Critical condition

7 1 0

The words rang though my head like a bell

"Critical condition?''

The next morning the second it turned 8:50 I ran over to Lea

"Lea, it takes 5 minutes and 34 seconds to get to the hospital so if we leave now then by the time we park and get to the ground desk it will be 9 so we can go see Tsuneo" I calculated

Lea smiled and nodded

"We will go but Zegro is coming with us" Lea smiled

I shuffled in my seat and sighed

'Zegro hurry up'

Zegro walked in and smiled

"Okay we ready to go?" Zegro smiled

I shot up and ran towards the door

"She's ansy isn't she?" Zegro smirked

"You know how she feels about Tsuneo and I just told her" Lea smiled

"I know, Cmon lets go" Zegro smiled grabbing her keys

As we pulled into a parking space I ran out of the car

Zegro and Lea followed slowly and i frowned waiting for them

"Chill Lisa, he's not going anywhere" Zegro smiled petting my shoulder

I frowned and nodded

We walked inside and stopped at the desk

"We're here to see Tsuneo again, how is he?" Lea smiled showing her visitors card

"Okay, there's been a room change to room 34B in the emergency area. He's changed doctor too and he wants to see you" the nurse frowned handing Lea a card

Lea glanced at the card and frowned as she nodded and began leading us down the halls

We got to the door and opened it slowly

Tsuneo was once again on life support with a small white board on his lap with a small beeping in the room but it was different

He looked at us weakly and coughed

"What happened bud?" Zegro frowned

Tsuneo wrote something on the board and I read it aloud

"Attack" I frowned

"Can you not speak anymore?" Lea frowned

Tsuneo wiped the board clean and wrote again

"Sprained vocal cords screaming" Zegro read off the board

I frowned and started crying

"Lisa, Tsuneo doesn't know yet" Lea whispered

I wiped my eyes and tried to not scare him

Tsuneo seemed really out of it by now, hardly looking at us

I sat next to him and frowned hugging him close

"Tsuneo" i sniffled

I heard Tsuneo tap the board as a yes

"I'm adopted and...I'm your real sister" I said hesitantly

I saw Tsuneo look up at me and smile

I hugged him carefully and smiled

"He's writing" Lea pointed out

I glanced at the board and smiled

"Thank you big sis"

The end of the S slid off the board and I smiled seeing Tsuneo was asleep

I frowned and looked at Lea

"You have to see the doctor don't you?" I frowned

"Yeah, don't worry though, you can stay with Tsuneo while I go" Lea smiled

"I'll go pop to get some fast food if you'd like. We haven't eaten breakfast" Zegro offered

I nodded and smiled

Lea and Zegro walked out and I froze seeing a file on Tsuneo's desk

I picked it up and frowned

'Medical records: age 0-17'

I opened it and began reading

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