Day out

49 5 7

Tsuneo POV

I sighed and fixed my collar

"I need to go get some stuff for myself. I mean my birthdays soon so maybe I should just get like a chocolate bar or something" I chuckled

I opened my door and saw Lea

"Hey Lisa told me to give you a message" Lea giggles

"What?" I chuckled

"She wants you to go to the pharmacy, give them this paper and then give youself some treats, Sino told us it was your birthday" Lean smiled handing me a perscriptuon and...15,000 YEN?!

'Oh yeah Sino is in my class.....'

"That's a lot of money" I squeaked

"Actually we all just gave you 1,250 yen except Kiki and Saika who chimed in together with 625 yen" Lea giggled

(1,250 yen is about £8 or 11$)

"Oh...well thank you guys so much, I hardly know you..." I blushed

"Your our brother and quite frankly the fact that your suffering just talking to us...well it's not a nice feeling" Lea frowned looking down

"We've decided to take shifts so that you won't be overwhelmed by all of us. Only around 10 of us will be outside our rooms at once and for the most part there's only around 5 of us around you at most" Lea smiled

I froze and smiled warmly

"You guys really are going out of the way you know. I can deal with you guys. Besides what will we do at Christmas. I can't separate you for that" I chuckled

"We have set freebie days for holidays so you don't feel guilty and w whey to all sea each other often" Lea smiled

"Okay but whenever I leave the house it's fair game for you guys. There's no reason to follow rules when I'm not around" I sighed

"No complaints. NOW GET" Lea said dragging me to the door

I chuckled and walked outside

I stared walking towards the store and saw a few of the sisters

Zegro was waiting by a fountain, I could see Ruka at a Starbucks and Oka was outside a store setting up a mic and Guitar amp

I walked over to Ruka and smiled

"Hey Ruka" I smiled

"Yo Tsuneo, want some coffee?" Ruka offered

"Sure" I smiled

I gave Ruka 800 yen and waited while she ordered

"One hot caffeinated hot chocolate with cream and coco dusting and a plain coffee" Ruka ordered

"Okay that'll be 2,600 yen please" the shop owner smiled

Ruka paid and I stared at how expensive it was

We were handed the drinks and we stared walking out

"That drink of yours is expensive" I laughed

"What? Having all is my sisters was expensive and we still are" Ruka smirked

"Heh, hey is that Oka?" I chuckled

"Yeah, she's leaving school and she wants some extra cash so she plays outside of the shops here" Ruka explained

"Is she any good?" I frowned

"Don't, ever, diss, the FAMILY!" Ruka yelled dragging me towards Oka's setup

"You play locked away" Ruka commanded

"Hey mama spicy are we?" Oka chuckled

"Talk to the cross cause the ear ain't listening" Ruka said fiddling with her cross earrings

"You do you sis" Ruka smirked

"Hey mama"

"She's amazing" I gasped and notice Ruka was gone

"God gang it" I sighed

I stared walking and saw Zegro talking to a girl

I stared walking and saw Zegro talking to a girl

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(That's what the girl looks like)

"Hey Zegro is this your friend?" I smiled

"Shut up!" Zegro yelled pulling out a gun

"Z, calm down" the girl giggled hugging Zegro to restrain her

"I'm Izumi-chan, I'm Zegro's girlfriend"
The girl smiled

"Wait wha..."

"I'm BI you fool!" Zegro snapped

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