What determination!

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I finished up my playing and walked back to the house

I glanced in the back garden and almost burst out laughing....if I actually had a soul

Tsuneo was sat on the floor trying to blow up an old basket ball

We stopped using it because it had a hole Baka

I opened my bag and pulled out some tape

I kicked it over to him and he looked at it

I sighed and sat down at the distance watching his stupidity

Tsuneo fumbled with the tape and eventually found the hole and covered it up in tape

I chuckled and watched

Tsuneo was blowing up the ball and I laughed

Basket balls need proper pumps to be blown up and he was doing it by mouth

Eventually Tsuneo finished blowing it up

Tsuneo laid on his back exhausted and I smirked walking off down the hallway

I walked inside and saw the sisters laughing at the huge window we have looking at the back of the house

(Teony, Lea, Yuzu, Yuka, Zegro, Kiki, Lisa)

I walked over and Tsuneo was still on the floor panting

"You guys didn't even think to help him?" I glared

"He's fine, he can figure it out, he wanted to play" Zegro smirked

Tsuneo sat up and stumbled to his feet

I never noticed his jersey name

'Number 15 Denies |speed stance|'

"I'm pretty sure his name speed stance came from his method of falling and standing back up instantly and dealing with the pain later" Teony smiled

I left my stuff there and walked into my room and changed

I tied up my hair and walked into the court where Tsuneo was practicing shooting

I tied up my hair and walked into the court where Tsuneo was practicing shooting

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"Mind if I join you?" I smirked running over

"Who?" Tsuneo blushed

"It's Oka, I can play so give me a chance?" I smirked

Tsuneo stared and I heard the rest of the sisters run over all in their sports wear

"Team captains are me and Tsuneo, let's pick our teams" I smirked

Tsuneo nodded and stuttered

"I'm....not sure but I'll uh? Heh heh... how about Zegro?" Tsuneo blushed

Zegro walked to Tsuneo's side of the court

"Ozuna get your butt over here!" I laughed

"So you do have a soul?" Ozuna smirked walking to my side

Tsuneo's team


Oka's team


We ran to our stations with me and Tsuneo as centres

Tsuneo got the ball and tossed over strait away

Ruka caught it and tossed again

I intercepted and tossed back to Diana

She hardly caught the thing and threw it pretty well at first...

But Tsuneo caught it

"Diana by him he's on the other team!" I growled

"Sorry!" Diana squeaked

Tsuneo tossed to Lisa and she scored easily

"It's all in the theory" Lisa smirked

I smirked and looked at Tsuneo

He took a puff of his inhaler and sat down

I sat next to his and smiled

"Why are you so happy? And why the hell did you come to play with me?" Tsuneo frowned

"Because you stole my name" I smirked

Tsuneo looked confused and I pulled out my photo

'Number 17 Denies |speed stance|'

"What?" Tsuneo stared

"I used to play, I was the same as you, guess you and I aren't so different" I smiled

"I guess so" Tsuneo smiled

I dropped the grin and glared

"Never tell anyone I smiled. You idiot!" I said running off and ran out

Tsuneo laughed looking back at me until I was inside

"Stupid little brother"

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