Tell me honestly

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Lisa POV

I walked into the hospital with the younger sisters after school and we walked to Tsuneo's hospital room

I knocked on the door and waited patiently

"Come in" I heard a light yawn

We walked in and saw Tsuneo running his eyes

"Onii!" Kiki cried running to the bed and hugging Tsuneo tightly

"Hey hey what's wrong?" Tsuneo chuckled

"We were worried sick!" Ruka snapped sitting next to the bed

"Really?" Tsuneo laughed

"Yeah, most of us had school too so we couldn't come" Sino frowned

I smiled and leaned on the wall

"Lisa, come here and hug Onii with me!" Kiki wined

I chuckled and sat next to Tsuneo

"How are things back home?" Tsuneo smiled

"Well" Ruka smiled

"Onii Onii!" Kiki laughed

"Yes Kiki?" Tsuneo chuckled

"I had a math test and the teacher said I had the best mark in the class 97%" Kiki smiled

"Well done" Tsuneo chuckled

"How's the food in here?" Ruka chuckled

"Not as good as Diana's cooking honestly but it's not too bad." Tsuneo smiled

"I wouldn't know cause they just fed me with a tube. It was annoying because I hardly ate until I got home" Ruka smiled

Tsuneo adjusted her myself to sitting up better and took the covers off himself to cool down

"It's pretty hot in here" Tsuneo complained pulling on his collar

"I'll ask the nurse to turn down the heat in here" I offered standing up

"No don't worry, it's okay" Tsuneo smiled

"It's not a problem, besides I was planning on taking to the doctor about your condition anyway" I smiled

Tsuneo frowned and nodded

"Don't worry Tsuneo, I'm sure it's nothing" I smiled walking out of the room

I looked down the hall and saw the doctor walking down the hall

"Ikon, over here" I called

"Yes Lisa? Your Lisa right?" Ikon smiled walking over

"Yes I'm Lisa, Tsuneo needs the heat in his room turned down please" I said calmly

"Okay, let's go" Ikon smiled as we walked into Tsuneo's room again

"This is doctor Ikon, he's been looking after Tsuneo" I explained

"Thank you Ikon-Kun" Kiki giggled

"Nice to see you all look well" Ikon smiled

"What does that mean?" Sino glared

"Other then the little patch I recognise you all" Ikon laughed covering his eye mimicking Sino's eye patch

"How?" Ruka laughed

"I was around when you all were born, I've seen you in the waiting rooms, when you were ill and a few other times and it was rather nice- oh I should be helping you out then Tsuneo shouldn't I?" Ikon chuckled

"If it's no trouble" Tsuneo smiled

Ikon walked over to the room heater and started adjusting the temperature

"Is that better Tsuneo?" Sino asked

"Hmm? It's nothing anyway" Tsuneo smiled

"So is Onii allowed to get out of bed?" Kiki frowned

"Of corse, he's simply suffering from mainly stress so as long as walking isn't painful then he's allowed to stand and walk, fact I think you should stand up and stretch your legs every so often to keep the blood pumping" Ikon recommended

Tsuneo nodded and smiled

"I'll do that at some point then" Tsuneo laughed

"Well, I'll be on my way" Ikon smiled

"May we speak?" I glared

"Of corse, come to my office" Ikon smiled

We walked out the room and I sighed

'Why can't I get this doctor to talk to me seriously?!!!'

Sister showdown Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang