Tipping rain

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Tsuneo POV

"S-so how did you meet?" I stuttered after Zegro was calm

"I was working on a gun and heard another one fire. I glanced over and saw my superior holding a gun pointed at her. I yelled at him and he went off" Zegro said proudly

"She was like my prince" Izumi smiled

"I hooked her up with a job at Teony's cafe and we kinda just grew together" Zegro smiled

I smiled and felt a wet drop on my cheek

'Am I crying?'

"Aw are you crying wimp?" Zegro chuckled

"Eap!" Izumi squeaked

"What's up?" Zegro frowned

"I think it's raining" Izumi frowned

Zegro whipped out a umbrella with gun patterns and held it over herself and Izumi

"You good walking home alone?" Zegro smiled

"Sure" I smiled

"Looks like Oka's already gone" Zegro pouted as a van started driving

"Her company takes her around, now get!" Zegro snapped starting to walk away

I smiled and started walking

I felt a little cold but it was fine

I glanced to the side and saw some children in the rain

"Hey what are you doing out here?" I frowned

"We're lost" the little girl sobbed

"We can't find out way" The little boy said sadly

"Are you homeless?" I frowned kneeling down to their level

"No, we live at an orphanage but we don't know the way" the little boy frowned

"The orphanage? It's just down that street" I smiled

"Will you show us the way?" The girl shivered

I took off my coat and handed it to the little girl

"I'll walk you halfway" I smiled standing up

I walked the children till it was in sight and they ran off

I smiled starting to walk home again

It was really cold now without my coat but I continued none the less

I got to the house and saw how drenched I was

I walked in and all the sisters must have been having baths, showers, movie and or Netflix binge sessions because they were all off

I felt so cold

I sat on the couch and felt utterly exhausted

I fell onto my side on the couch and curled up trying to warm myself slightly

Zegro POV

I slung into the window and walked out

"Man I hate sneaking in after some fun with my girl" I scoffed walking down the hallway

I walked past the lounge and thought I heard something

I glanced over and gasped

Tsuneo was sleeping on the couch shaking violently and he was drenched with no coat

"Goodness" I stared

I quickly glanced at my watch

(1:46 am)

"All the sisters would be asleep god damn it" I scoffed

I quickly decided 'screw it' and ran up the stairs to Teony's room

I banged on the door and it was slowly opened

"*yawn* Kiki?" Teony mumbled

"No it's Zegro" I glared

"What are you doing at this time of night?" Teony yawned again

"You need to see this" I said simply tugging Teony's sleeve and dragging her down the hallway

We made it back to the couch and I heard Teony gasp

"What happened?" Front asked quickly kneeling next to Tsuneo

"He must have been caught up in the rain" I frowned

"And his coat?" Teony frowned

"Must have lost it, cause it beats me" I scoffed

Teony frowned and pulled a blanket round Tsuneo's shoulders which made his shaking slow down slightly even if it was still present

"I'll carry him to his room" I offered

"Are you sure?" Teony frowned

I nodded and kneeled next to my shaking brother

I pulled up his shoulders and carried him carefully

"He's absolutely soaked" I sighed

Teony helped grab Tsuneo's other shoulder and we managed to get him to his room

Teony opened the door and we laid Tsuneo on his bed

Teony shook Tsuneo's shoulders to get him to wake up but with little success

"He's not waking up" I said bluntly

"But he'll get sick if he sleeps like this" Teony frowned

I shook him myself and I saw his eyes open slowly and look up at me

"Z-Zegro?" He sneezed

"Change into something warm" I commanded

Tsuneo sat up and rubbed his shoulders

"O-okay" he said calmly picking up his PJ's from his desk

Me and Teony walked or and decided to leave his for the night

The door was shut and we heard another open

"Te-o-ny~ Z-e-geo~"

I gulped and saw Diana cracking her knuckles

"I manage 13 siblings, all our legal status, bills, electrics, school trips, water, cooking, cleaning, washing, money and making sure everyone else gets to sleep on time for the next day..." Diana said as her eyes practically went up in flames

"You woke me up" she said as her eyes went red and the colour drained from myself and Teony's faces


"It's a good day to die" we squeaked

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