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Ruka POV

At home everyone has a routine, let me explain

Teony, she wakes up, leaves strait for work, eats at work and works throughout the day and when she gets home she has a large dinner with the rest of us and then gets to sleep again...

Diana, she's so obsessive, she's always the first one awake, well the first one functioning, she makes everyone all the meals we need, she takes care of the house and she normally takes care of money.

Lea, she's really nice when it comes down to it, she gets up, goes to work, does some stuff there and then when she gets back she helps me out with homework sometimes and then goes to bed like everyone else.

Zegro, she gets up lazily, gets pancakes, goes to work with some guns, comes back and has a shower so she doesn't smell like gun powder, has a HUGE dinner and goes to bed.

Ozuna, she's pretty routine, wakes, eats, works, helps out around the house, hangs out with Zegro and then she goes to bed. She sometimes reads us her latest story's.

Oka, since she's still a student she wakes up early, does a few hours, plays her guitar outside to earn some money and comes back just in time for dinner and goes to bed.

Yuka and Yuzu, they're pretty cool. They got out of school really quickly and they just practice scripts all day until they do the recordings of the voices and foreground and whatever.

Lisa, she's also a student and she normally just goes to school, helps out at home and does homework and helps us with ours at the end of the day.

Sino, she gets up, leaves after she puts on her eye patch and goes to school. It's as simple as that since the bullying stopped luckily and since then she has even pretty happy.

Saika, she's such a happy go lucky person. She helps out like a good girl. Does her homework, does her school work when she's there and she is pretty plain in that way...

Kiki, she's pretty cute, she gets driven to school but whoever is available and she never gets In trouble. She gets home. Helps out where she can, we help her with her homework and quite frankly shes probably one of the best sisters I guess.

Last I checked Tsuneo was simple too, he gets up, school, homework, dinner, sleep and has a shower once every so often.

And me, Ruka...

People think a lot about me...

Who do you think I am?

The goth?
The hipster?
The girl?
The sad girl?
The overly religious girl?
The obsessive girl?
The nerd?

I'm none of those...

When I wake up I dread the day ahead...

I go to school just to be harassed everyday...

They find it funny that I'm not religious yet wear cross earrings, I do this to honour the beliefs.
They find it funny that I like to work yet I'm still only average when it comes to my grades.
They find it funny that I don't know what I want to be yet I still try to get good grades...

I find it funny that they care so much...

I used to get very upset over it and only told Diana and Lea I was upset at all and I didn't even tell them the whole thing...

Lea offered to talk with me and Diana got be some depression pills...

I took one a week and they did help a lot but I'm just glad that my sisters aren't worried about me

Until one day that really broke me...

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