Wake up...

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Tsuneo POV

We rushed Ruka to the hospital and she was or strait into the emergency room

We sat in the lobby worried sick

Kiki, Saika and Teony had gone home because of how late it was getting and the rest of us waited at hospital

"We should get home, I think only a few of us should stay" Yuka sighed

Yuka, Yuzu, Oka, Ozuna, Lisa and Sino went home at this point

"Can Mr Tsuneo and Miss Diana Daniels please come to room 568?"

Me and Diana stood up and walked to the room

We sat down and there was a doctor at the desk

"Okay, she's stable at the moment and because of your sisters quick thinking she should make it but she will only wake when she wants to. She can hear us but right now if she doesn't wake up within the next month there's nothing we can do. You may visit her now" the doctor frowned

I nodded and I looked at Diana

She looked horrible

Her eyes were red and slightly puffy

I handed her a tissue and we walked back to the sisters

(Diana, Lea, Zegro and Tsuneo)

We walked to the room and saw Ruka attached to life support

I felt wetness already on my cheeks and looked back at the sisters


"Ze-" I stopped seeing who had said it

"Lea calm down" Diana frowned


"Shhh! We're in a hospital." Zegro said as calm as she could

I sat next to the bed and stroked Ruka's hair gently

"Ruka, can you hear me?" I frowned

I heard the girls look at me

"I know you did this to yourself...and I know that we didn't know but if you come back you don't ever have to worry again. I just want you to know that I care about you and-" my voice cracked

I felt a hand in my shoulder and looked over seeing Lea, Zegro and Diana smiling

"I think she gets it..." Zegro smiled

"Hey R, what are you doing sleeping around like this? So close to Halloween too? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Zegro laughed

"I miss you already, never thought I'd say that. I'm always so busy and now it's... I only want to be busy dealing with you" Diana laughed slightly

"I wish you were awake, I missed you" Lea laughed

I stroked Ruka's hand and held it softly

"Please come back" I frowned

I shut my eyes and prayed to myself

'Please, Ruka, I know I didn't talk to you much but I care about you and I want you to come back....'

I heard two sets of footsteps leave and looked back

"Lea and Diana needed to wash their faces" Zegro said sitting on the couch not the other side of the room

I nodded and shut my eyes again

I waited as time went past...

I woke up feeling something tighten around my hand

I opened and saw Ruka's hand was tightened around mine

I looked at Ruka's face as her eyes slowly fluttered open

I looked at Zegro and she was dead asleep

"ZEGRO GET THE NURSE!" I said quickly

Zegro sat up suddenly and ran off

I laughed and rubbed her hand as she looked up lazily

A nurse rushed in and pushed me away from Ruka rather violently and I stumbled back into Zegro's arms

The nurse altered something on the machine and asked Ruka a few questions and quickly rushed off leaving us to talk to her

"Oh my god...I can't believe your back oh thank goodness" Zegro smiled

"I...i heard how much you cared...I just herd voices saying you didn't like me and that I should just look myself and I just was so-" "stop it, don't worry" I smiled

"Call the sisters" I smiled

"Because Ruka's coming home'

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