The game

19 4 3

Teony POV

Tsuneo had left home early to prepare for the game and I could see him holding a extra box

"Lisa, I see he took the gift to heart" I smiled

"Thankfully" Lisa smiled grabbing her bag

"OKAY everyone get into your groups" Diana commanded

Car arrangements

Teony: 7 seater

Lea: 5 seater

Zegro: 4 seater

We drove down to the school and saw the group practicing outside

Tsuneo had the part of goal attack

(I'm using Netball terms, google them if you don't know them 😤)

I could see how well he was doing

"Teony, sorry we're a little slow but the engine wasn't working very well recently" Lea yelled running over

"You should have told me, I can fix that" Zegro scoffed

"Well I can't blame her" Oka scoffed

"What?" Zegro growled

"Lady time you tried to fix Diana's car the engine exploded" Oka scoffed

"Actually that was because there was gunpowder in there and you know it" Zegro glared

"And how did the gunpowder get there?" Oka scoffed

"How should I know?!" Zegro snapped

"Well it does get on your clothes since you work with guns" Ruka frowned

"Oh? Are you turning on me too?" Zegro growled

"N-no!" Ruka stuttered

"Zegro please don't fight" Ozuna sighed

"SHUT UP!" Diana shouted

We went silent and frowned

"We are here to be supportive for Tsuneo, he invited us because he felt bad about inconveniencing us and having us fight will make him feel worse, so don't fight and can we please get along just for now?" Diana frowned


"Yes" Zegro mumbled

"Yay!" Kiki giggled grabbing Zegro's sleeve and dragging her towards the game


We laughed and started walking

I handed the tickets over and we sat on the outdoor seats waiting for the other team to arrive

When they did I felt a slight knot in my stomach

They look much more muscular then Tsuneo's team

I frowned and the teams took their posts

Tsuneo was still GA and I watched at the Centres took position

The other team got the ball first and the game really went fast

Half way through the couch swapped out a few players, Tsuneo being one of them

The game went better like this...

Tsuneo's team was almost matching the other but...a player went out hurt

Tsuneo was back in the game and it proceeded as is

The teams were neck and neck and i saw even Oka on the edge of her seat

Tsuneo had the ball but as he threw it to his team mate the other team tripped him

"THAT DIRTY RAT!" Zegro snapped

"Shhhh! Look!" Ozuna said quickly

The other team stopped and Tsuneo stood strait back up and started running again

Tsuneo ran to a space
The teams started playing
The ball was tossed to Tsuneo
Tsuneo took aim
Tsuneo shot

The ball fell into the hoop

"HELL YEAH!!!!" Zegro yelled

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!" The twins squeaked

Tsuneo panted and limped off the court

"Guys, he doesn't look good" Lea said pouring at Tsuneo

"He's limping" Lisa frowned

We saw Tsuneo take a dose of his inhaler and smile

Everyone else left and we waited while Tsuneo had his leg bandaged

Tsuneo walked over and smiled widely

"Did you see me?" Tsuneo smiled

"We saw the gash on your leg" Yuka sighed

"Are you alright?" Yuzu frowned

"It happens a lot, don't worry" Tsuneo smiled

We all smiled and nodded before we all tackled him into a hug


"You did so good!" Kiki giggles

"You totally made the winning basket!" Lea laughed

Tsuneo didn't respond and he got off him and saw him clutching his chest

"Hey hey bud, sit up" I chuckled helping him to sit up

"Damm that hurt" Tsuneo coughed

"Let's get home" Diana suggested

We stood up and started heading to the cars

Tsuneo sat in my car with the other girls (same as before)

We started driving and it was all going well

We arrived at home and we got out the car but Tsuneo didn't

I walked to the side door and looked into the back and saw Tsuneo asleep in the very back of the car

I shook his shoulder and he rubbed his eyes looking up at me lazily

"Sleepy head, cmon" I smiled helping Tsuneo out of the car

We walked inside and started walking to our rooms

I opened my door and Tsuneo opened his

(Tsuneo and Teony's doors are next to each other)

I waved and we walked inside

I changed into my casual wear and waited till dinner

"What a day" I sighed


Hey guys! Let me know if you lot want a Halloween, Christmas or seasonal chapters and let me know if you have any ideas

Also, I'm making a house plan for the Daniels house and I'm redesigning the house exterior

Thanks for reading and send me your thoughts!

Also, Zegro and her girl are so cute!

Also, Zegro and her girl are so cute!

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