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Tsuneo POV

Kizuna was so kind to me...

She loved me like I wasn't just a weak boy.

She spoke to me in no fear of what might happen and she accepted that I can't be near so many people, so she treated me with the kindness of a thousand people

I didn't see her much because of how much she worked but I was fine with that. I didn't want her to have to miss work because of me but I was happy she was happy as well

I texted her and she said she was working again like normal

I sat on the couch watching TV and smiled at the thought, blushing just as much

"Hey bro" Teony smiled sitting next to me

"Hey Teony" I smiled

"Hey bud, how's schoo- oh my goodness sorry!" Teony said quickly

"It's fine. I...well home is great" I laughed

"Do you feel comfortable here?" Teony frowned

"Huh?" I frowned

"I mean...since you've gotten here nothing gone all that well for you... you collapsed and fainted, got tripped and you had to deal with all us and moving here and- well I guess I've just been pretty worried about you" Teony smiled slightly

"I thought that you guys would be mad at me personally because of all the trouble I put you through..." I frowned

"Not a bit! Don't listen to Zegro and Oka if they say your a wuss or anything. Cause guess what?" Teony smiled

"What?" I smiled

"You didn't have to come here. They asked me and Diana and we wanted you here. We wanted to have a brother and Z doesn't really count" Teony giggled

I nodded and smiled

"'s work?" I smiled

"Good, everyone else is slacking though. Most of the time I just have the good employs who are free on more so I don't have to deal with the ones who don't do much. And today's my day off" Teony relaxed into the seat

"So is someone taking over the shop?" I smiled

"No, but I leave the keys with my second in command In case we need to enter when I'm away" Teony smiled

"So the stores closed?" I frowned

"Café" Teony corrected

"Yes, so the Cafe is closed?" I frowned

"Yes" Teony smiled

'Kizuna said she had work...she works at the cafe...'

I froze

"What?" Teony frowned

"Oh sorry. Just upset I can't get he best coffee in town today" I chuckled

"I can make you some?" Teony offered

"No thanks. It's fine. I'm going out for a bit okay?" I smiled

"What's up?" Teony smiled

"Need some fresh air, I've been cooped up in here all day" I smiled

"Got ya. Have a nice walk" Teony smiled

I walked out and ran over to the town

I glanced at the cafe and felt some arms snake around my waist

I looked over and saw Kizuna

"Hello Kizuna" I smiled

"Miss me? I forgot it was our day off" Kizuna smiled

Kizuna grabbed my hand and lead to to the cafe, opening it and leading me inside

We sat in the back room and I smiled

"Sorry if I look over protective, my sister just said it was a day off and you said you had work and I just got kinda confu-" I was cut off my Kizuna kissing me roughly


nothing crazy but mild description of Tsuneo getting SMOOCHED!!!!

I melted into the kiss and I felt Kizuna tugging at my collar

I felt Kizuna's tongue press against my lip, begging for access

I granted access and felt her tongue quickly begin exploring my mouth

I felt Kizuna start unbuttoning my shirt and her hands grazed my shoulders to my neck

Kizuna pulled back for air and started sucking on my neck

I bit my lip and saw Kizuna coming back up for another kiss

I felt her hands against my chest and I let out a muffled moan

I bit my lip trying to suppress anymore noises but Kizuna smiled

"Don't worry, its just us" Kizuna smiled

I stared and Kizuna went back to sucking my neck as I let out a few moans

"K-Kizuna!" I moaned

"Shhh, it's too early for that" Kizuna smiled sitting up

I looked up and felt dizzy

I felt the world around me spin and everything went black

Okay that's over now...

Teony POV

I walked to my cafe worried about what was up with Tsuneo and saw the door was slightly open

I walked in and saw Kizuna who saw me and ran over looking panicked

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I was getting Tsuneo a coffee because he asked for it and then he collapsed and passed out!" Kizuna squeaked

I ran to the back and Tsuneo was out cold

"Okay thank you. I'll take care of it. Please hand over the keys and you may leave" I smiled

Kizuna handed me the keys and left

I waited with Tsuneo till he woke up and sighed

"Tsuneo...I can't believe it..."

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