Halloween part 3

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Tsuneo POV

We got back from trick or treating and we sat on the couch as Zegro started setting up the TV to have a party

I felt kinda loopy already but I was enjoying myself

I mean the smoke in the haunted house, the slightly off tasting meal and the amount of candy and auger in my blood is probably going to come back at me soon but it was all part of he season I guess

The music started and the girls started dancing

I sat at the side tapping my foot to the tune and sipped a glass of water

"Hey Tsuneo, do you want some non alcoholic wine? It's like blood?" Ozuna offered

"N-no thanks!" I said quickly

Ozuna laughed and nodded sitting next to me

"Hey are you feeling alright?" Ozuna said quietly

I shrugged and smiled

"Don't worry about it" I smiled

Ozuna smiled and nodded as they all went up to go do some just dance

"Cmon Tsuneo join us!" Saika laughed

I shook my head and smiled politely

I walked to the kitchen and quickly took a puff of my inhaler

The whole Halloween thing had me really light headed and I think that I may have gotten food poisoning from dinner based on the fact that t stomach was flipping at ever step I took

"Tsuneo, are you okay?"

I glanced over and saw Yuka frowned walking over to me and patting my back

"Yeah, fine" I frowned

"You don't look it is all. Pale mainly." Yuka frowned

"I...okay, I think I may have gotten food poisoning or something from dinner because I'm starting to feel really sick" I admitted

"Really? How bad is it?" Yuka frowned

"Lightheaded mainly" I frowned

"That's just from the haloween spoke everywhere, anything else?" Yuka frowned

I sipped my drink wearing of telling her but it didn't go as planned

I coughed harshly into my hand as the drink went down the wrong pipe and I leaned on the side for support

"Hey hey Tsuneo!" Yuka said patting my back

I ran off the down the hallway for the bathroom and made it just in time for the food poisoning to kick in

I lost my stomach into the toilet rather quickly and I heard Yuka walk in behind me cautiously

"Go figure. I'll get some water and tissues. I'll be back in a bit" Yuka sighed walking off leaving me to throw up anything left in my body

3rd POV

Yuka walked around and found the items and Yuzu appeared

"Hey, what are you doing with those?" Yuzu asked sceptically

"Tsuneo's been sick. I think he got food poisoning and the whole foggy stuff has gotten him all dizzy so I'm going to make sure he's okay. Let the girls know for me" Yuka frowned

"Awwww poor Tsuneo. I'll do that" Yuzu nodded walking off as Yuka went back down the hallway

"Hey, Tsuneo and Yuka are busy for the rest of the night" Yuzu frowned

"Why?" Zegro groaned

"Tsuneo's been sick and Yuka is helping him out. Poor guy" Yuzu frowned

"Welp, now he's experienced a Denies Halloween then" Zegro smirked

We laughed at it but Teony frowned

"But seriously we should make sure he's alright..."

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