The butterfly effect

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Tsuneo POV

I shook and watched

Zegro had been called to war and I could only plead that what Teony was telling me wasn't true...

After Zegro had left Lea had to take her place in the gun factory which only impacted things further
With Lea and Zegro being the ones making the most money for the family Teony had to step in and get another job
Diana was getting stressed trying to help out as well and Ozuna tried to help but to little avail
The twins fought over roles that would make more money to help and yet even with them both working full time they could hardly do anything
Sino, Ruka and Kiki were all teased about Teony's job and lead to the three of them getting angry at Teony for simply trying to help out
Lisa was the only one who was okay, she was always in school and worked at a cafe to help out and she eventually moved out...
Oka came home but by then Teony had news

"I'm pregnant..." Teony said frowning

"How?" I stared

"I had to make money any way I could..." Teony said ashamed

"But" I stared

"The farther has agreed to help pay for the child" Teony frowned

I stared and frowned nodding

"I understand" I frowned

Teony left and I sighed

"What's going on at home" I frowned

After a few more months Teony had her baby and Zegro got back from the war with only minor injuries but then it happened

I was handed a letter by my nurse saying that something had happened

There had been a fire...

The only survivors were the baby and Zegro...

I felt my chest tighten

'No I haven't had an attack in a year'

I coughed harshly and saw crimson blood stain my bedsheets as I looked and saw I was alone

I couldn't breathe and I would die at this rate

"Zegro!" I yelled as I coughed

Zegro POV

I walked into the hospital to visit Tsuneo and opened his door

He was asleep as we were told to expect but he looked pained

I walked closer and I heard him mumbling slightly

I looked at his heat monitor and gasped

His heart rate was way too fast for my liking

His breathing was shaky and he was sweating bullets

I called a nurse with some button and was snapped from my thought as I heard Tsuneo coughing and...
well having a fit

I watched and saw his chest completely freeze and cease to move

As that happened the nurse came in and started trying to regulate his breathing and heart rate

"Oh dear, honey I'm gonna need you to move" she said starting to wheel Tsuneo's bed towards the door

I nodded and held the door open as Tsuneo was rushed down the hall to the emergency rooms

After an hour Lea had joined me in the waiting room and we were told Tsuneo was back in his room

We walked down the halls and I frowned glancing at Lea

"M' sure he's fine" I smiled

"I hope so" Lea smiled

We opened his door and I saw Lea's smile drop

Tsuneo was connected to a nasal canal and he had two tubes connected to him, one with blood and one with fluids

"Ah, I wanted to see you two" a nurse smiled

"What happened?" Lea asked quickly

"Ah, he had an attack in his sleep, worsening his condition since he couldn't calm himself down like he would if he were awake. His blood pressure was high but it suddenly stopped and he was somehow loosing blood, most likely from his chest wound reopening-"

"Chest wound?! Do explain?" I cut her off

"Oh, he did only move in a few months ago...a year or so ago he was in a fighter and gained a large slash on his chest which sometimes opens and is half healed" the nurse explained

I nodded and signalled her to continue

"We currently have him on blood from a donor that arrived on the spot, Tsuneo had O- blood so that would have been a problem if not for them" the nurse smiled

"I see, if possible id like to meet the donor" Lea smiled

"She's just in the blood donor room, she offered to give a second bag just in case" The nurse smiled pointing down the hall

We nodded and walked down the hall

"Let's meet 'em"

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