling Zegro with her down the stairs as both toppled over

Zegro ran back up holding Ozuna bridal style and yelled

"FIX HER DIANA!" Zegro snapped

"What?" Diana said glaring

"FIX HER LISA!" Zegro changed the sentence

"I'm fine" Ozuna giggled

Zegro sat her down  and I helped Tsuneo to stand up

"You okay?" Teony frowned

"Yes yes fine" Tsuneo sighed looking at the floor

"Hey what's wrong?" Kiki frowned

"I just feel kinda bad, you welcome me into your home and I haven't even given a proper intro and I can hardly talk to you without collapsing" Tsuneo sighed

"That's fine dude" Zegro smirked

"We never had any brothers so it's nice to have to around" I nodded

"I may be a tomboy" Yuka smirked

"But nothing beats the real thing bro" Yuzu giggled

I smiled and patted Tsuneo's shoulder

"Let's get you to bed but first, one question" I smirked

"Sure" Tsuneo smiled

"What job you aiming for?" I smirked

"Spots, basketball or netball I think I'd prefer in specifics" Tsuneo

"Why?" Teony chuckled

"Well, I've been told that I have perfect aim and that given the right scenario I am able to move quickly by standard thus making me a better target for spots and not to mention the fact that my height and weight range help out a lot" Tsuneo started ranting

"Lisa, looks like he's your dream man" Zegro laughed

I slapped her and sighed

"I.have.a.boyfriend" I lied


I grabbed Tsuneo's shoulder and started running for his room

We locked ourselves in and burst or laughing

"You okay?" Tsuneo laughed

"Yeah, my sisters are nuts, now I gotta get to my room. I have extra credit to get done" I chuckled

"You need extra credit? What grades do you get?" Tsuneo frowned

"A's in all subjects" I smiled

"That's not bad?!" Tsuneo snapped as I opened the door

"I KNOW BUT I WANT A+ AND I LOVE HOMEWORK" I yelled running off

"Besides that way I don't have to talk to my sisters" I mumbled under my breath

"What a day"

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