
30 5 4

(the physical therapist 3rd daughter)

I waited downstairs with the elder sisters and we all noticed something

"Didn't you say that Tsuneo wakes up on our schedule?" I frowned

"Yeah, I don't know where he is" Diana frowned

"I hope he's alright" Ozuna frowned

"Well he was up rather late last night, give him a break let the man sleep" Zegro yawned

"Well that's true" Teony smiled

"So what's up with you lot?" Ozuna smiled

"Great" Zegro smirked

"What were you doing lasts night this time?" Diana smirked as Zegro blushed slightly

"Why are you blushing over working late on guns?" Teony smiled

"Yeah that's all t was I was working with some guns like I always do" Zegro smiled as her blush went instantly

"I'll be right back, I'm just going to the bathroom" I smiled standing up


I walked up stairs and heard something down a hallway

I glanced over and saw Tsuneo stumbling slightly

"Tsuneo?" I frowned

I saw him quickly cover his mouth and he ran strait past me

I followed slowly and opened the door of the room he went into

I looked in and saw Tsuneo being sick in the bathroom

I quickly kneeled next to him and patted his back gently

Tsuneo finished and hung his head slightly

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him slightly till he looked at me

"Tsuneo, are you alight?" I frowned

"I-I think so" Tsuneo frowned

I grabbed him by his side and pulled him to his feet bet we wasn't very stable and nearly flattered me at first but something was suddenly supporting us

"Cmon dope, let's get you to bed" Zegro sighed carrying his herself

I opened the doors for them until we got him back to him room

We laid him down and I felt his high fever

"He's burning up" I frowned

"I'll be out, enjoy" Zegro said running off

I sighed and laid a wet towel on Tsuneo's head and sat on a chair by his desk


"Yes Tsuneo?" I smiled

"What happened?" Tsuneo mumbled

"You passed out, are you feeling any better?" I smiled

"A little" Tsuneo sighed

I heard a small knock and opened the door

"Zegro told us Tsuneo's sick" Teony frowned

"Yeah I think so" I frowned

"Probably because he drank that coffee from Starbucks, sabotage" Teony glared

"Calm down, he has a fever so it's not food poisoning it's probably just the flu that got worse cause of the rain last night...plus his window is open" I sighed

"Why is it open? He said himself he hates the cold" Teony frowned

"Hard to say" I sighed

"Who's there Lea?" Tsuneo called from the bed

"It's Teony" I smiled

"Hey bud how you feeling?" Teony smiled

"Like hell" Tsuneo coughed

"Here, we got you some medicine" Teony smiled placing a few bottles on the desk

Teony waved and walked out to go to work

I sat down next to the bed and smiled

"Do you want big sister to stay with you today?" I giggled

Tsuneo sighed and nodded weakly

'I didn't have much work today anyway'

I pulled out my phone and called my work place

"Oh hey Lea, how's the fam?" My friend smiled answering the phone
"Well but my new brother is out of sorts today with the flu so I'll be staying home to take care of my new baby brother" i giggled

"Is it a baby? How cute"
"No he's 17 but he's still small"
"Awww, take care of him"
"I will"
"And bring him down sometime"
"You bet I will"
"I'll let you help him"
"Thank you"
"Bye bye Lea"
"Bye B" I smiled

I ended the call and looked down at Tsuneo

I pulled the covers closer to his neck and stroked his shoulder gently

"You tired?" I smiled

Tsuneo nodded and glanced up at me

"Do you need anything?" I smiled warmly

"N-no..." Tsuneo frowned

I replaced the cloth on his head and looked at his bookcase filled with books, manga and anime

"D-don't look at those!" Tsuneo said quickly sitting up

"Why?" I frowned

I smirked slightly knowing what he was hiding

"Do you want me to put on some anime for you?" I smiled

"...." Tsuneo sighed and nodded

"Which one?" I looked over the covers

"Special A episode 12 please" Tsuneo sighed laying back down

I found the anime and put it on the TV

It started playing and I found the right episode

"This one?" I smiled

"Thank you" Tsuneo yawned

I glanced back at him and he was dead asleep

I leaned back in my chair and started watching the anime

It was nice

When it finished I left the room and went about things at home checking on Tsuneo every so often but he was always dead asleep

I giggled and sat downstairs

"He's such a sleepyhead"


This was the episode of anime they were watching

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