What was that?

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Tsuneo POV

"Now then, I want to know more about you Tsuneo" Mom smiled

"Ask away" I chuckled

"So how old are you?" She smiled

"18, my birthday was a few months ago" I smiled

"Where were you living before here?" Mom smiled

"I was at a hospital when I was born and I don't think I ever lived with my mother or farther so I stayed with some other boys who had other 'problems' so to say but none were like mine. That was until I moved here" I explained

"I see, you go to school with Sino don't you? What classes are you taking?" Mom smiled

"Physical, health and social, textiles, the cores and history" I smiled

"What job is that for?" Teony giggled

" you guys already know I want to be a netball player, but that's what I'm aiming for" I blushed

"Aww so cute little blush" Ozuna laughed

"Don't make fun of your brother" Mom scolds

"Yes mom.." Ozuna said calmly

"That lovely, how do you do it with your whole breathing problem?" Mom frowned

"I have an inhaler, I also just drink plenty of water and it doesn't effect me" I smiled

"Well that's good." Mom smiled

My phone went off and I sighed

"Sorry, I'll be a moment" I sighed standing up

"Anti social" Zegro teased

"Zegro" Mom glared

"Yes mom" Zegro laughed

I walked to the other room and answered

"Tsuneo here?" I sighed

"Hello, it's the school rep, we've become aware of your absence due to your condition and recent problems with another student"


"We know your grades are rather high however, we fear you'll be lacking in some of your classes, mainly English as Technology. So based on your elder sisters occupations we've come up with a compromise"

"What was that?"

"We want you to go to work with the fifth and forth sisters"


"We are aware that one works with thech and the other is a writer and we thought it would be a good experience for you to catch up so to say"

"I can do it online"

"Do you not like to spend time with your sisters, most kids would jump at the chance your being given Denies"

I stopped and sighed

"Okay, I'll go with them" I smiled

"Good, we'll be sending two sheets for you to complete about the work ethic of what you've learned so we know you actually went and those will also be sent to the eldest sister so that we know you can't cheat and get it off of your sisters"

I sighed and nodded

"Understood, thank you"

The call ended and I sighed

"How the hell did they get my number" I yawned

I walked back to the lounge and saw the sisters smirking

"Oh dear" I sighed

"So your going to be coming with some of us to work?" Ozuna smirked

"They said forth and fifth" I sighed

"Dugsiee not first!" Zegro shouted

"I was hoping you'd say that" Ozuna smirked

I sighed and sat back down next to Lea

"So Ozuna, how's writing going?" Mom smiled

"I'm working on a new sonnet at the moment, it's about the age of Shakespearean speech coming into put work of our generation with the adaptions being highly prominent but it's rather interesting using phrases such as 'invite my thumb' which is hard to translate but it really has-"

"Okay you can stop now" Zegro laughed

I yawned and looked outside

Sunset already

I looked back at the girls and they started chatting some more

I yawned again and rested my chin on my hand

'This may take a while'


I glance over at Tsuneo after mom finished talking to me

He was looking kinda loopy

I giggled and I saw his eyes shut

I poked Diana and pointed to our little brother

"Oh dear" Diana smirked

"What is it?" Mum smiled

"Tsuneo's fallen asleep" I giggled

We laughed and smiled

"Should we wake him?" Kiki asked

"No no don't, leave him to rest. I'll be going now anyway" Mum smiled

"Awww so soon?" Saika frowned

"Yes darling, I'm very busy. I'll come by in a few months for Christmas" Mum smiled waving and walking out

"Do you think he talks in his sleep?" Saika giggled

I poked Tsuneo and giggled

"Don't touch the manga....it's work more then *yawn* five pigs" Tsuneo mumbled in his sleep

We laid a blanket on his shoulders and went off to our rooms

I sat down and practically tore off my jeans

"I prefer my overalls" I sighed

I laid on my bed and smiled

"This is cracking good fun"

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